Swelling reaction to GBG Rapé

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  • sames
    New Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 9

    Swelling reaction to GBG Rapé

    Today I was using Rapé for the first time and almost immediately my lip began to swell (only on the side of the portion)

    Has anyone ever had this problem (not necessarily with that brand,) and if so any ideas what it might be from?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I've never had that happen. I'm guessing you're allergic to one of the ingredients. Give it a rest for a couple of days, and try again. If it happens again you can be pretty sure it's an allergy.


    • melly mel
      • Apr 2009
      • 92

      What other snus have you had? Anything else with juniper berry in it like General?


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Nothing ever like that for me.


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          Glad you asked, I was going to start a similar thread. This weekend I was super tired and had to meet an obligation with no time for a nap, so I doubled up on Elixer PE. I left both in for 30-45 min, then suddenly noticed a tingling feeling and knew something was not right. Went into the bathroom and my upper lip was HUGE. I sucked on an ice cube until the swelling went down. No idea what it was, but I'm still on my first can of Elixer PE and on another occasion I felt a weird allergic tingling, but no swelling. Just an allergy, I would guess in your case (and mine).


          • Kvlt
            • Apr 2009
            • 197

            Sames actually posted this for me, but I figured I would just register.

            Rape also caused my lip to itch where I had it. I will soon try it on the other side and see if it causes the same problem there.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I've only had the GR loose, but within mins of putting it in, it made me feel sick. Headache, nausea, etc...

              It wasn't nicotine OD, it was more like a food reaction. It is the only snus to ever make me feel physically ill. I tried it on a few different occasions to see if the same thing happened, and it did.

              GR was one of the only cans I've flushed down the toilet.


              • Kvlt
                • Apr 2009
                • 197

                That's funny because the first 5 minutes I had it in I felt like I was going to throw up too.

                I just got the GR in the Swedish Match sampler.


                • spirit72
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 1013

                  Re: Swelling reaction to GBG Rapé

                  Originally posted by sames
                  Today I was using Rapé for the first time and almost immediately my lip began to swell (only on the side of the portion)
                  Has anyone ever had this problem (not necessarily with that brand,) and if so any ideas what it might be from?
                  Huh. That's weird. :?

                  Nothing like that for me. I'm in the middle of a 5-pack as we speak, even.


                  • Ainkor
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1144

                    How dare you all speak ill of the almighty Goteborgs!

                    Just kidding

                    Always remember what your mother told you: If it doesn't feel right, don't do it! (Maybe it was your creepy uncle, but hey!)


                    • Maxpower05080
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 185

                      Yeah I'm with you here....every time I use it I feel completely sick. I liked it the first time, but that quickly ended after about 25 minutes. My lip never swelled though...I actually threw out the tin that still had about 20 portions left. I get chills thinking about it.

                      If you try it again and get the same reaction, just toss it. No need hurting yourself.


                      • Kvlt
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 197

                        Will do. I'll try it in a few days again, possibly over the weekend. In the mean time I have the rest of my sampler .


                        • Kvlt
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 197

                          Just tried it again tonight in my upper right lip this time. Fine the entire time, go to take it out and I notice that tingling itch feeling and notice my lip has swollen in a smaller part, but still a swelling.

                          Kind of sucks, hopefully it will eventually go away with time.


                          • gitchel
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 59

                            Ya know, I had the swollen lip thing myself last week. It was swollen enough that I had a hard time eating. Bit myself three times. So, I was swollen AND injured.

                            Coincidently, I was on my last container of GR. The next day, the swelling was gone. Obviously I can't prove a specific problem with GR without buying another can, but it's looking suspicious. Strange thing is that I had used several containers of the stuff for several weeks with apparently no problems. I guess it happens like that sometimes. Perhaps it takes combining it with some particular food or drink.

                            What's in GR? Something special that I can avoid in other brands? I've already moved on from GR to mostly Tre and General, but I have a lot of other new flavors coming.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by gitchel
                              Coincidently, I was on my last container of GR. The next day, the swelling was gone. Obviously I can't prove a specific problem with GR without buying another can, but it's looking suspicious. Strange thing is that I had used several containers of the stuff for several weeks with apparently no problems. I guess it happens like that sometimes. Perhaps it takes combining it with some particular food or drink.

                              What's in GR? Something special that I can avoid in other brands? I've already moved on from GR to mostly Tre and General, but I have a lot of other new flavors coming.
                              Allergies can build up over time. I heard of that with musical instruments made from exotic hardwoods. Take a flute for example. A person will be able to play it fine at first, but after awhile they'll get swollen lips, and even worse. The instrument will become unplayable after a few months.

                              I'm guessing it's the juniper flavor you're having the problems with, but you'd only be sure after experimentation. I wouldn't buy rolls of anything until you get the problem ingredient figured out.


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