Another ex-smoker story

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  • Code2
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 13

    Another ex-smoker story

    Hi all,
    I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks, this is my 1st post. My wife and I turned 60 not too long ago, and quit smoking 3 weeks ago after about 43 years (at least 1.5 packs-a-day for me). Started with Commit (Kroger) 4mg lozenges. Somehow I came across Stonewall, Snus, etc. on the web (ain't the internet grand?). The Commit was helpful, but I'm getting much more pleasure from my snusing, and haven't wanted a cigarette too badly. And, I can enjoy my tobacco anywhere at any time. I'm a nicotine addict, but if the nanny-state do-gooders will stay out of my business I can get enough nicotine to keep from going Medieval, while reducing my health risks significantly. My wife uses nic patches, and a Stonewall Java every now and then. The Stonewall Javas are delicious, although a bit too sweet, but still good for dessert

    Surprisingly, the 8mg snus are a bit much for me - not too much nicotine, just too much juice, etc. The 4mg are just about right, and also less noticeable when that's a concern. And I still like the US Camels, even though, yes, they're too sweet (*runs for cover*).

    So far I've tried General mini white, Mocca Pomegranate mini white, Ettan white, Gote Rape #2 white, Roda Lackett white, and the Camels. I have CatchDry Eucalyptus and Tre Ankare on order. My favorites so far are the Camel, Roda, Ettan, and Mocca. Generals are way too salty for me. I've ordered from Buysnus & Northerner with good results.

    Anyway, I'm usually not very long-winded, but I wanted to let you all know about another convert, and thank you for all the great info I've gotten from this forum. I may not post often, but I'll continue to enjoy all you guys and gals.

  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947


    Welcome aboard Code2.

    Good luck to you and your wife.

    Congratulations on making your lifestyle change and finding snus.

    We're glad to have you, even if you don't post too often. (hope you do)



    • Old Frothingslosh
      • Jan 2009
      • 175

      Welcome Code2. Congrats on putting the cigs down. Good luck and keep snusing.

      You're a lot like me with those long years of smoking. I, however, found I need the higher nic snus to keep away from the cigs. The minis just don't do it for me. You will get used to the juice and the salt, but keep trying different kinds because you'll find your tastes change the longer you snus.

      Best of luck to you, my friend, and to your wife as well.


      • TBD
        • Jul 2008
        • 817

        Welcome code2. There are a lot of flavors that will suit you. Keep snussing and you'll find em all.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Welcome to Snuson Code2

          I'm pleased to see the various generations here. The perspective is good for us!!!

          Honestly, any white should take care of those juicing issues. Reason I switched to mostly whites about a year ago.

          Everyone reacts a bit differently to the nicotine in snus. If the minis are working, then keep using them. But I would definitely at least have some stronger snus on hand, just for those moments when you suddenly feel compelled for more nicotine. Especially if you are intentionally staying away from ALL cigarettes now. One of the things I love about snus, s i really can tailor my uptake to meet whatever the needs are at the moment.

          Again, congratulations on quitting cigarettes, and welcome to our amazing world.


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Welcome Code2,

            My dad is not a snuser and I finally found one he likes. LD Black. He asked me to order a can for him on my next order.

            Licorice that doesn't taste salty.
            Black portion (technically a white portion) not juicy.
            Regular strength.
            And the flavor lasts a good 2 hours.

            You might want to give it a try.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              LD black could be expanded to more varieties... It's my desert island snus. Almost feels like I'm addicted to snus, nicotine, and LD black seperately


              • Code2
                New Member
                • May 2009
                • 13


                Thanks for the replies. Yes, I'll probably keep a supply of regular portions for when I'm at home and can spit more freely if I feel the need. I definitely appreciate the added nic in them, and maybe I'll get more used to them. I've been hesitant to use them at work, becuase I'd hate to get into a hiccuping/spitting mode in the middle of a meeting Also, there are some portion flavors I like or want to try which you can't get in the mini-portions. I've only used white so far, based on advice from this forum. I'm not a licorice fan, but I may give LD Black a shot.

                I appreciate the input guys,


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  The hiccuping and such will dissipate really soon. I only had that issue in maybe my first month or two of using.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    It's funny but the only snus that made me hiccup was Camel Spice.


                    • Ainkor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1144

                      Welcome aboard! Glad to hear another person has found snus!

                      Be sure to ask any question you want about snus.



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