Vitamin supplements

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  • bearcat87
    • Nov 2008
    • 400

    I took something a few years ago called T-Bomb(i think). Not sure if the stuff you all are talking about was in it but ohhh boy did it work. Not that I needed anymore testosterone because I was 19 at the time. I had a ton of energy and could have run a train for a week! Only used it for a few weeks and then my brother told me how bad it was and I quit. I think something he said was that increased testosterone increases production of growth hormone which really isn't bad as long as you have no cancerous cells, that would make them multiply faster.


    • captncaveman
      • Jul 2008
      • 924

      Yes Tribulus was the main part of T-Bomb. But a healthy male that produces so much test as it is doesn't need it. Your body will stop producing test, or slow production down (as we all learn form Steroid useage example Bitch tits). If you increase your test levels your estrogen levels will increase as well. Thats not really the best idea if you want to gain strenght and muscle. Too much of Trib or using for too long and your body can start producing FSH hormones which are femaile hormones and they could start blocking your test.

      If you were in your mid 40s and have little test then by all means take the shit. I really don't care.

      I'm not saying use roids they are better, but for small term usage roids would be better. One small cycle would give you the boost you may need. And yes it would be cleaner. Either way both ideas would be horrible on your body.

      There hasn't been much research in Northamerica about Trib. But instead of reading supplement stores advertisments and fake scientists and doctors that work for Hradcore Tech claims (or insert company pro builder so on so forth here), read reviews by people that have acctually taken the shit for awhile.

      Perhaps you need to do a little more reading and research. (a quick google search will state it will raise your production OF TESTOSTERONE).


      • bearcat87
        • Nov 2008
        • 400

        I've come to the realization that I'm just going to be skinny, which is not a bad thing. For a year or so I worked out regularly with people who knew what they were doing (I had no clue at the time), and took whey protein. That did not work much so out of frustration I used some creatine(sp) and the T-Bomb. I don't lift weights anymore. Not much point because I don't care if I'm strong I just wanted to get ripped. Must not be in my genes. Probably did not help that I smoked cigs when I was lifting. :shock:


        • Jason
          • Jan 2008
          • 1370

          I haven't lifted weights in years; I think the last time I did was to get ready for boot camp. I'm not really interested in muscle mass as much as just keeping in shape.....I'll be 33 this year and shitty eating as well as all the smoking I did is starting to take a toll.

          I think routine cardio and a better diet are probably my best bets for right now. I don't figure I need a whole lot because I spend all day at work yanking around hoods and fenders, along with running up and down stairs for 8 hours. I figure that and carefully-chosen vitamins are the way to go for right now.


          • Starcadia
            • May 2008
            • 646

            I take a daily multi, 2000 iu of extra Vitamin D, and Vitron-C for extra iron and C.

            When I was working out pretty hard, I used hemp protein in powder form. It was of very high quality, had a full line of amino acids and omega-3 and -6, but was expensive compared to whey and soy. I'd blend it with vegetable juice. There were varieties with sprouted flax and maca.


            • captncaveman
              • Jul 2008
              • 924

              Playing with ones hormones isn't a good idea. But w/e.


              • bearcat87
                • Nov 2008
                • 400

                Originally posted by captncaveman
                Playing with ones hormones isn't a good idea. But w/e.
                But how fun would it to have your own pair of tits to play with whenever you want??? :P


                • captncaveman
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 924

                  I can't argue that a nice pair of tits would be fun, but they guys at work would treat me a bit different.


                  • joshua
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 214

                    bearcat: You either weren't doing heavy lifting or not eating enough.


                    Check this out. I put on 17 pounds in a month on it and actually lost bodyfat.


                    • captncaveman
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 924

                      What most people and website won't tell you is that if you wanna build mass you gotta eat like a machine, and well you are gonna gain some unwanted weight. There is really no way around that. You can't just gain mass and get ripped all at once lol , not unless you are extremely lean to start out on.

                      joshua: that's a pretty great link!

                      heres a great link to many great nutrition advice

                      also here for diet programs (note that ain't jenny ****ing craig shit)
                      there are also workout routines designed for these diet programs on the site, i belive there are links in the articles.



                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        Well, I've decided to dump the B-complex, continue with the omega-3 and add a multivitamin to the mix. I was looking at the contents of a standard Centrum capsule on their website, and it has a a decent percentage of B vitamins; the supplement I take now has weird, amped up numbers like 6000% of this and 1100% of that, but I figure you end up pissing most of that away after a few cups of coffee anyway.

                        One thing about the Omegas, though (aside from the nasty burps).......the label recommends 3 a day, but if I take any more than 2, things get a little violent when I utilize the facilities....if you know what I mean. :P


                        • bearcat87
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 400

                          Originally posted by joshua
                          bearcat: You either weren't doing heavy lifting or not eating enough.


                          Check this out. I put on 17 pounds in a month on it and actually lost bodyfat.
                          There is no way I could eat that much. I tried to eat as much as I could when I was lifting but I know I should have ate more. A liter of milk a few hours after breakfast! I would be bloated like a blowhard with a hard on in church.

                          Probably doesn't help that my favorite foods besides steak are mostly vegetables.


                          • ShaulWolf
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 495

                            Heh, it's probably good and bad that I enjoy meats and starchy foods like potatoes and rice more than veggies. It lets me get in a lot of calories and such, but it's a real pain when I want a snack and I have to stop myself from getting chips or cookies. I think I'm plenty fine as far as lean body mass goes, though I don't know the official numbers. If anything I probably need to gain a stable 5 lbs now to be honest.

                            And that diet is monstrous. I don't think my stomach could handle it since I've cut back on portions like I have since I used to overeat a lot. It would be nice to be able to split my meals up beyond the standard three a day, but that's tough going with the regimented mess hall schedule, and I can't afford to get groceries or store them. Not yet anyway.

                            I'm wishing there was a way to just gain lean muscle mass and not tack on fat, but it doesn't seem like there is. Gotta gain both, then trim away the fat slowly.

                            Meanwhile, what's a good way to boost healthy skin and to help it heal faster? I've managed to get this perpetual razor burn that just won't go away. I've got hydrocortisone cream, but it only does so much. I'm thinking something to help boost healthier skin and healing might help, or is it just wishful thinking?


                            • bearcat87
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 400

                              Originally posted by ShaulWolf
                              Meanwhile, what's a good way to boost healthy skin and to help it heal faster? I've managed to get this perpetual razor burn that just won't go away. I've got hydrocortisone cream, but it only does so much. I'm thinking something to help boost healthier skin and healing might help, or is it just wishful thinking?
                              I know many lotion companies add vitamin E. Don't know if it works but you might not want to use it on your face. I know it would cause me to break out if it had oil in it.

                              The lotion I use is called Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture for Sensitive Skin. Good stuff. Pricey for what little amount you get but is good for use as after shave and anywhere on the face. There is not a morning I don't wake up in Winter that my face is not dry and flaking. Pain in the ass.


                              • EricHill78
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 4253

                                Found this old thread and I'd figure I'd list my new regiment..

                                Generic Multivitamin
                                Fish oil/Omega 3 - 1000 mg
                                B12 - 1000 mcg time released
                                C - 500 mg
                                Iron - 28 mg
                                Potassium - 595 mg
                                L Theanine - 3 capsules a day
                                Turmeric - spoonful a day

                                Just started this full deal today going to see how it works out. As some of you know I have UC/Chrohn's. So all of this is to help with that. Either for my nutritional deficiencies or for the anti inflammatory benefits (Turmeric and Fish Oil). The only one that is none related is the L Theanine which I take for stress.


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