Snus and Colon Cancer

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  • grenade01
    • Mar 2009
    • 20

    Snus and Colon Cancer

    Okay don't freak out from the title... Haha. I'm not posting any findings concerning snus giving you colon cancer.

    However...I am just curious what you guys think of my situation.

    I have had colon cancer previously... I am 27 and they suspect it was growing in me for about 10 years. Since finding it, I have had most of my colon removed and done chemo. Couple years gone with no problems so far.

    Anyway, I love snus. But.. despite the fact that snus seems pretty darn safe compared to any alternatives, It still does concern me that I am taking all this tobacco into my digestive system given my past.

    I just wanted to hear any thoughts you guys had on it.

  • slartie
    • Feb 2009
    • 94

    From all the science mumbo jumbo I have found regarding snus, the TSNA levels in swedish snus is akin to winning the national lottery if it was to do anything to your health. Everything else associated with tobacco related illnesses is found in cigarettes and not swedish snus (or nasal snuff for that matter).

    The so-called experts seem to agree on this thus far.

    The real killer when it comes to tobacco, at least according to the scientists, are the many toxins you inhale when burning tobacco. If you don't burn the stuff, you should be in good shape.

    Snus and be merry.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      Most of the nicotine from snus does not make it into your intestinal tract. The vast majority of the nicotine is excreted through urination. As well, there is no correlation between snus use and gastrointestinal disease. I wouldn't be worried about snus affecting any recurrence of colon cancer. Case closed.


      • SSgtTrav
        • Feb 2009
        • 136

        From what I'm to understand, snus does increase the risk of pancreatic cancer and this is supported by the sweedish construction worker study. They concluded that it doubled your risk wich is still very low and I've read somewhere that it is way lower than smoking. Either way if I was a cancer survivor I would stay away from nicotine products in general as they all still contain tobbacco specific tsna's even though they are extremely low in snus they are still there. Just my 2 cents.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          I second what ssgttrav said, If I was a survivor I wouldnt touch it either ne more. alas, you are your own person and make your own decisons so I saydo it if you want to shouldnt due ne more harm lol.


          • grenade01
            • Mar 2009
            • 20

            Thanks for the opinions. I've been kind of feeling the same way despite the fact that I love snus. At least I'm not smoking anything these days. Hopefully I can slowly work towards a more healthy lifestyle in general. I imagine the effects of stopping with nicotine on the cardiovascular system would be pretty positive as far as carrying away doodie stuff and bringing in antioxidants as well. And yes, I'm pretty sure doodie stuff is a medical term


            • OPKIS
              • Feb 2009
              • 30

              While you're moving toward healthier living, add vitamin D to your regimen as it has a strong protective effect in colon cancer and recurrence. Most people can take quite a bit (I take 4000 mg, i.e. 4 g, but it's fairly common to take up to 10 g). Caution: some individuals are sensitive to D and can react by having high calcium blood levels (which can "petrify" your organs). Checking your blood calcium is a simple lab test. Talk to your doctor.


              • grenade01
                • Mar 2009
                • 20

                Oh thanks! I'll look into it. I have a blood test in a few months so I'll start taking it a month or something prior and ask my onc to add it to the test.

                I remember reading something about people with more exposure to sunlight having a lot less colon cancer so the vitamin d thing makes sense.

                If anyone was interested, the cancer supposedly started developing before I had ever smoked anything. Also Ive been tested for several genes and didn't have any or a family history for that matter.

                Totally freak thing eh?


                • Azrsuperstar
                  • May 2008
                  • 55

                  Given that you are a cancer survivor, I wouldn't touch snus, or any other tobacco product with a 10-foot pole. Don't listen to the loons on this board. You've got your second chance my friend, use it wisely. Good luck.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    Originally posted by OPKIS
                    While you're moving toward healthier living, add vitamin D to your regimen as it has a strong protective effect in colon cancer and recurrence. Most people can take quite a bit (I take 4000 mg, i.e. 4 g, but it's fairly common to take up to 10 g). Caution: some individuals are sensitive to D and can react by having high calcium blood levels (which can "petrify" your organs). Checking your blood calcium is a simple lab test. Talk to your doctor.
                    I take 4000iu per day. My father's doctor says that is the minimum you should take every day. The antioxidant and cancer-preventative effects are astounding.


                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      heres an idea: spit the juice!

                      I know it's against the "laws" of snusing, but I still do it for about the first 20 minutes of a portion if I can, and I don't see a reason you(or anyone, if they have the chance) should take any unneccesary risks.

                      it's a decent halfway point, and it might be annoying at first but people dip for decades. believe me you stop being aware of it.


                      • OPKIS
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 30

                        Originally posted by snusjus
                        I take 4000iu per day. My father's doctor says that is the minimum you should take every day. The antioxidant and cancer-preventative effects are astounding.
                        You're right; as a vitamin, it's sold in IU. I posted from work, so I was thinking in milligrams. :roll:

                        My 4000 put me in the mid-range for blood Vitamin D level, so I'm bumping up to 5000 or 6000 before my next round of blood work. There's two vitamin D tests, but in this context, the 25(OH)D test is the most accurate measure:



                        • grenade01
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 20

                          Cant spit I always liked snus but I made the complete conversion so I could avoid quitting nic while at work (cant smoke here)
                          spitting could be a dead giveaway could be...haha
                          unless i convince them I'm a camel... or was it llamas...
                          either way I doubt theyll go for it


                          • captncaveman
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 924

                            Don't worry about it, snus on!


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