I think the bottom line is money. Governments make big money off of cigarettes. At the tobacco hearings, I believe one of the company heads said if the product was so dangerous then ban it . There was no ban. Instead the lawyers became richer. The senators came off looking wiser. The taxes went up. You can, I believe, buy nasal snuff in england. It carries the same warning. May be harmful to health and is addictive. So was my forty nine year cigarette habit until snus came along. I frankly believe it saved my life. Anything can be abused. In this country it seems like non smokers like to tell smokers they will die young even though they are a hundred pounds overweight. You would think the government would be glad people use smokeless. For some like myself, the patches, the gum, etc, DID NOT WORK. My snussing affects no one but me. There is no second hand snuss. We are treated like children or stupid. If you investigate the product and don't want to do it, thats your right. Anybody can go on this site and get all the info they need. I like swedish snuss because I feel the product is well regulated. If our gov wants to do something make products here the same. When my brother was in hospise with lung cancer, I went outside and all the docs and nurses were out there sucking down cigs. I hope one day its my vote that counts who gets in and who does not. I am sick of government regs on everything.
They want to ban overseas tobacco for personnal use because they want more money. Sorry about the rant. I am old and tired and need a priss.
I know, lets all move to sweden.
I think the bottom line is money. Governments make big money off of cigarettes. At the tobacco hearings, I believe one of the company heads said if the product was so dangerous then ban it . There was no ban. Instead the lawyers became richer. The senators came off looking wiser. The taxes went up. You can, I believe, buy nasal snuff in england. It carries the same warning. May be harmful to health and is addictive. So was my forty nine year cigarette habit until snus came along. I frankly believe it saved my life. Anything can be abused. In this country it seems like non smokers like to tell smokers they will die young even though they are a hundred pounds overweight. You would think the government would be glad people use smokeless. For some like myself, the patches, the gum, etc, DID NOT WORK. My snussing affects no one but me. There is no second hand snuss. We are treated like children or stupid. If you investigate the product and don't want to do it, thats your right. Anybody can go on this site and get all the info they need. I like swedish snuss because I feel the product is well regulated. If our gov wants to do something make products here the same. When my brother was in hospise with lung cancer, I went outside and all the docs and nurses were out there sucking down cigs. I hope one day its my vote that counts who gets in and who does not. I am sick of government regs on everything.
They want to ban overseas tobacco for personnal use because they want more money. Sorry about the rant. I am old and tired and need a priss.
I know, lets all move to sweden.