Vitamin supplements

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  • bearcat87
    • Nov 2008
    • 400

    Originally posted by TexDis
    Originally posted by bearcat87
    All of my grandfathers doctors besides his general practitioner are Indian. I guess they are more motivated then Americans to get the degree.
    Not really.

    Thanks for the info, very interesting. More factors playing into it than just motivation/incentive. Damn that Affirmative Action. Personally I believe that merit should be the only reason for someone to get accepted to college, get a job. I really hate the "pick your race" on many questionnaires, applications, etc (if I have the choice I select prefer not to respond or just leave it blank). It should not matter what race anyone ascribes to, period.


    • PassedPawn
      • Dec 2008
      • 319

      I take a Centrum once a day, or when I remember to.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        I'm definitely looking into vitamin D supps, as I am sure I don't get enough daily. Calcium is another one I could probably use, although it would have been more important when I was smoking.

        And yeah, remembering to take them routinely is sometimes harder than it sounds.


        • ShaulWolf
          • Jan 2009
          • 495

          Hmm, this may not count as a vitamin but it's a pre-workout mix I take. NO-Xplode. Forgive the cheesy name, but the stuff works well. Nitric Oxide supplement that has creatine and some other goodies in it to boost energy. It's supposed to increase circulation, give you a crapton of energy, and boost muscle growth. Dunno about the muscle growth, but it seems to do the first two. Since I've used it I hit the gym harder than I would without, and am not as sore afterward (also due to the protein mix). Unless I do something stupid, like today, and go for that one rep that I shouldn't. Ow. So happy they turned on the icemachine again...


          • PassedPawn
            • Dec 2008
            • 319

            NO-Xplode. Sounds like something for gas


            • CaptNihil
              • Mar 2009
              • 62

              Originally posted by ShaulWolf
              Nitric Oxide supplement that has creatine and some other goodies in it to boost energy. It's supposed to increase circulation, give you a crapton of energy, and boost muscle growth.
              Nitric oxide is really good especially for what you do. I have been taking two 500 mg GNC L-arginine which is a pre-cursor for Nitric Oxide daily for 1 1/2 years. If you take nitric oxide & you like it, don’t forget Bulgarian Tribulus herb supplement, the combination of the two is the ultimate you can get from organic stuff. I’ve been taking Tribulus for over 10 years and swear by it. I don’t get into the details of what it does or doesn’t do but do a query on it and buy some to try, you won’t regret it.


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                what's up with all the protein? is there some kind of famine going around?


                • ShaulWolf
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 495

                  I'll look into it. If the price is right I may add it to the supplements I take. And the protein is for rebuilding and gaining muscle mass from weight lifting. You tear up a lot of it in the process, and the added protein lets your body recover better and gain more. That's the simplified version, anyway. There's a lot more to it that goes with a balanced diet so your body has the right balance, but the protein helps a lot. Went from only being able to bench 120 as my max to about 170 now. Started in October, took two weeks off from Winter Break, and keeping steady now. Only documented gains in strength and muscle after I started upping my protein intake (part of what did it) and building a good workout routine (another big part of it).

                  Downside to being used to supplements? When you have to do all the same intense training without it. I'm not allowed to have any of that in OCS or boot camp. So come this summer, I need to start weening myself off of it the NO-Xplode and cutting back on enough protein to make up for whatever I won't get in my diet. Hoping to max out the USMC personal fitness test by then. And like hell I won't.

                  Just checked it out, and the price is right on. I'll add it to my next order, which should be next week. This week's been expensive with a new shipment of snus and having to get more shaving supplies. Isopure + NO-Xplode + SNI Tribulus = $95 after shipping. Some say that's a lot, but think about it. You're going to the gym, and pushing yourself to your limits each time. You want to get the most gains (legally) out of it, and be able to recover efficiently. Add in vitamins that I don't get from the mess hall and I think I'm doing pretty well at it. And that order should last me a month at least.


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    many people in developed countries are quite mellodramatic about the amount of protein they need. I can see though how if your body building it would make a difference


                    • DarrylR
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 29

                      I spent a summer selling vitamins at a healh-food store 15 years ago. The store was a start-up without much traffic, so I had a LOT of time to spend perusing the dozen or so guides/reviews in our book section. So my knowledge is may-be dated.

                      The generic multivitamins you'll find at any drugstore like Centrum are well suited to preventing vitamin deficiency. If you eat fruits & vegetables regularly, 3+ servings/day, a multi-vitamin won't make much difference.

                      However, many of vitamins and minerals seem to have optimal amounts considerably above the US FDA's recommended daily amout. Vitamin C for immune system, Vitamin E for heart disease, selenium as an anti-oxidant etc. There simply isn't enough volume in a once-a-day pill to accommodate that.

                      Moreover, many vitamins/minerals are water soluable, meaning that if you take a large dose once a day, most will be excreted in the urine and serum levels will drop. Take still more and your kidneys will become more efficient flushing them. This creates upper-limits on how much is useful in a dose.

                      I'm by nature a pretty lazy person. Other things being equal, I'd rather not make my own concoction of 10 pills a day (could be worse, body builders and life-extension hobbyists regularly consume dozens). So I only bothered with the multis. Of the products we had on the shelves (probably about 20 different multi-vitamins), the line that seemed to follow research results most closely were the TwinLabs Ultra Daily, a mid price 4-a-day cap. The link will take you to the nutrition label, which isn't a bad target if you're comparison shopping. They're still in production, with a slightly changed ingredient list 15 years later.

