Pancreatic cancer - a worry?

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  • Raddleman

    Pancreatic cancer - a worry?

    I found this article by a study in Sweden and am a touch concerned by what I read.

    I'm happy that snus does not increase the risk of oral cancer, but now I'm worried about pancreatic cancer. Should I be?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Not really. You're better off not using tobacco products at all, but snus isn't so bad. Pancreatic cancer isn't that common, so even doubling the odds isn't so much of a risk.


    • MrAbstracto
      • Dec 2008
      • 389

      From what i understand, risk of pancreatic cancer normally is like 4 out of 100,000.
      doubling that gets you 8 out of 100,000.

      Its like playing the lottery, sure if you buy two tickets you have a better chance of winning the jackpot, but chances are you arent going to win even with 100 tickets.


      • Raddleman

        Originally posted by MrAbstracto
        From what i understand, risk of pancreatic cancer normally is like 4 out of 100,000.
        doubling that gets you 8 out of 100,000.

        Its like playing the lottery, sure if you buy two tickets you have a better chance of winning the jackpot, but chances are you arent going to win even with 100 tickets.
        *Promptly buys 8 tickets, all in the name of black humour*


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Cigarette smoking triples your risk of getting pancreatic cancer. If you're worried about pancreatic cancer, don't go back to cigarettes, since it increases your chances even more!


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            If you read up on the studies linking snus to pacreatic cnacer you may notice that the studies took place over a period of a couple of decades. Most of the processes that have lowered TSNA's in snus are quite recent so the risk may be somewhat lower.


            • MrAbstracto
              • Dec 2008
              • 389

              Originally posted by jamesstew
              If you read up on the studies linking snus to pacreatic cnacer you may notice that the studies took place over a period of a couple of decades. Most of the processes that have lowered TSNA's in snus are quite recent so the risk may be somewhat lower.
              Excellent point.


              • Raddleman

                Originally posted by snusjus
                Cigarette smoking triples your risk of getting pancreatic cancer. If you're worried about pancreatic cancer, don't go back to cigarettes, since it increases your chances even more!
                Thanks, yeah that does put it into context.


                • Sal1000us
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 384

                  - Sweden consumes more snus than other EU members.
                  - Graph illustrates new cases of pancreatic cancer in general, due to any reason and not necessarily snus.
                  -If snus was the greatest contributor to pancreatic cancer, then logically, shouldn't the value of the bar for Sweden on the graph be much greater than the number of pancreatic cancers for Latvia or other EU members?


                  • Raddleman

                    That is interesting. I wonder what the their safeguards against pc are? Diet? Be interesting to establish reasons for the disparity in the figures.


                    • Sal1000us
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 384

                      I think more snusers = less smokers & maybe that's why?


                      • Lanci3250
                        Banned Users
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 48

                        There are other factors, especially diet. The pancreas is an endocrine gland, responsible for many digestive functions, including enzymes that aid in digestion of carbohydrates and lipids into sugars, and the insulin used to metabolize the sugars.

                        Life is a risk.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          My strange "hunch" without any medical evidence is that if you are worried about PC cancer then dont swallow the juice.

                          I know there are two camps on this site that either like the juice or dont but something in my natural defense reflexes say's dont swallow and spit if it gets runny.


                          • rsuelzer
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 135

                            Genetics, radiotation exposure, radon levels in the air, sunshine... so many factors.


                            • yigs
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 81

                              dont forget the chem trails


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