Relapse with interesting results...

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  • ctimb2002
    • Apr 2009
    • 483

    Relapse with interesting results...

    So I just came in from outside. I remembered I had 2 smokes in the car that have been there for a while. I have been smoke free for almost two weeks and just couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to light a smoke again. So I lit up and just hated taste right of the bat. About half way through I was hating what I was doing. Not ashamed but just really did not like it. I snubbed out the smoke and popped in a nice fresh general wintergreen portion. God is this stuff so much better. Anyways thought I would keep you guys up to date on my quitting. Looks like its going to be easier than ever after this.
  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090


    Don't even worry about it, if you want to smoke, have a smoke. The snus will replace your desire to smoke. It'll happen naturally don't force it.

    I smoked for 38 years and when I first started snusing, I allowed my self a weekend pack. Now I may have about 1 cigarette a week, if that. One thing I suggest is having a variety of snuses.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      What justintempler said.

      What makes snus so remarkable for me is I can still have that cigarette when i feel like it. Sometimes, i just miss the physicality of smoking. or even more likely, miss the social aspect of smoking with someone else.

      but now, I smoke when i want to, never when I need to.


      • Sacrilicious
        • Nov 2007
        • 118

        What sagedil said. When I started snussing I gave myself a huge window to keep smoking and gradually incorporate snus. The cigarettes became fewer and fewer until the day came when I didn't smoke. Then another, and another.

        I've been under stress with moving and such, and since my wife still smokes it's easy to pick them up. I've smoked maybe five in the last week but it's different now. I honestly don't enjoy them and find myself reaching for the snus.


        • snupy
          • Apr 2009
          • 575

          I intentionally began to quit around 6.5 weeks ago with e-smoking, although I count my quit date as 4/9/09 since that was when I went smoke-free using snus. Last Friday, I made a conscious CHOICE to buy a pack of cigarettes to smoke. It took me all day long to get through the pack, whereas I used to smoke at least 2 packs a day.

          I woke up Saturday and was right back on my snus and have been ever since, but have no regrets at all for smoking the pack on Friday. Snus gives me something I do not get from cigs, so is preferred, even though I smoked for 28.5 years.


          • Nicobuzz
            Banned Users
            • Apr 2009
            • 144

            When I've given up in the past I felt I'd failed when I fell off the wagon and had a cigarette. I suppose I actually had failed as you'd have to go through all the withdrawal again even after a few cigs.
            Even on nicorette it felt the same way but with Snus I deliberately have a cigarette now and again to remind me how much I hate it - and there are no withdrawal symptoms when you go back to Snus - and - I don't feel like I've failed.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I still smoke on occasion. I don't hate cigarettes, it's just that they don't satisfy me anymore in terms of nicotine delivery. I roll my own and I still like the taste and act of smoking a cigarette, I just don't think I could use them as my main means of nicotine delivery.

              I don't feel bad at all about having the occasional few cigarettes. Smoking a few during any given week is a hell of an improvement over my old 2.5 packs per day.

              But really, 95 percent of the time I'm a snus man. I reserve cigarettes for drinking/party occasions (which are rare for me), when I hang out at Waffle House in the middle of the night (once a week or so), and sometimes when I'm driving.

              Sometimes it's just nice to have a smoke.


              • Starcadia
                • May 2008
                • 646

                I've been very slowly getting rid of the last few daily cigarettes in my life. It's been hard. I had that initial experience too of hating the first cigarette I had after starting snus. But there's something about cigarettes that snus just doesn't have, and it tries to creep back in. Something about the smoke and being able to ingest it is missing from the snus experience and is hard to give up.

                The last cigarettes I simply can't give up are the ones while driving. So I have a pack in the car. I only drive on weekends to run errands. And I don't bring the pack in with me when I get home.

                I want to be as smoke-free as possible, although until recently I felt that a few a day was okay. Having a bunch of dental work done recently after a long period of avoiding the dentist has shown me the damage smoking can do. It's evil, and it needs to go away.


                • sofarsogood
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 14

                  Re: Relapse with interesting results...

                  Originally posted by ctimb2002
                  So I just came in from outside. I remembered I had 2 smokes in the car that have been there for a while. I have been smoke free for almost two weeks and just couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to light a smoke again. So I lit up and just hated taste right of the bat. About half way through I was hating what I was doing. Not ashamed but just really did not like it. I snubbed out the smoke and popped in a nice fresh general wintergreen portion. God is this stuff so much better. Anyways thought I would keep you guys up to date on my quitting. Looks like its going to be easier than ever after this.
                  I hear ya ctimb2002. I had this exact same moment earlier today. I couldn't even inhale the smoke though. It hit my tongue and made it no further. I looked at the cig and didn't want it any more. Snubbed it out. Now it's left this aftertaste in my mouth. LOL And that was about half a drag that wasn't in my mouth a full 2 seconds. Crazy. I've got to say that this experience of leaving the cigarettes alone or at least diminishing their use is a lot more fun than smoking them ever was.


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