                      In all honesty, you'd get 90% of the benefit for less cost with a generic storebrand multi, along with fish or flax oil cap, 400mg Vitamin E, and keeping some chewable vitamin C handy on your desktop as a guiltless candy substitute. The fish/flax oil omegas have only grown in importance in the last decade, and few of us eat enough wild-caught fish (farm raised fish won't do: fish, too, are what they eat), nor could we (given overfishing). E is synergistic with the omegas, and keeps them from going rancid in the body.


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        NO-Xplode and similar products in long term usage (and over doing it) can really **** with your heart. There have been cases where people would develope angina (spelling is probably off).

                        Tribulus really does nothing for you beside gives you a raging hardon. The testosteron "boost" you will get is very small. Just because its "natural" really doesn't mean its that great. Plus when you digest it it hits you liver. So you are now clogging up your liver with shit. CaptNihil have you taken any liver flushing products and also have you cycled the Tribulus? For the amount of time you list, and been using it straight bad idea my man!.

                        There have been links towards Tribulus for kidney problems. Also i thought it was common knowledge that if you are taking "Hormone" pills injections..... so so forth and you are a health male, you body could stop making such hormones and once this happens you are not dependant upon such shit.

                        Tribulus is dirtier than useing roids for a small fraction of the "Advantages"

                        ShaulWolf: the gains that you have gotten probably cannot be acredited to the protien or supplements you have been taking. More of better routine. More rest = more recovery = muscles repair = results.

                        Plus if you just stick to one type of routine and more to the opposite spectrum you will get a lot better results this has been proven time and time again.

                        Muscles adapt, really quickly.

                        If you want great info thats backed my alot of mind numbing science checkout Before i got into olympic lifting and powerlifting i would frequent there all the time.

                        If just pure raw strenght you are looking for drop the bodybuilding BS and weight lift (now bodybuild huge difference). But pay attention to abc's nutrition they know what they are talking about.


                        • mercvrivs
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 484

                          Vitamin D 1000iu because I'm nocturnal.


                          • ShaulWolf
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 495

                            I make sure to cycle on and off of the NO-Xplode since I know it can cause issues, and I don't take more than a scoop of the stuff. Longest I've used it is for a month before staying off of it for at least a couple weeks. I just changed up my workout routine since it was becoming just that: routine.

                            Not ordering anything new yet, so I'll keep looking into anything before buying it.


                            • CaptNihil
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 62

                              Originally posted by captncaveman
                              CaptNihil have you taken any liver flushing products and also have you cycled the Tribulus? For the amount of time you list, and been using it straight bad idea my man!.
                              Tribulus is dirtier than useing roids for a small fraction of the "Advantages"
                              I have been taking a 100% organic (from the plant) Bulgarian Tribulus per day for over 10 years. I usually take tribulus for two weeks on and then two weeks off. Tribulus has been used in Bulgaria and other eastern block countries for 100s of years without any side-effects. I know about its lack of side effects because both my father and grandfather have been taking it collectively for over 80 years in Bulgaria and both are enjoying a perfect health. Triblus is not taken because of its ability to naturally boost testosterone but because it has many, many other benefits which are not even fully discovered in the western world. As a part of my checkup last year I asked for a liver function panel test. The result of the liver functions such as GGT, SGOT(AST), SGPT(ALT) were all normal. I think when you asked about my liver you must have been thinking about anabolic steroids and not tribulus.

                              You are saying “Tribulus is dirtier than useing roids for a small fraction of the "Advantages" and I am surprised that you are comparing a dangerous chemical compound such as steroids to a plant and saying that the plant is dirtier than steroids. Tribulus is not a hormone and there are no studies that prove any serious side effects except an occasional stomachache if taken without food. Although I’ll have to admit that Tribulus is not as efficient in bulking the muscles as it’s chemical counterpart, anabolic steroids.

                              Most cultures use tribulus for reasons remotely related to body building, for example the Chinese have used Tribulus in their Materia Medica for over 400 years and have used it for a variety of liver, kidney, dizziness, psoriasis, eczema, premature ejaculation and cardiovascular diseases and infertility.

                              Tribulus is especially helpful given the typical western diet where the liver is overburdened by too much sugar and fat. The overall effect is that tribulus terrestris leads to a more balanced hormonal system in both men and women. Tribulus stimulates the bile flow and breakdown of fats in the liver thus contributing to a more regular bowel pattern and effective elimination of toxins from the liver. More efficient fat metabolism can make the blood less "sticky", consequently benefiting blood pressure. Improved fat metabolism also benefits oxygenation which creates energy within the cells for use in the body.

                              Captcaveman, I encourage you to spend a little time and do a little reading or research on Bulgarian Tribulus and then we'll talk more my man!


                              • captncaveman
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 924

                                Perhaps you should do more reading my man Tribulus isn't good for anyone. I don't really care if you throw the word "Bulgarian" or "Natural" or "Organic" infornt of it or not. And yes Tribulus is used to stimulate more testosterone production.

                                I really don't give two shits what other cultures have been doing for years. Doesn't make it right in anyway shape or form.

                                Stallone was caught with Tribulus in i think Australia and it was considered a banned substance.

                                Hell i'll dig on my time off and get some studies and other info collected for you.


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