Snus and Tooth Loss

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  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    Snus and Tooth Loss

    Curious about link between degree of gum recession and tooth loss


    The two "Yes" replies: one was by accident, the other to join the first so it didn't stick out. No current member reports of actual tooth loss...

  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    I lost em yesterday... Oh, this isn't about my car keys?

    Tooth loss from snus you say? Not that I know of!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      No, if anything, my teeth are healthier. I have a snus in ALL the time, I suspect that significantly lowers the PH in my mouth. I don't think the nasty bacteria like i very much.


      • pangloss
        • May 2009
        • 183

        For the person/people who did lose a tooth can you please elaborate. One of the reasons I never tried dip was because of oral issues. Was there significant gum recession or other oral health issues at play? Are you a heavy snuser? Loose/portion?

        I have really enjoyed the last two weeks since I no longer have to leave the library and go outside to smoke. I can just pop a portion in and coast on the buzz.

        I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into even though I know it is way healthier than my previous nic habits.


        • ODurren
          • May 2009
          • 66

          I think its one of those "Using this product MAY cause tooth loss" testaments, But I also believe that because its places in your upper lip it significantly reduces the amount of movement as opposed to the bottom lip. So it pretty much stays stationary up there and doesn't rub or irritate the gums not nearly as much. When you put something in the bottom lip, every time you talk/sing/whistle/eat/etc you're opening and closing your jaw which moves and stretches the bottom portion of you mouth alot more and pouches/loose snus/snuff rub and grind against your gums. Which prolonged use could definitely cause gum recession/possible tooth soreness/loss.


          • pangloss
            • May 2009
            • 183

            Originally posted by ODurren
            I think its one of those "Using this product MAY cause tooth loss" testaments, But I also believe that because its places in your upper lip it significantly reduces the amount of movement as opposed to the bottom lip. So it pretty much stays stationary up there and doesn't rub or irritate the gums not nearly as much. When you put something in the bottom lip, every time you talk/sing/whistle/eat/etc you're opening and closing your jaw which moves and stretches the bottom portion of you mouth alot more and pouches/loose snus/snuff rub and grind against your gums. Which prolonged use could definitely cause gum recession/possible tooth soreness/loss.
            Wait I don't understand. Are you saying that Snus is less likely to cause tooth loss than dip or more likely? Have you or do you know someone that has lost a tooth or had serious oral problems as a result of snus?



            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Less likely.

              I have not heard of ANYONE who has had any serious oral issues, and I have been doing this now for 2+ years. A couple of folks have had some minor issues, but absolutely no teeth have been lost.

              A few folks have posted stories about how afraid they were to tell their dentists about their snus use. In each case, they were surprised when the dentist approved.

              A couple of interesting threads for you






              • elespectrol
                • Mar 2009
                • 45

                all your teeth fall out from the first portion but once the impotence kicks in thats the last thing to worry about, after that you'll start eating babies and kicking puppies. Once those snus demons get a hold of ya!!!

                At least that what I've heard from the Anti-tobacco Nazis In america.

                My teeth are fine (haven't been snusing too long though) and I only eat babies on special occasion.


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Okay, I'm the dipstick that hit "yes". However, that was unintentional, I was doing too many things at once, and bam!

                  So no, I've never lost a tooth due to snus use, sorry for jacking up the results, lol.

                  Want me to go yank one out, just so the results are accurate?? :lol:


                  • pangloss
                    • May 2009
                    • 183

                    Originally posted by rickcharles606
                    Okay, I'm the dipstick that hit "yes". However, that was unintentional, I was doing too many things at once, and bam!

                    So no, I've never lost a tooth due to snus use, sorry for jacking up the results, lol.

                    Want me to go yank one out, just so the results are accurate?? :lol:
                    Thanks the high heavens!!! (as pangloss pops another portion in his mouth)

                    Geez man you had me worried for a while. I know its a small sample size but not comforting to think that more people lose teeth to snus than my dip poll :shock:


                    • pangloss
                      • May 2009
                      • 183

                      Not that I couldn't use a few extra dollars from the Tooth Fairy to make June rent...


