Help With Nic Intake

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Help With Nic Intake

    This has been a problem for some tim enow, especially with snus.

    Im definately addicted to nicotine, but i think it may have reached rediculous heights.

    I have posted several time si suffer from anxiety/panic attacks for no reason other than genetics.

    Nicotine, or a lot of it to be more exact, makes this worse.

    My problem isnt a sensitivity to it but an over usage of it. I start my day off with an Onyx on the ride to work. Im fine and then get to work and around lunch ill put some Los in and use Los all day.

    My problem then gets to night time.

    I chain snus without thinking about it until im in a full blown panic attack.

    I get no " rush " from it but more a I Have To Use Snus Now. I feel like if im doing nothing I need a snus. Or if anyone mentions smoking or dipping I get a pris.

    Anyone think Onico or something could help out there?

    I see X has been using some of the Nic free ones but I dont see hardly any reviews of such products or if they even taste good.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Love snus, just hate abusing it the way I am because its very uncomfortable.
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    I've only heard that the nic-free portions are pretty good tasting, and do help stave off snus cravings.

    I would guess that you're getting enough nicotine by the early afternoon, and after that you're just using it for the sensation. In which case, onico or even something else like gum or flavored toothpicks could be used for the last half of the day(depending on what sensation you like best)


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      I used to chain snus like that when I first started, but I quickly realized that it wasn't nicotine that I was craving.

      Try having a snack or a soda. That's what worked for me...


      • Nicobuzz
        Banned Users
        • Apr 2009
        • 144

        You're definately going to have to space out your nicotine intake a little.

        When your brain gets too much nicotine the receptors that latch on to the nicotine shut down and you get no further beneficial effects. The effects from then on are unpleasant and will induce anxiety attacks.
        You're the same as me by the sound of it. I start off easy in the morning and take more and more as the day goes on - I have to watch it.

        Also - a combination of alcohol and large amounts of nicotine are not good.


        • dEFinitionofEPIC
          • Apr 2009
          • 146

          I have problems with anxiety too and was having a similar problem.... Now I have myself on a schedule where I'm getting a perfect level of nicotine rather than overdoing it and finding myself in the overstimulated/panic attack zone....not a fun place.

          You just gotta feel your own body out. I would suggest that you set certain times when you'll pop a snus in and then adjust it as your body dictates. Eventually you'll hit a level you're good at.

          An addendum to the alcohol coment: DO NOT smoke large quantities of herb and then over-snus.... You WILL have some nasty panicky freak outs.... not fun :lol:


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC
            ......An addendum to the alcohol coment: DO NOT smoke large quantities of herb and then over-snus.... You WILL have some nasty panicky freak outs.... not fun :lol:
            One of the best times to snus is when consuming large quanitites of super herb. Its quite relaxing. The combo actually lowers my blood pressure.

            Not that I would ever smoke herb. :wink:
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • dEFinitionofEPIC
              • Apr 2009
              • 146

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
              Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC
              ......An addendum to the alcohol coment: DO NOT smoke large quantities of herb and then over-snus.... You WILL have some nasty panicky freak outs.... not fun :lol:
              One of the best times to snus is when consuming large quanitites of super herb. Its quite relaxing. The combo actually lowers my blood pressure.

              Not that I would ever smoke herb. :wink:
              Lucky you... wish I could say the same. I only meant the warning to be directed toward people that tend to get panic attacks --shoulda been more specific. I don't think most people would have a problem with it at all. Of course I CERTAINLY don't speak from experience. Far be it from me to suggest that I lack moral fiber :lol:


              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                its not "moral" fiber I lack. Its the actual fiber that sometimes needs to be supplimented in my diet. :P
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • melly mel
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 92

                  I would say try snacking as mentioned in an above post. Wither that or get some of the nicotine free snus that's out there. Maybe that will help some. Good luck and please, keep us posted.


                  • Maxpower05080
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 185

                    I have an awful anxiety/depressive disorder. I've been on lexapro, which sucked and Paxil, which has been helping very well. What I've noticed is nicotine can be very helpful in calming me down, but not too much. Too much nicotine defiantly makes things worse.

                    Are you on any medication? SSRI's can be helpful, if you truly have a disorder. They are a serious medication, that I feel is given out too often, but for some people they are extremely beneficial. If the anxiety gets too high to where I feel it may lead to panic, I take alprazolam(xanax), which was prescribed by my doctor. The right medication can really help. Hope all works out well!

                    Also for me, marijuana is the worst thing I could possibly use, and is something I stay away from. I almost ended up in the hospital last year after having a smoke, from panic. A glass or 2 of wine, can help very well too! But don't abuse it, to get makes it worse! A few drinks to help calm you down, can be very beneficial, well to me anyway.

                    What I've noticed is that substances such as SSRI's, xanax, nicotine, etc, can be very helpful, IF USED PROPERLY. I RARELY take xanax, because I know if I have a panic attack it will be fixed instantly with a little yellow pill. And back to nicotine, try using it a few times a day. Gradually get to this point, don't go cold turkey. Lower down a pris every few days. In a couple of weeks, you'll be using less and doing well. Also reduce caffeine, and drink lots of water and get a bit of exercise.

                    I have ALOT of empathy for people with panic disorder, because I know the horrors of it. I wish you best of luck!


                    • pangloss
                      • May 2009
                      • 183

                      Grim, have you considered relaxation therapy. You can get cds in bookstores or even download the MP3s. they have a whole world of these from visualization where you lay down and let your mind wander to some peaceful image for 45 min.

                      They also have stuff on Progressive Muscle Relaxation with the objective of tightening muscles to the extreme and then letting them fall into relaxation.

                      This stuff sounds hokey, but it wouldn't be around if it didn't work. It also gets better each time you do it, so its something that you have to work at like right before bed.

                      Additionally there are a number of books/workbooks which could help with anxiety.

                      Feeling Good --> shows you how automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) and subconcious thinking can induce high baseline anxiety and trigger (seemingly random) panic attacks.

                      Don't Panic --> which describes the physiology of the sympathetic response (panic attack) and then how to activate the parasympathetic response (the calming response). It also has specific sub sections on addressing common phobias.

                      As per the snus (which I am new to) have you considered just leaving a portion in (for a few hours) instead of popping another? Alternatively if you are used to switching out frequently but don't like the non-nic portions why not just keep popping 2mg or 4 mg minis? This way you get the continual action of new snus without associated toxicity.

                      If you just feel figgedity why not eat sunflower seeds? they can keep you busy for hours. Or chew bubble gum. the constant moving of your jaw and efforts to blow bubbles with your tongue will surely be a workout and keep you busy.

                      ***Disclaimer: I am in no way attempting to give medical advice/ nor am I qualified to do so. My expressed opinions are solely those of a fellow snuser offering a fresh perspective and should be interpreted as such. With a grain of salt."***


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        I have been down this road, except that when I was having panic attacks, I just smoked my brains out; I had not yet discovered snus. I ended up smoking so much that my chest would end up hurting and my breathing would get labored, which of course made me SURE that I had cancer, and then *bam*.....panic attack.

                        Tapering off your snus usage really is the only way; nicotine is obviously beneficial if you have anxiety issues, but it can go the other direction quite quickly if you abuse it. As some of the others have mentioned...try and find something to fill your time (and mouth) other than snus constantly. Try keeping the pris in well after it has served it's purpose, as well....your nic intake will be lower, and at the very least you will spend less money on snus. :wink:


                        • jim
                          • May 2009
                          • 30

                          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                          One of the best times to snus is when consuming large quanitites of super herb. Its quite relaxing. The combo actually lowers my blood pressure.


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