Black spots/lines on the gum.

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  • Breezy
    • Mar 2009
    • 41

    Black spots/lines on the gum.

    This is wierd, but ever since I started snusing I've had this black line or black spots across my gums. ops: Any input on this? Is it due to me using snus?
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Black spots? Sometimes my gums will get slightly white, but I've never heard of anyone getting black spots from snus.


    • Breezy
      • Mar 2009
      • 41

      Originally posted by snusjus
      Black spots? Sometimes my gums will get slightly white, but I've never heard of anyone getting black spots from snus.
      It just didn't start until I started using snus though.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I've never looked tbh. My dentist hasn't said anything. I'll look later(I have snus in atm), and see if everything looks ok.

        White spots are usually what I hear about, never black....


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Very strange.

          I haven't had any gum issues thus far. My dentist says my gums look better than they did two years ago (before I started using snus).

          If the black spots persist, have them looked at. Better safe than sorry.


          • Maximus
            • Jan 2009
            • 222

            Not trying to be funny necessarily but are you using portions or loose?


            • Breezy
              • Mar 2009
              • 41

              Originally posted by Maximus
              Not trying to be funny necessarily but are you using portions or loose?
              Portions atm.


              • Maximus
                • Jan 2009
                • 222

                Do you switch sides or rotate with the snus? Do these lines or spots appear everywhere you use the portions or only one side?


                • Breezy
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 41

                  Originally posted by Maximus
                  Do you switch sides or rotate with the snus? Do these lines or spots appear everywhere you use the portions or only one side?
                  I switch sides, and it's not just on one side, it's on my top and bottom gums. It's like a line.


                  • Maximus
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 222

                    Does it look like it could be a vein? I've read snus will bring more blood flow to the gums.


                    • Breezy
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 41

                      Originally posted by Maximus
                      Does it look like it could be a vein? I've read snus will bring more blood flow to the gums.
                      I'm not sure, but if it helps it's like right below my teeth at the gumline. On the top and the bottom anyways.


                      • Maximus
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 222

                        Almost sounds more like staining. Have you ever had any other food or drink products do anything similar?


                        • Breezy
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 41

                          Originally posted by Maximus
                          Almost sounds more like staining. Have you ever had any other food or drink products do anything similar?
                          Nope, not that I can remember anyways. It didn't appear until I started using snus though.. thats the only wierd part. I use to smoke, but it was never there when I smoked.


                          • Maximus
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 222

                            Keep in mind that when you smoked that you didn't necessarily have the tobacco on your gums for as extended a period of time. Plus you didnt necessarily have the sodium or flavorings there like you do now. If your concerned about it or it hurts to touch or just plain don't like the look, certainly check with your dentist to make sure it isn't anything serious.

                            I know this would be a lot to ask but consider going a day or period of time without snusing and see if it reduces the line. If it changes then it could be snus related and if it doesn't it could a coincidence.

                            I know personally I've had issues with my skin on different parts of my body that have been rashy or itchy since quitting smoke and starting snusing. I thought it might be a food allergy but it goes away in time for me and has starting me thinking about the fact that your body starts to expel all the toxins you had in your body from smoking.

                            They say if you quit smoking that sometimes you can get a greyish film to your skin for a bit as your body rejuvenates so maybe your gum lines is where your body is starting the detox. Either way I would check with a dentist or try what I suggested above.


                            • Breezy
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 41

                              Originally posted by Maximus
                              Keep in mind that when you smoked that you didn't necessarily have the tobacco on your gums for as extended a period of time. Plus you didnt necessarily have the sodium or flavorings there like you do now. If your concerned about it or it hurts to touch or just plain don't like the look, certainly check with your dentist to make sure it isn't anything serious.

                              I know this would be a lot to ask but consider going a day or period of time without snusing and see if it reduces the line. If it changes then it could be snus related and if it doesn't it could a coincidence.

                              I know personally I've had issues with my skin on different parts of my body that have been rashy or itchy since quitting smoke and starting snusing. I thought it might be a food allergy but it goes away in time for me and has starting me thinking about the fact that your body starts to expel all the toxins you had in your body from smoking.

                              They say if you quit smoking that sometimes you can get a greyish film to your skin for a bit as your body rejuvenates so maybe your gum lines is where your body is starting the detox. Either way I would check with a dentist or try what I suggested above.
                              Thanks alot Maximus, you know you do have a point with the whole detox thing, cause it didn't start right away with me using snus..a few days after is when I started to notice it. And on top of all that I have gingivitis ops:. So it could be the whole detox thing like you were reffering to, or it could be something involving me posisbly having gingivitis.. either way I'm going to a dentist soon, hopefully making an appt or something tommorow.

                              It's just wierd.

                              edit:: I'm going to stop using snus for a few days and see how if it effects anything. Nic fit ftw. But hey, it's worth it.

                              2nd edit:: Okay, I believe this whole gum problem I've got going on has been going on for quite some time now, and thanks to using snus I paid more attention to my mouth and noticed this problem. I'm going to the dentist next week. From what I've read about the symptoms I've got going on, it could possibly require oral surgery. It's more to it then just the black spots, it's gum recession and some other nasty shit. Go me.


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