I Have some questions

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  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    I started smoking at 13 and I only WISH someone in an authority position kicked my ass and got me to stop right away. That being said, none of us are in an authority position here for you Hellzchamber.

    You may or may not appreciate the advice you get from the adults in this forum but I suggest you take the advice written here and get as far away from any addictive substances as possible.

    Even snus, as less dangerous as it is compared to smoking has it's drawbacks. There is no purely safe form of tobacco that exists and it ALL COSTS MONEY. Some a lot more than others. Snus is cheaper currently that all other forms with the exception of Nasal Snuff.

    My suggestion? Go ask your Mom or Dad what they think about what you are doing. I know if my 17, 15 or 13 year old kid asked me about smoking, snus, dipping or snuffing I would tell them the same thing I am telling you here, Don't do it. it's a crutch, it's not nearly as cool as you think it is and it's not nearly as much fun as using that money spent on tobacco for other leisure activities. Nicotine is incredibly hard to drop as a younger person and it's even harder to quit as an adult who has been using it for years. Most nicotine cessation rates hover around 5% after 6 months.

    You are 15 years old. Most 15 year old kids are incapable of making even basic life choices for themselves and this is a choice that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. You may think you are mature and all gown up but you are not. Hell, most adults aren't equipped to make that sort of a life long decision.

    You may scoff at our words of wisdom but the collective life experience of the folks on this board FAR outweigh your minimal childish perspective.

    -Ainkor, father of 3, nicotine addict for over 20 years who has spent over $100,000 on tobacco products between him and his wife. (Yah, that's almost a freaking house or to put it in perspective for a kid, 250 PS3's)


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      yo! telling him "most 15 year olds are incapable of making basic life choices" will not endear him to your position!

      I also wouldn't say stay away from all addictive substances. Despite what nancy reagan told us, it is a natural human urge to want to change your perceptions and alter your brain chemistry, and it is a victimless crime(unless you create a victim to get/use it)

      I would agree that it is something one should be careful about. Because it's addictive, don't be thinking "If I need to quit this, it will be hard" think "I may never be able to quit this". If it's something you enjoy enough to always spend your time and resources on, then go for it.

      Though another point, along the same lines, is that a human male isn't done growing(body or brain) until about his early 20's. most alcoholics and hard drug addicts started young, and it makes sense it would be true for milder drugs as well. You are literally messing with your brain while it's still growing, and that is pretty risky. Life is not short. It's extremely long. Wait till you're done growing, then take on whatever you feel you need to to be satisfied.


      • Ainkor
        • Sep 2008
        • 1144

        Originally posted by deebocools
        yo! telling him "most 15 year olds are incapable of making basic life choices" will not endear him to your position!
        Trust me, I am not or would not ever try to endear him to my opinion. In fact, he shouldn't even be here if the forums rules are followed.

        Anyone who thinks that most teenagers are capable of making life long choices in a logical manner are either a teenager who thinks they know everything or a moron. I have about 100 of them that work for me currently and I have been a boss to them for 20 years along with being a father to three.

        My post came off as a rant which is cool with me as it should have. This forum is no place for minors. Almost every one of us started as minors using tobacco in some form or another but I would be that a large percentage of us would be better off in many ways if we had not used tobacco most of our lives. Don't get me wrong though, I love snus and I loved smoking. Everyone has the right to make their own decision about what demons they choose, but I won't make it easy for a kid and I won't try to rationalize the thought that "they will do it anyways".

        That's how we end up with ****ed up parents who think they are their kids friends. I love my kids dearly, but I am their dad, not their friend. They won't like what I have to say some of the time but hopefully what I say carries some wisdom to it.

        **** I sound old. Time to go out and screw around some!



        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Ainkor
          **** I sound old. Time to go out and screw around some!

          Don't forget your Geritol pops :^P


          • bearcat87
            • Nov 2008
            • 400

            I agree that he should not be apart of this forum until he is 18 and that he should not start tobacco period.

            That said, I made the worst decisions of my life when I was 16. Very few teenagers can really understand the full consequence of their decisions.


            • Ainkor
              • Sep 2008
              • 1144

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              Originally posted by Ainkor
              **** I sound old. Time to go out and screw around some!

              Don't forget your Geritol pops :^P
              **** you! I'd hit you with my cane if I could remember where I put it :P

              Just kidding, I am only 35 after all......


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Ainkor

                Just kidding, I am only 35 after all......
                Younger than me. I'm 40 :^(


                • deebocools
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 661

                  I think some teenagers are capable of making life choices.

                  So they're expected to pick a field to work in, chose a college and an area of study, take on the responsibilities of a job(with or without college), they can drive a car that can easily kill others, but they can't decide to use tobacco, alcohol or other drugs?

                  some 15 year olds are fairly informed. some adults are fairly not. everyones an individual, and it's only because this kid(if he indeed exists) took an interest in himself that he's snusing instead of dipping or smoking.

                  I don't buy that absolutely every person under 18 is in a cocoon and everyone over it is a butterfly. What magical thing happens at 18, anyhow?

                  2 male and 1 female friend of mine were hanging out when they were 17. They were drinking and smoking tobacco. The young woman over-drank and ended up having her stomach pumped. The 2 young lads called the ambulance and waited for it's arrival, and for their trouble they got community service for posessing alcohol and tobacco underage.

                  I'm not sure of a better system, but I think a more consistent position would be pro or anti-tobacco use at any age.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I tend to agree with you deeb. I do try to dissuade anyone who isn't a tobacco user from starting though. My answer will be the same regardless of age. In any case, it's generally best to tow the party line. We don't need a shit storm of MADD mothers, or whatever the tobacco zealots are called, coming down on us for promoting tobacco to minors ;^)


                    • MrAbstracto
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 389

                      I could care less whether a 15 year old starts snussing or not.
                      I just dont want him/her posting here. I come here to discuss snus with other ADULTS.


                      • Raddleman

                        Originally posted by MrAbstracto
                        I just dont want him/her posting here. I come here to discuss snus with other ADULTS.
                        +1 here


                        • deebocools
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 661

                          ok, I agree he shouldn't be here so we can discuss our love of snus without heartache.

                          maybe we can put this monster of a thread(which I helped create) to rest, and just keep on deleting every "I'm 9 years old and snus tastes like candy" threads.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            Cyber Athletic tournaments. (Online gaming tournaments)

                            And I kicked Copenhagen and Skoal with Snus.
                            Cyber Athletic tournaments? Lol is that what they call playing WOW all day now?

                            Camel snus sucks, order it on-line from northerner.com or anywhere else, they dont even verify your age


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by MrAbstracto
                              I could care less whether a 15 year old starts snussing or not.
                              I just dont want him/her posting here. I come here to discuss snus with other ADULTS.


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