snus/alcohol relationship

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    snus/alcohol relationship

    every time I become poor(only happened twice seriously), I quit drinking as it's my most expensive habit. I've noticed that not only does my appetite for nicotine increase, but for some reason snus portions have a pretty neutral effect as compared to los or loose american dip.

    I haven't experienced any real withdrawals since the first time, but of course I'll still have cravings(just feel "uneasy"). The first time I started using american dip to quell them, and it worked wonders. This most recent time, I tried using snus portions only to find that they didn't really hit that particular spot. I had to go out and buy some kodiak american dip. I stayed skeptical, but was surprised when it took away my urges to drink completely.

    but overall, it seems to be the case that portioned tobacco gets me stimulated(occasionally too much), but loose calms me down. What's that? I was thinking it was perhaps because most los/dip users pinch 1.5-3 grams, ad opposed to a standard 1 gram pouch. It still seems strange to me that the same drug in different forms can have different effects.

    Ok, feel free to comment on anything I said, or also share any insight or stories you might have with snus/alcohol
  • mwood72

    I find white portions stimulate me and brown portions/loose sedates me. I've often wondered whether it's to do with how quickly the nicotine is released. I wonder whether that's why NRT just stresses me out as it's nicotine delivery system is inefficient.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      I think it might have to do with nicotine release timeframes. I did some more research and the finding that "smokers take quick, short puffs when they want to wake up" and "smokers take long drags when they want to relax" might provide some clues. perhaps little bits of nicotine gets you up and just being smacked in the face with massive amounts calms you down.

      For me personally it's also because I can't bring myself to pack small lips of anything loose. Sometimes I'll take out about 2 grams, and pack another gram in right after I close the can.


      • ShaulWolf
        • Jan 2009
        • 495

        In smaller doses nicotine is supposed to act as a stimulant, which explains short quick puffs or using a smaller pris. However, it's the opposite with larger doses, i.e. long drags or bigger pris. It's a unique chemical in how it works. It also explains why strong portions mellow me out so well.

        So yes, white portions probably do actually stimulate more than relax since they're supposed to take a little longer to release nicotine and flavor, and provide it more gradually over time. Opposite goes for regular and strong portions. Los would depend on how big a pris you make I think.


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          Large doses of nicotine definitely sedate me. Plenty of times when I've had a healthy pinch of strong snus, a couple strong drinks, and some tokes of the green stuff, I can't help but sleep. I have no choice. Without the snus I'd still be able to stay awake, but added to the mix and I'm out like a light.


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