I work in an office but still walk for no less than1 hour each day in the sun on ym lunch break, yet I still managed to get Vitamin D deficciency. I have to take the 500IU ones too Vitamin D levels being low is actually really bad so make sure you take those supplements religiously.
Re: Fish oil pills
Fish/krill oil on the other hand has been clinically proven to help reduce cholesterol, help your joints etc. You can knock off about 30% by taking the fish extract pills, those things really work even if you don't feel like they are. Omega 3's are great for your heart too, lots of studies behind that.
I take those. Even though expensive, they're really worth trying... Even more if ur a tobacco user
I take those. Even though expensive, they're really worth trying... Even more if ur a tobacco user
Yah I am taking krill oil right now, it has better absorption but it costs significantly more. i will be switching to fish oil once these run out because the minor benefits of krill oil don't matter much when compared to how much more expensive it is than generic fish oil. They really work though, good for your heart and cholesterol. Have your doctor order you a CBC panel/labs and then take them for a few months and go see the Dr again, noticeable change in less than 6 months if you take them every day.
My wife works in Pharmacy,and tells me that Vitamins are a major money making scam aimed at the gullible among us.
I agree with her.
Well the truth is that vitamin deficiency does exist and I was deficient. After upping my dose to Dr. administered levels and internet know how's of which brand was the best D3, I officially became non-deficient.
It would not amaze me one bit that many things people go in to the doctor for could very well be treated with a regiment of vitamins. Another one that my body has responded to was mg citrate which helps when you have calcium build up. They do not officially test for it but most of America is overloaded with calcium which locks out MG. Muscle flutters, leg twitch, heart palpitations, lower back, sore joints are all mg deficiency. Had a knot of pain in my shoulder for years but after less then a week on a mg supplement it was gone.
I've been doing Opti-Men for the last year and a half, although I have dosed down to one a day, taken at breakfast, prior to hitting the gym. I am switching to Target's UP & Up men's multivitamin, which got good reviews from Consumer Reports. I do take protein supplements twice a day, either whey or soy, but they don't seem to be doing that much good.
Supplements are good for human body or its harmful?
My friend was told me,its harmful for human body i am confused...
What is your opinions.
Personally I think they could be harmful.
People are taking ridiculous doses of Vitamin C which does absoloutely nothing - the excess is simply excreted.
Some vitamins above the RDA have been proven to be potentailly harmful over the long term.
I work nights so I thought I'd take some vitamin D but it irritated my stomach. I do however take a supplement over the winter which is Vitamin C 100%RDA with Zinc 100%RDA - zinc having been proven to help with colds.
I need to get my BP down, i've been at 150/90 for a year and so my dr gave me some beta blockers and says I pretty much need to try and emulate your diet. It's just hard when you're not used to cooking like that. Someday though!
Sorry to hear you're on beta blockers mate I take meds myself
Sorry to hear you're on beta blockers mate I take meds myself
Good news though, since I begin bought my new bicycle and started bicycling a little bit, my blood pressure is back down to normal ranges, I stopped taking the blood pressure meds for a week and so far so good still! I see the doctor this week and hopefully he can take me off the beta blockers completely!
As for vitamins, my doctor makes me take 10,000UI of vitamin D3 daily and 400 of zinc for muscle spasms. Most multivitamins are unecessary unless your blood test shows a deficiency of some sort.
Good news though, since I begin bought my new bicycle and started bicycling a little bit, my blood pressure is back down to normal ranges, I stopped taking the blood pressure meds for a week and so far so good still! I see the doctor this week and hopefully he can take me off the beta blockers completely!
That's great news mate, carry on :-)
Originally posted by sgreger1
As for vitamins, my doctor makes me take 10,000UI of vitamin D3 daily and 400 of zinc for muscle spasms. Most multivitamins are unecessary unless your blood test shows a deficiency of some sort.
On my last blood test I showed an insufficiency of vitamin D - I take 2 of these a day and we'll see in a few months whether the levels are sufficient Holland & Barrett - Vit D3
On my last blood test I showed an insufficiency of vitamin D - I take 2 of these a day and we'll see in a few months whether the levels are sufficient Holland & Barrett - Vit D3
Actually he's right Vulpes.
You need at least 15 mins of outdoor light a day. As I work a lot of nights I get as much of my skin exposed to the sun as possible, even in winter.
Tablets although good for vit D are not a total replacement for the wavelength of the suns rays. Your bones will weaken, your eyesight will deteriorate, and vit D deficiency has been linked to MS and cancer. It's one of the most important vitamins.
I know that there's no sun a lot of the time in Britain but any light is good enough. Also, your liver stores vit D, therefore if you get enough sun in the summer you should be ok for the winter. If your black things are a lot more difficult.
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