Can we all agree that we would not want to give snus to anyone who isn't already addicted to Vitamin N. I think there is a much lower instance of peer pressure to use this product over any other and the only reasoning behind it I can come up with is the fact that a lot of people who use snus are ex smokers and most snusers are more aware of vitamin N addiction. Thoughts?
I have no proof...but
I don't think I would as I wouldn't wish a nicotine addiction on someone that's never used it. Would probably prefer them to buy their own if they really wanted to try it.
mwood...that actually brings up an interesting point. To what point would you go to discourage someone from actually buying snus or any other product. We all agree that snus is harm reduction, and if someone is bound and determined to use Nicoline for whatever reason would you still refuse snus. What is the breaking point?
I only post these as hypothetical because I find it interesting to think about. Anybody with personal stories perhaps related to this are most welcome to share.
Originally posted by ctimb2002mwood...that actually brings up an interesting point. To what point would you go to discourage someone from actually buying snus or any other product. We all agree that snus is harm reduction, and if someone is bound and determined to use Nicoline for whatever reason would you still refuse snus. What is the breaking point?
If someone really wanted to try nicotine between cigarettes and snus I would recommend snus hands down as it's far less harmful.
We have had a few folks come here who weren't smokers. Folks here answered their questions, and definitely at least made people think about what they were doing, stressed that nicotine addiction WILL happen if these folks insisted on using snus.
But in the end, it's a personal choice. I started smoking when I was 9, so never really had a chance to make any kind of "informed" choice.
But no, I would never just give a snus to a non smoker. But I don't make it a habit to give any drugs to a non user.
Originally posted by lxskllrI'd give it to anyone that asked with the recommendation not to start. It's up to people to live their own lives. They don't need me, or the government making decisions for them.
I disagree. Do not consider myself a "smoker" in that I do not use on a daily basis however I have had significant exposure to tobacco in all night hookah sessions, or a humidor full of churchills.
The United States has provided enough scare tactics such that if you know the english or spanish language you are aware of the risks involved.
I have been sharing Snus with any "ever users" of tobacco, including those who smoke with me on the occasional basis.
Re: I have no proof...but
Originally posted by ctimb2002Can we all agree that we would not want to give snus to anyone who isn't already addicted to Vitamin N. I think there is a much lower instance of peer pressure to use this product over any other and the only reasoning behind it I can come up with is the fact that a lot of people who use snus are ex smokers and most snusers are more aware of vitamin N addiction. Thoughts?
All in all, I wish I'd never started using tobacco, and if I was 19 again, I would make a better decision. But I take some comfort in the knowledge that I'm using the least harmful version of it that I know of.
So yeah, I encourage other tobacco users to try snus as much as I can, and I discourage non-users as much as I can. Especially if they're young.
I feel uncertain about all this. Sure, other things being equal, nicotine addiction will be expensive and is probably a bad thing overall. But there may be interdependencies with other things. For example, nicotine may make it easier to avoid too much food. Or it may make working or studying more tolerable. Given the minimal health risks associated with snus, I'm not sure it's worse than offering coffee to a never-drinker of coffee. But of course this only applies to smokeless, not smoked tobacco.
+1 for sage. Nicotine is a beast that I am required to tame on a daily basis. For those of us who have been exposed to and addicted to it, snus is a wonderful alternative to cigarettes. But to start using tobacco at any time in one's life, to me, is extremely ill-advised. I would not give tobacco in any form at this point in my life to a non-user. But then, I don't really associate with anyone who has never tried it. Not by choice, just the nature of my friends. The only people who come to mind as non-users who are simply curious about the cool factor are children, or youngsters.
It's not worth it but if you look there are posts here by people who are looking for advice on starting snus, coming from no nicotine addiction to begin with. I myself gave at least one of those people what was perhaps an inappropriately harsh response, urging them to snap out of it and don't START using tobacco at such a young age. Nicotine addiction to me is a burden and a liability. I know it's maybe different for you sage... I went off my own thing there.
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