Breathing and snus

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  • Giozzy
    New Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 3

    Breathing and snus

    I'm an Italian singer, and I really love snus. I started to assume it frequently three months ago. I was used to think that snus, differently from cigarettes, wasn't dangerous for my breathing.
    Now I read that there is a risk of cancer of the lung.
    Do you know if snus could be damaging to my singing?
    Thank you.
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    Well, for one I can tell you I have asthma, and snus has not effected me in the short-term. My asthma has improved for various other reasons, and I started using snus about the same time.

    Secondly, if I'm not mistaken, Something that can cause cancer like tobacco is linked with an increased risk of any kind of cancer. The increased risk is not much.

    If there is evidence that snus is linked to lung cancer(and I don't think there is), then I would bet money it's because many snusers are ex-smokers. If you never regularly smoked, I would assume you have the exact same risk as non-smokers for developing lung cancer.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Where did you read that it was a lung cancer risk? Also, are you a former/current smoker?

      There is a possibility of throat irritation or heartburn for some people, but if you have been using snus for a while it should have been apparent already. If that is something that still worries you, I would stick to white portions since they don't "drip" as much.

      Welcome to the forum, BTW!


      • Sal1000us
        • Jan 2009
        • 384

        Giozzi, welcome to the forum. Snus doesn't have anything to do with lung cancer unlike cigarettes. the only thing I would be concerned about is a big pris of loose when singing in front of people. Prises have a tendency to move down a bit on your teeth and if you have a big one in, it might show on a high note. This shouldn't be a huge problem if you are using portions.


        • Giozzy
          New Member
          • Feb 2009
          • 3

          Thank you all for your answers. Yes, I use portion snus and I've never been a real cigarettes smoker. I hope this is enaugh. I feel assured by the absence of smoke.


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