I have no proof...but

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    My nephew was "busted" at school using dip, which I guess is better than getting busted for smoking at school. At any rate, he's 13 and shouldn't be using ANY tobacco product.

    My aunt knows about me using snus, and how it helped me quit smoking. She smokes and I've let her try a few portions, she's not into it, but she remembered that it was safer! So she asks me to talk to my nephew, and being a father of 5 myself, I agree.

    The next time they're over here, he comes up and asks me about the General ES i've got on the table. I tell him about snus, etc and how and why it's safer than American dip/smokes, etc. I then ask him how often he's been dipping and why he's wanting to use tobacco in the first place. Of course at 13 we all know the answer to the question of why he's using it..lol. He's only had it a few times, and he said it was only a small pinch.
    I explain the horrific details of nicotine addiction, and how I really wish I would have never tried tobacco of any kind.

    I then give him two portions of General ES and tell him to put them under his upper lip. He does, and 15 minutes later, he's puking and sick as a dog, and vows never to touch dip/snus/cigs again.


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      Hahaha awesome Rick.

      I remember the first time I threw up on nicotine.

      It was Cherry Skoal. To this day I can't stand the smell of it.


      • pangloss
        • May 2009
        • 183

        Rick, you da Man! If you get to em young one negative experience is all it takes to steer them away.

        Interestingly however, if they get to college-age the mentality seems to morph into "Boot-n-Rally" with new experiences.

        Way to nip it in the bud!


        • ctimb2002
          • Apr 2009
          • 483

          I wish someone had done that to me when i first started smoking. My brother found out about it and about the extint of what he did was to come into my room and threaten to beat the shit outta me. Of course he already beat me a good bit anyways so what the hell did I care? If he had forced me to smoke 2 packs in one sitting I might have had a different outlook. Oh well...now i snus...a much happier man lol.


          • 58328832
            • May 2009
            • 35

            I've never been a smoker. I have resorted to cigarettes a couple times when I've been out of snus, but it was snus that got me addicted to nicotine. I guess it's just that here in Finland snus use is way more common than in America: In my school among boys snus users outnumber smokers. Girls very rarely use snus, though.


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