The slip into addiction

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  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    The slip into addiction

    Hello fellow Snusers,

    At this point I have been using Sweedish Snus for approximately 3 wks and am up to about 3-4 (8mg nic) portions/day. I have ran through the medical journals and although siting a few where oral/throat cancer is increased most cannot note a statisically significant incidence of malignancy in snus users.

    There is a slight increase in BP due to the nic although does not seem to increase cardiovascular risk (except in one study). There is a doubling in the risk for pancreatic cancer relative to controls, which btw, is a beast of a malignancy, however even with this increase the incidence per 1000 is still quite small.

    To my knowledge there does not seem to be a very probable risk of tooth loss, though it should be noted that most studies did not list this as a primary or secondary outcome. There is a potential for gum recession although it seems to be relatively mild if portions are alternated and oral hygeine maintained.

    The risk of irritation of the gums can result in snus induced lesions which while characterized as leukoplakia, do not seem to be correlated to development of oral cancer in site of Snusing.

    Personal experiences gathered in the past few weeks from this forum have been enlightening and overall positive. Some mention that it is just as difficult to kick snus as cigarettes, while others say they can go for days with out picking up a tin where this was next to impossible with smoking.


    And now for my history:
    I have never really been able to inhale cigarettes comfortably. I do not have asthma but the smoke does irritate my lungs. I am a big fan of hookah and have a very nice one in my apartment. I like clove cigarettes for the flavor though the nic is absorbed orally as I do not inhale. I really enjoy cigars usually of the maduro type and mostly of the churchill variety as this is the best bang for your buck.

    I smoke cigars during poker sessions at bars until recently when the ban went into effect in DFW. I would smoke hookah whenever there were enough people at my apartment such that an enjoyable session could be facilitated. I also have a few pipes and smoke tobacco from these occasionally as it is a very cheap form of smoking.

    Overall I would say that I smoke between 2.5-4 times per week with an average nic intake being approx. I large cigar (absorbed orally) or one 30-45 minute hookah session (absorbed through lungs).

    Given this weekly usage I have not found myself "addicted" to nicotine. Every time I lift a cigar or pick up any form of tobacco however I always think in the back of my mind that there is some inherent and altogether avoidable risk that I am taking as my body absorbs the toxic insult.


    After serious thought and outside perspective from my gf I have decided that I will be a regular snuser and accept the risks and addiction involved. I snus on a daily basis and it is only a matter of time before my brain chemistry becomes rewired and this moves from a pleasure to a Vitamin required for function.

    Going into the health profession the usage of nicotine is frowned upon (to say the least) and I will spend my career advising patients whether as a family medicine doc or a heart surgeon that Smoking and nicotine most likely played a role in the given pathology and that it is quite detrimental to health. However, doctors are humans not saints and a great many of them do not practice what they preach. As an aside, there was a famous pediatric heart surgeon who gave up smoking as it is not compatible to operating all day in the OR and would frequently chew on nicotine gum during his procedures. No one seemed to care though as he was just that damn good.

    Snus is very discrete, highly enjoyable, and the risks are far smaller than alternative tobacco vices. In fact I have less concern popping a few snus each day than smoking tobacco few and far between during the week.

    I also gave up drinking four months ago in order to have more time to study and live a more balanced life. The decision to become a regular snuser, slip into the addiction of nicotine/and accepting the enjoyment it brings to my life has been carefully thought out through multiple avenues.

    I believe I am making a clear decision and if anyone, anyone at all has any comments regarding this post I would very much appreciate them.

    I have always been a very cautious person, except for the one time I let myself go and decided to take up motorcycling. I broke my leg within a few months (not even going fast or doing anything cool) and will never touch a bike again. All in all this is a big choice for me and it has not yet become a one way road though I believe after lots of consideration it is a path I am willing to take.

    After all, I will be spending my twenties with my face in a book and paged/woken up in the middle of the night to care for others. This has been my choice I love it and would not have it any other way. However,
    whats life without vice?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I pretty much agree with your conclusions. I was a much heavier nicotine addict, so the choices are a little more clear, but life's here to enjoy. Who wants to live to be 90 years old if you didn't have fun on the way? I find the level of risk in snus to be perfectly acceptable. Would I be better off not using tobacco at all? Probably; But I find the benefits outweigh the risks for me.


