Has your lifestyle improved in other ways?

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  • Raddleman

    Has your lifestyle improved in other ways?

    Hi folks,

    I guess this thread is for ex-smokers. Thought I'd start a thread on whether you have actively changed your lifestyle in ways other than using snus instead of lighting up. I have started eating really healthily, and have ditched the junk food, sweets, choc, cakes, etc. I eat a lot of fruit and veg now, eat an oaty cereal every morning, and I plan on exercising more. I guess the thought behind it is 'you've quit smoking, why stop there'.

    Would love to hear your stories,
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    I stopped eating sugar. Candy, Chocolate, sweet cereals, I still use a bit in tea, but mostly none at all. It seems after stopping smoking my taste buds have come back to life and I enjoy less strongly flavored foods now. I even started craving some fruits. ( Not the two legged kind you pervs.) Oranges and Pears are hard to some by in winter in Ohio.


    • Raddleman

      Sounds good, I quit sugar myself. I'm convinced that the mind influences your tastes, i.e. if you know that what you are putting down your neck is healthy, you will eventually associate that with the taste. I guess this is similar to a lot of posts people put on snuson about how disgusting smoking has become, now they snus.

      Craving some fruits :lol:


      • deebocools
        • Nov 2008
        • 661

        I didn't quit cigs, I was intitially trying to find an alcohol replacement, and it worked!

        Well, now that I'm more accustomed to it, I've started drinking again, but I managed to cut my alcohol to about 1/3 which saves my health and wallet quite alot. I'm now what they call a "moderate" drinker(the trick is to have 4 drinks in the same hour)


        • Raddleman

          Originally posted by deebocools
          I managed to cut my alcohol to about 1/3 which saves my health and wallet quite alot.
          Well done deebo. Yeh I actually quit alcohol :shock:, it wasn't really doing anything for me. Plus I suffer from depression, and booze makes it far worse. Teetotal, smoke-free, healthy diet


          • luckysealy
            • Dec 2008
            • 281

            my diet is a bit more healthy, but i was starting to eat better anyway. i have started cooking at home again more. my drinking has stayed about the same, but with all the money i save on snus i can afford even better whiskey. so me being able to buy nicer bottles of single malt is a lifestyle improvement. i have also been told i'm funny by a lot more people lately. either i was always funny, and snus makes me more socilal or snus does in fact improve your sense of humor. :P


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              Originally posted by luckysealy
              ...... i have also been told i'm funny by a lot more people lately. either i was always funny, and snus makes me more socilal or snus does in fact improve your sense of humor. :P

              by contrast, since I've been useing snus, I have become a lot more serious person. I'm not the giddy young I school girlsI used to be. No jokeing around in my life anymore. sucks donut.
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • mercvrivs
                • Sep 2008
                • 484

                Snus makes every day a better day.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I actually went the other way. I had lost about 60 pounds 5 years ago, but since I started snusing, I put 40 back on. But that had nothing really to do with snus I am sure, Going through divorce, life turned upside down, food became way out of wack. But back on diet as of today. I will lose 50 pounds in the next 4 months!!


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    I actually went the other way. I had lost about 60 pounds 5 years ago, but since I started snusing, I put 40 back on. But that had nothing really to do with snus I am sure, Going through divorce, life turned upside down, food became way out of wack. But back on diet as of today. I will lose 50 pounds in the next 4 months!!
                    Didn't you lose 100+ lbs when you got divorced? 8)
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • joshua
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 214

                      I plan on hitting the weights again soon. I can put on 15 pounds of muscle in a month if I keep my lifting schedule and eat like a horse. I bet it will be easier after a few months of not smoking.


                      • Raddleman

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        I actually went the other way. I had lost about 60 pounds 5 years ago, but since I started snusing, I put 40 back on. But that had nothing really to do with snus I am sure, Going through divorce, life turned upside down, food became way out of wack. But back on diet as of today. I will lose 50 pounds in the next 4 months!!
                        Good luck mate! I'm on a diet myself, but I'm not seeing it as a diet, more a lifestyle change. Just got back from swimming, swam 1k, feel great . I think food just becomes more of a pleasure when you quit the death sticks, you notice the subtler flavours, etc.


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          I quit drinking again, so I have been eating healthier and running everyday. When I quit smoking, my breathing became much easier and that charred, burning sensation in my lungs vanished within a few months.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Snus and lifestyle change went hand in hand for me. A coworker 1.5 years ago said one day "you ever heard of snus? It's from Sweden" and the intrigue was born... then shortly after I started running 4-5 times per week, and every day when I left the gym or was done running I lit a smoke. That lasted 1 week, and I thought to myself, this can't go on... so I went to Northerner.com at my coworker's suggestion, ordered the sampler, and it's been a marriage ever since. Except for a couple months letting it slip, snus and exercise and better health have all been part of my life together as a whole. Snus for the win.


                            • Raddleman

                              Good to hear your stories . Lot of us seem to be runners too, which is all good. Ran 3 miles today, feel great. Nice to have my lungs back, suffocating yourself really does now seem counter-intuitive to me.


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