Originally posted by Kvlt
What you are going to see is NO snus after it is fully implemented, but the reality of administering new statutes means it will likely take a lot longer than 90 days. Unless somebody gets extremely creative there will most likely be no delivery mechanism available for any internet tobacco orders of any kind, which is the intent of the bill's authors, and this will be accompanied by implementation of the FDA legislation which will restrict all tobacco products which were not already in wide distribution within the US before February 2007 from sale by any means including brick and mortar stores, and also any tobacco products containing flavorings.
Both bills are set to pass the Senate easily with overwhelming margins (barring the slim chance of a successful filibuster or major amendment on the floor) and both will certainly be signed into law since the current President was a sponsor and campaigned as a supporter, as did almost all members of the majority party in the Senate. This is the direct consequence consequence of the election. They are doing exactly what they said they would do if elected, whether y'all noticed it or not. There is little effective opposition left to slow down either bill. And most folks here probably won't choose to believe it until after it has happened.