I Have some questions

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  • Hellzchamber
    New Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 2

    I Have some questions

    I'm 15 years old, And I have been using snus for about 3 Months, I want to know how bad it is to my health, or is it bad at all? I Can't see why it would be as bad as smoking cause Lung cancer is a hard one to fight. Is regular Chewing tobacco worse then snus?

    Right now I have 2 cans of Camel frost.
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    c'mon kid, you're 15?

    Get a hobby that doesn't involve becoming addicted.

    Go join a team or go fishing. Go chase girls.

    You don't belong using snus or cigarettes.

    Do you really want to spend the rest of you life needing to get you fix because you're addicted to nicotine?

    Throw away your snus and go buy a pack of gum.


    • Snusophile
      • May 2008
      • 531

      Hi, and welcome to SnusOn!

      Okay, assuming you are serious about embarking on a tobacco habit, I guess I can say you've made a wise choice choosing to use snus. Since you're 15, ordering the real deal online might be tricky for you, but I assure you it is leagues better than the Camel abomination many of us started with.

      You ask if snus is safer than smoking. Well, yes, but no tobacco product is really safe. Snus is FAR less harmful than smoking, and studies have shown that there is pretty much no risk of developing cancer through using snus, so in the C category you are well covered. Nicotine is addictive, and I'm not going to give you the whole spiel about going down the wrong path. Hell, I was 14 when I started smoking. Just know what you're getting into. If you don't already use tobacco I would not recommend starting, but you are your own master and the decision is entirely up to you.

      Good luck, and once again, welcome!



      • Hellzchamber
        New Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 2

        Originally posted by bakerbarber
        c'mon kid, you're 15?

        Get a hobby that doesn't involve becoming addicted.

        Go join a team or go fishing. Go chase girls.

        You don't belong using snus or cigarettes.

        Do you really want to spend the rest of you life needing to get you fix because you're addicted to nicotine?

        Throw away your snus and go buy a pack of gum.
        I Have quite a few hobbies Cyber Athletic tournaments. (Online gaming tournaments) I Do track and field (Discus and Hurdles) And I just broke up with my girlfriend because she is what we call a derogatory word.

        And I kicked Copenhagen and Skoal with Snus.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          Get off the drugs.

          Drugs are bad Mmmmm kay.

          focus that restless energy on doing something constructive.

          start mowing lawns for cash. then take the cash and buy some gum and candy bars.

          through away your contraband and man up. learn a skill. like nunchucks.


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            Welcome to snuson. Good job kicking the dip. As far as health from worst to best:

            not using nicotine


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
              Welcome to snuson. Good job kicking the dip. As far as health from worst to best:

              nasal snuff
              not using nicotine
              Just a small edit ;^)


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Thx lxskllr


                • Starcadia
                  • May 2008
                  • 646

                  Nicotine addiction is a burden, dude. All of us here are just trying to make the best of it, because it's extremely difficult to quit once you get started. And it gets harder to quit every day you continue to use it. Just keep that in mind if you feel the need to keep pursuing it.


                  • captncaveman
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 924

                    You lazy little prick, ****ing google it. Cyber Athletic tournaments?? really?? Go and get some pussy that your fake girlfriend never did give you.

                    Kicked dip huh? That would be like me looking for praise because i kicked smoking cigs with the aid of cigars.


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      Originally posted by captncaveman

                      Kicked dip huh? That would be like me looking for praise because i kicked smoking cigs with the aid of cigars.
                      Congrats on quiting ciggs bro.


                      • deebocools
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 661

                        I suggest using nicotine for it's anti-depressant, stimulant, and sedative effects. nictotine is an amazing thing, and the question you should ask yourself is "is it good enough to do everyday for the rest of my life".

                        I've decided it is. nicotine has such a wide range of effects but the basic one is comfort. nicotine is my anti-drug. get on the snus, and don't pick up drinking the crazy water.


                        • Raddleman

                          Originally posted by deebocools
                          get on the snus, and don't pick up drinking the crazy water.


                          • ShaulWolf
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 495

                            Wow, a wide gamut of responses... 0.o

                            We're normally not dicks on this forum (save for in the political thread...) but 15 is pretty young to start tobacco. Well, not really, I know it's probably getting younger before people start using it. Shit happens, dumb mistakes made, etc.

                            Anyway, I really suggest not using ANY tobacco at all if you've just started and toss the stuff you've got. You'll be a lot better off for it, and you'll save yourself a decent amount of change while you're at it. Yeah, you've probably heard this crap before, but sadly, it's true. You start getting dependent on it and it becomes an addiction.

                            That said, if you are going to use tobacco, then I would say snus it the way to go. Better than smoking, dipping, chew, cigars, etc. Doesn't mean it's healthy, but it's healthier at least. If you're going to keep using the stuff, make sure you know you know what you're getting into.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              Originally posted by captncaveman
                              You lazy little prick, ****ing google it. Cyber Athletic tournaments?? really?? Go and get some pussy that your fake girlfriend never did give you.

                              Kicked dip huh? That would be like me looking for praise because i kicked smoking cigs with the aid of cigars.

                              I used to play videogames when I was younger, but I only play them once in a blue moon now. Once you get a car and/or job, videogames will become a very low priority on your list. Trust me.


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