Has anyone (who ever wanted to) had a problem quitting snus?

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  • sth
    • Jan 2009
    • 118

    I think the psychological addiction of cigarettes is what really mad quitting cigarettes hard for me. The physical withdrawals are cake, but I suppose I have a lot of self control in that way.

    BUT when I quit smoking, I didn't know what to do with my hands, and I could never find something that was a suitable substitute for the feeling of holding a cigarette, lighting a cigarette, taking drags off of a cigarette... etc etc.

    I have found many things I can substitute for snus. When i'm running low, and don't feel like taking the subway to get it locally (costs a lot, haha) I usually reach for a bag of sunflower seeds, or some bubble gum that I then just kinda end up sticking it up there where I keep a portion/pris. Works like a charm. I always have something in my mouth... hard candy/gum/snus/a toothpick, etc. Since the whole smoking thing is now not part of my nicotine addiction or what have you, I think it's a lot less stressful when I don't have any nicotine.

    Plus, I can always go to the gym and work out through the cravings, couldn't really do that so well when I was smoking 2 packs a day


    • hoss
      • Mar 2009
      • 93

      Sagedil is right....nicotine is sweet delicious addictive nicotine. The pain of quitting just varies from person to person I think. I tried quitting cold turkey once (Dipped Copenhagen at the time). I was pretty sure I was dying. One of my coworkers quit dip and just threw his last tin away and never looked back. Just depends on your chemisty and how you're effected by nicotine.


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