i know that nicotine is a stimulant. i have found myself staying up later than i usually do because i am enjoying the snus so much. if it is between sleeping or enjoying my snus. snus wins every time. has anyone else experienced this or am i a just a freak. no other form of tobacco has ever done this to me.
snus and insomnia
Not sure if my lack of sleep is due to snus or not. For the past two weeks I've only been sleeping about 6 hours a night. That's unusual for me, normally I would always get 9 or 10 hours. Last night I only slept for about four hours. As long as it doesn't affect my performance than I could care less.
I have found this absolutely to be true. Snus definitely aggravated my insomnia. Really, the first year of use was really hard, as my sleep patterns got completely messed up. At one point, I wasn't falling asleep until after 7AM.
But, with a lot of work, I have <mostly> mitigated it this 2nd year of snus use. But for whatever reasons, I found that snus was WAY more impactful on my ability to fall asleep than cigarettes ever were.
First time I had swedish snus I was up for two days straight. It was a good thing since I was studying(cramming) for a test and I tied the Northerner Energy Snus. I am thinking the caffeine in that was more the reason. Nicotine is a stimulate and snus can keep me up if i use snus right before i go to sleep but when I smoke some shisha tobacco it has the opposite effect. I get tired! strange.
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