I fall asleep with a portion in about 3 times a week. It never leaks and I never have any problem with it at all. I have to wear a mask with my CPAP machine and due to the pressure of the air I am forced to sleep with my mouth shut. [you get used to it after awhile and find that its actually easier to fall asleep that way] I do however, usually have vivid dreams when I fall asleep with a protion in. Its one of the reasons I love snus. I've been with every woman I have ever wanted to sleep with.......in my dreams.
The only problem is that my wife gets pissed and sometimes has to change the sheets. :wink: ................jk
But thats usually only when I dream of JBean or Desirex. 8)
I've slept with dip in before, no vivid dreams.
Last night I slept with snus in, again no dreams.
Melatonin ("natural" sleep aid) on the other hand gives me some crazy dreams, and I haven't had vivid dreams since I was a pre-teen with the only exceptions being Melatonin.
I hate all pills except my little purple pills for my GERD... stupid hiatal hyrnea!!!!
I tried it after reading this topic, and I had a "lucid dream" or what it's called. It felt like I was awake, and I could get whatever I wanted to appear :twisted:
I tried it after reading this topic, and I had a "lucid dream" or what it's called. It felt like I was awake, and I could get whatever I wanted to appear :twisted:
I tried it after reading this topic, and I had a "lucid dream" or what it's called. It felt like I was awake, and I could get whatever I wanted to appear :twisted:
I just happened to fall asleep last night with a portion in for the first time. Just a mini Tre Ankare, but I definately had some great wild dreams. Don't remember them now, but I know they were weird and interesting. I love weird dreams, and I actually woke up feeling like I had a full nights sleep, which is rare for me. Now I'm tempted to do this more often, but am going to have to fight that urge. My gums need to rest sometime too!
Sleeping with snus, which has happened after a long day gave me vivid dreams. Same happened with nicotine patches, so I guess it must be the nicotine. When I smoke (ie when I have no snus) dreams appear normal, as I don't wake up during the night to add more nicotine into my system.
I've come to notice that if I throw in a portion for a while and spit it out right before I go to sleep my dreams get pretty intense. Reading this thread made me realize that the nicotine was probably the cause, normally I don't remember dreams at all, but that portion right before tucking in makes it all better . I love it!
I tried it after reading this topic, and I had a "lucid dream" or what it's called. It felt like I was awake, and I could get whatever I wanted to appear :twisted:
A room full of naked women gagging for it? :lol:
my thoughts exactly :lol: and how come nobody has welcomed me to the forums yet?
Since I started Snusing (2 months or so) -- I can pretty much count on having a crazy dream every night. Fortunately, I enjoy having vivid dreams. Especially really scary ones.
I don't sleep with a Snus -- usually I take my last one out an hour or so before I go to sleep.
Haven't fallen asleep with Snus, but I do remember that if I smoked enough cigarettes like right before going to sleep I had some wild dreams. As far as a constant source of nicotine while you're asleep...ie patch or snus.....I can only imagine....because I'm too scared to try it! lol
I sleep with a snus in my lip 99% of the time. I have napped without snus and that is not a problem but I can not seem to stay asleep the whole night...
Ah the pleasures of Nicotine. Parrots says I don't want to know, but a search on the web reveals people using nicotine patches to enhance lucid dreaming....
So, has anyone fell asleep with a snus in? Or snused RIGHT before going to bed? Well, goddamn. I am having the most crazy dreams, just as crazy as my...