Can pregnant women use snUs whilst pregnant since it is so much safer than smoking? or is the nicotine itself dangerous? perhaps minis would be okay?
snus while pregnant?
From what I have read the main issue is the lack of O2 getting to the fetus. I'm sure the tar and other poisons are pretty bad also. Nicotine should transfer the same as any other chemical in your body. I'd limit or cut out the nicotine, just so the baby isn't addicted from day one.
Of course I'm a dude , and not a doctor so take that with a grain of salt and talk to a professional.
Re: snus while pregnant?
Originally posted by apocaliciousCan pregnant women use snUs whilst pregnant since it is so much safer than smoking? or is the nicotine itself dangerous? perhaps minis would be okay?
I guess with snus you don't have all the CO2 and other chemical crap getting to the baby.
That being said, nicotine IS a vasoconstrictor, and does cause a small, temporary rise in blood pressure and heart rate, which may not be the best thing for Baby, either.
The obvious Right Answer, of course, is don't do it. But if you can't, maybe stick with minis, find the lowest nicotine content possible, and use them as infrequently as possible?
In any case, yeah, what TBD said. Talk to your MD.
No, you must not use snus while pregnant. Smoking causes damage to the fetus with the chemicals and lack of oxygen traveling to the fetus, but the nicotine, in fact, is what causes the most damage! Pregnant women would be wise to reflect upon just how amazingly toxic nicotine is. Drop for drop it is more lethal than strychnine or diamondback rattlesnake venom, and three times deadlier than arsenic. Just 2-3 drops on the skin (40-60mg) will kill a 160 pound human. The average smoker puts 1 mg of nicotine into their bloodstream with each cigarette. If the entire 1 mg was put on the skin of a 1 pound rat, the rat would die. The same holds true for avoiding caffeine. Stay away from pop and coffee.
I really don't think you should be searching for answers to that question on a snus forum. Seek the advice of a professional, like others have said. My 2¢.
Of course, we can give advice, but we are not trained in the ways of the force (save, perhaps, for the Phantom Lord himself, who I heard learnt a trick or two on his native Kashyyk)
Originally posted by apocaliciousthanks for the advice everyone! Im not even a female but my girlfriend has the itch to drop crotch fruit and she is a snusser. We will just get her some nic less portions to satisfy the oral fixation.
I have NEVER used any form of nicotine while pregnant. 8)Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
A lot of opinions, but not many of them accurate.
For one, lots of people smoke while pregnant, and really the main risk is lower than usual birth weight. There "may" be more risk in the first month or so, but most people don't even realize they're pregnant, so you'll probably never know if smoking did hurt it in that first month, because a miscarriage that early is nothing more than a heavy period.
Like in my wife's case (who's 33 weeks pregnant today), she smokes, (and also smoked with my 5 year old with no issues) although not very often since switching to snus. She's also has a mild case of diabetes which she did not have with my other son, which actually makes things more interesting. The lower birth rate would HELP actually, since diabetes makes the fetus grow DRASTICALLY larger. As of now, she's had no real issues with either smoking or snus hurting anything.
There IS one issue specifically with snus related to pregnancy. It does increase the danger of toxemia or eclampsia (sp?). I'm not sure why exactly, but cigarettes actually REDUCE the chance of it developing compared to snus increasing the chance. Might have something to do with the consistent flow of nicotine of snus causing it, but I'm not sure. Toxemia is something doctors don't really know all of the causes and cures for anyway.
Anyways, in general, snus should be safer than smoking, UNLESS you are prone to toxemia while pregnant. If the woman has symptoms of very high blood pressure, severe headaches, etc, those are signs of pre-eclampsia, so they better leave the snus alone. If the woman is in good health though, the snus is a heck of a lot safer.
All of this said, you are A WHOLE LOT safer not using any tobacco/nicotine products at all if pregnant. It's never a risk free thing, I'm just pointing out the comparison of snus vs cigs when preggy.
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