    • HK11
      • May 2009
      • 631

      I'm totally a nicotine addict and have been for a long time. Snus is the tastiest way with the least amount of negative effect on my quality of life that I have found so far.

      Im new and I already use way too much snus. That's just my personality. You should have seen me with cocaine. Ive come to accept it and say "**** it". Squares only live like 10 more years and those are spent burdening the lives of their offspring.

      In short, **** it.


      • snusmn
        New Member
        • Apr 2009
        • 12

        Nicely thought out

        Glade to hear you like snus as much as the rest of us!! You are lucky in the fact that you are starting this out with a good sense of what you are getting into and at least doing what is of least risk/still a great deal of satisfaction. Most of us were not so lucky and started out on the bad stuff too young to know what the heck we were doing. Although, good think there is snus or i wpuld have probably died from dipping so much (its nearly impossible to quite that stuff after a tin or more a day for many years). Iused to drink a lot and smoke a whole lot of pot and i think my nic addiction and having something to keep my body satisfied and stress relief down is the only think keeping me from doing all that stuff daily. Thank you snus!!!!!!!

        Also, i love how they disclose the ingredients and prossesing methods over other tobacco forms. It at least gives you the chance to know exactly whats going into you other than "its bad".


        • Nicobuzz
          Banned Users
          • Apr 2009
          • 144

          The paradox is that life kills you.

          If I was one of the unlucky few that ever got anything from using Snus, I'd accept it, after all, if it wasn't snus that got me it would be some other stupid thing.

          On the other hand, the odds of getting away from anything bad as a smoker are terrible. 10 in every 100 smokers get lung cancer. We have been led by the media that if you smoke you WILL get lung cancer and as a result look at this 10 in 100 in a favourable light. But these are not good odds at all in reality and this figure does not include all the other associated health risks from lighting up.

          I cannot imagine that there are any real heart risks from snussing either. IMO if you are a reasonably healthy person to begin with and lead a reasonably active life - you'll survive.

          I don't drink these days either. The hangovers got too bad so nowadays nicotine is my only vice and I don't even smoke it now. It IS however much more pleasurable in the form of Snus than in the form of smoke and my lungs feel as good as new these days.
          If I do end up with cancer I'll put it down to the fact I smoked since I was 9 until the age of 37. That might still one day bite me on the ass. However by quitting at the age I did reduces my odds of getting cancer dramatically than if I had given up at 57. Apparently my odds of getting cancer are only slightly less that of a non smoker (Can't remember where I saw that data now).


          • snusmn
            New Member
            • Apr 2009
            • 12

            yeah i agree with you. ill put it down as dip! i also agree that snus is so much more enjoyable than smoking. it also lasts longer than 2 minutes at a time.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I'll take a different angle.

              I think it could make you a hell of a role model. Now every patient you ever see that smokes. who tells you they can't give up their nicotine. You can tell them about snus, show them that you use it, explain the health benefits, and really encourage them to give it a try.

              You will be far more effective in that role as an insider, as someone who isn't trying to tell them they can't have, just perhaps there is a better and safer way for them to have. And a way you know because YOU use t.

              If you ever go back and read my posts to others who are considering snus and not yet fully addicted to nicotine. All i ask is they do what you did. think it through and make an informed choice.

              I think you did good. And I am glad we will get to keep you around.


              • Multinic
                • May 2008
                • 111

                Well, I never studied medicine but I like to read medical journal papers that are connected to smoking and/or smokeless tobacco. Actually, the main reason that I have decided to only snus (almost there) and not smoke is the enormous reduction in mortality/morbidity risks. There is a bunch of researchers at the University of Alberta who have produced some really informative articles. The best summary (I might be slightly wrong but not by much) is that smoking reduces your life expectancy by somewhere between 6-8 years (controlling for other variables) while the corresponding effect from daily smokeless tobacco use is less than one month (something like 15-20 days)! My impression from my reading is that there are four legal activities that you should avoid from a self-interested perspective:

                1 Smoking cigarettes etc.
                2 Riding a motorbike without a helmet (and perhaps even with a helmet)
                3 Unprotected sex

                Probably in that order. Also, you should avoid DUI, but that doesn't belong in the legal category.

                So my conclusion is that it's perfectly rational to decide to become a lifetime user of snus if you are at all attracted to stimulants (same goes for coffee).

