This has been a problem for some tim enow, especially with snus.
Im definately addicted to nicotine, but i think it may have reached rediculous heights.
I have posted several time si suffer from anxiety/panic attacks for no reason other than genetics.
Nicotine, or a lot of it to be more exact, makes this worse.
My problem isnt a sensitivity to it but an over usage of it. I start my day off with an Onyx on the ride to work. Im fine and then get to work and around lunch ill put some Los in and use Los all day.
My problem then gets to night time.
I chain snus without thinking about it until im in a full blown panic attack.
I get no " rush " from it but more a I Have To Use Snus Now. I feel like if im doing nothing I need a snus. Or if anyone mentions smoking or dipping I get a pris.
Anyone think Onico or something could help out there?
I see X has been using some of the Nic free ones but I dont see hardly any reviews of such products or if they even taste good.
Any help would be appreciated.
Love snus, just hate abusing it the way I am because its very uncomfortable.
Im definately addicted to nicotine, but i think it may have reached rediculous heights.
I have posted several time si suffer from anxiety/panic attacks for no reason other than genetics.
Nicotine, or a lot of it to be more exact, makes this worse.
My problem isnt a sensitivity to it but an over usage of it. I start my day off with an Onyx on the ride to work. Im fine and then get to work and around lunch ill put some Los in and use Los all day.
My problem then gets to night time.
I chain snus without thinking about it until im in a full blown panic attack.
I get no " rush " from it but more a I Have To Use Snus Now. I feel like if im doing nothing I need a snus. Or if anyone mentions smoking or dipping I get a pris.
Anyone think Onico or something could help out there?
I see X has been using some of the Nic free ones but I dont see hardly any reviews of such products or if they even taste good.
Any help would be appreciated.
Love snus, just hate abusing it the way I am because its very uncomfortable.