                      • spirit72
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 1013

                        Originally posted by pangloss
                        For the person/people who did lose a tooth can you please elaborate. One of the reasons I never tried dip was because of oral issues. Was there significant gum recession or other oral health issues at play? Are you a heavy snuser? Loose/portion?
                        The thing with dip is this: it's fermented, which gives it an acidic pH. Besides that, it also contains added sugar. So it may not get you oral cancer(at least not anymore), but over time, there's a good sporting chance that it will tear the hell out of your teeth and gums.

                        The difference with snus is this: It's not fermented, and has a basic pH instead of an acidic pH, and there is no added sugar. So far, there's no good credible evidence that it has any detrimental effect on dental health, at least not that I've seen.

                        I use both lös and portions. There has been a small amount of recession on each side of my upper arch where I place snus, but nothing that I or my dentist are concerned about. I'll take it over french-fried lungs anyday.

                        P.S. I went ahead and answered yes in the poll too, just to even things out a bit, and so rickcharles wouldn't be all alone.


                        • Snusages
                          • May 2009
                          • 32

                          Does anybody know of any reason why tooth loss would occur in the first place? Cancer from cigarettes makes perfect sense, but what would cause any harm besides the physical scrapping of the gums? I guess that is part of the question the TS was asking, but just wondering. Could nicotine itself cause problems?


                          • pangloss
                            • May 2009
                            • 183

                            Originally posted by Snusages
                            Does anybody know of any reason why tooth loss would occur in the first place? Cancer from cigarettes makes perfect sense, but what would cause any harm besides the physical scrapping of the gums? I guess that is part of the question the TS was asking, but just wondering. Could nicotine itself cause problems?
                            Constant irritation of the gums can lead to inflammation and gingivitis (recession). this recession/inflammatory response facilitates the entry of bacteria into the buccal mucosa. Normally, saliva has antiseptic properties but it may not be able to compensate for constant irritation of a snus pouch/portion kept there all day. This constant insult over a period of time can lead to chronic infection and potential tooth loss as the buccal mucosa recedes.

                            Nicotine on its own cannot cause gum disease tooth loss (that I am aware of). However, the salt and sugar added to the snus can be damaging to both the enamel (protective layer of the tooth) and the mucosa (gum).

                            Unfortunately, not many studies have addressed gum disease and tooth loss as a primary or secondary outcome. Their main focus is cancer (which has not been statistically correlated in a number of studies).

                            The intent of this poll was to gather personal experience from frequent snusers to see if anyone had severe oral issues related to snus.

                            If you go to the "Talk with Professionals" section, I posted asking the gentlemen at Sweedish Match about these issues. I know that snus has the potential to cause tooth loss but I haven't seen it studied. they linked to their website which has summarized data from articles.

                            The claim is made that there is no relation between snus and tooth loss, and they also claim that in many of the papers Oral hygeine (brushing, flossing, diet, etc.) were not controlled for. This is absolutely neccessary in order to determine if Snus can cause tooth loss.

                            Based on my research however, there I have not seen or heard of any cases where snus = tooth loss as opposed to smoking = cancer.

                            I am still however, wary of the potential for damage, and of course wonder about the warning labels saying "may cause tooth loss". I don't know if this fact is downplayed by the "safer" aspect of snus relative to other nic delivery mechanisms or if it is just a formality required by governmental oversight.


                            • spirit72
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 1013

                              Originally posted by pangloss
                              The distinction being that the additives in american smokeless tobacco, such as fiberglass which creates microabrasions facilitating the delivery of nicotine is far greater of an insult than Snus.
                              You're aware that the 'fiberglass in dip' thing is is actually untrue, right?

                              Originally posted by pangloss
                              I am still however, wary of the potential for damage, and of course wonder about the warning labels saying "may cause tooth loss". I don't know if this fact is downplayed by the "safer" aspect of snus relative to other nic delivery mechanisms or if it is just a formality required by governmental oversight.
                              Actually, you'll only find this warning on snus that is sold in the U.S., because the law mandates it whether or not is is actually accurate. Cans manufactured in Sweden for the Swedish market say, 'This tobacco product may damage your health and is addictive'. No mention of cancer or gum disease/tooth loss.


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