                I used to drink too much - especially in college - but have now managed to bring it down to six beers on Friday or (not and) Saturday nights. My remaining dissatisfaction is that I tend to smoke one cigarette per beer (so six per week). I'm planning to attempt six beers with strong snus next week (we'll see how it goes).


                • deebocools
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 661

                  "health nuts are going to feel pretty silly when they're in the hospital dying of nothing" - rodney dangerfield

                  I like your style, I too weight risks and rewards for a very long time before I pick something up. I didn't use caffeine till I was 19 or so, alcohol till I was 20 and nicotine(daily) shortly after I was 21. Each one was a deliberate choice rather than a slippery slope, and I think this ancient triangle of drugs provides alot of potential for benefit.


                  • Maxpower05080
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 185

                    You think too much man! :lol:

                    Relax, and if you enjoy it then do so. If you are concerned about health risks, then stop.

                    My view...You get one life, and if you find something enjoyable that's not potentially going to ruin it, then enjoy.

                    peace/love &nicotine


                    • pangloss
                      • May 2009
                      • 183

                      Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                      You think too much man! :lol:

                      Relax, and if you enjoy it then do so. If you are concerned about health risks, then stop.

                      My view...You get one life, and if you find something enjoyable that's not potentially going to ruin it, then enjoy.

                      peace/love &nicotine
                      It is true I do think to much. I don't want to end up as one of those "squares" who ends up with some life threatening illness despite living a healthy life thinking to myself "why didn't I have more fun".

                      And lemme tell you, snus is a hell of alot of fun. More so than any of the other tobacco products I have tried in the past, and while not the same as getting smashed and hitting on girls, it does not leave me with a massive hangover the next morning.

                      I was am just posting to see if someone is going to pop onto my thread and say "STOP" Snus has caused me great harm in the following ways "insert comments". Cursed be the day I ever tried this product! If this is you please comment on this thread.

                      It doesn't seem to be the case however and snus has more enjoyable flavors than ice cream, without the risk of developing diabetes from the sugar intake, lol. Hoo-ray! 8)


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by pangloss
                        I was am just posting to see if someone is going to pop onto my thread and say "STOP" Snus has caused me great harm in the following ways "insert comments". Cursed be the day I ever tried this product! If this is you please comment on this thread.


                        You are not gonna get any comments like that. For one, we have never had anyone ever say something like that here, and I red every thread. Have had at most 2or 3 folks say snus just didn't agree with them, but that's it.

                        And even if there was someone like that, I kinda don't expect them to keep reading a snus forum. :wink:

                        Before i even used snus, I spent days reading any available science on it. There is just nothing particularly bad about it. Well except you will be doubling your chance of pancreatic cancer. From 4 n 100,00 to 8 in 100,000.


                        • pangloss
                          • May 2009
                          • 183

                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          Originally posted by pangloss

                          Before i even used snus, I spent days reading any available science on it. There is just nothing particularly bad about it. Well except you will be doubling your chance of pancreatic cancer. From 4 n 100,00 to 8 in 100,000.
                          As a pretty intense gambling man, I like those odds.

                          My only residual concern is the risk of tooth loss. I still haven't seen much research on it (though it is listed as a warning on the General cans), and unfortunately I didn't get many responses to my tooth loss and snus poll although they were overly positive.

                          I emailed the people at general to see if they could send me some info on it.


                          • Maxpower05080
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 185

                            Originally posted by pangloss
                            Originally posted by sagedil
                            Originally posted by pangloss

                            Before i even used snus, I spent days reading any available science on it. There is just nothing particularly bad about it. Well except you will be doubling your chance of pancreatic cancer. From 4 n 100,00 to 8 in 100,000.
                            As a pretty intense gambling man, I like those odds.

                            My only residual concern is the risk of tooth loss. I still haven't seen much research on it (though it is listed as a warning on the General cans), and unfortunately I didn't get many responses to my tooth loss and snus poll although they were overly positive.

                            I emailed the people at general to see if they could send me some info on it.
                            Just make it a habit it brush a bit more daily. I try to brush my teeth 3 times a day, while using snus. Everything looks good as of now. My gums are healthy as hell, and my teeth are nice a white. If they stain a bit from snus and coffee usage, I'll get some crest white strips.

                            I bet you those are worse on dental hygiene than snus though!


                            • clintonwelding1
                              New Member
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6

                              nicotine is deffinetly a love/hate relationship haha


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