Hi all,
I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks, this is my 1st post. My wife and I turned 60 not too long ago, and quit smoking 3 weeks ago after about 43 years (at least 1.5 packs-a-day for me). Started with Commit (Kroger) 4mg lozenges. Somehow I came across Stonewall, Snus, etc. on the web (ain't the internet grand?). The Commit was helpful, but I'm getting much more pleasure from my snusing, and haven't wanted a cigarette too badly. And, I can enjoy my tobacco anywhere at any time. I'm a nicotine addict, but if the nanny-state do-gooders will stay out of my business I can get enough nicotine to keep from going Medieval, while reducing my health risks significantly. My wife uses nic patches, and a Stonewall Java every now and then. The Stonewall Javas are delicious, although a bit too sweet, but still good for dessert
Surprisingly, the 8mg snus are a bit much for me - not too much nicotine, just too much juice, etc. The 4mg are just about right, and also less noticeable when that's a concern. And I still like the US Camels, even though, yes, they're too sweet (*runs for cover*).
So far I've tried General mini white, Mocca Pomegranate mini white, Ettan white, Gote Rape #2 white, Roda Lackett white, and the Camels. I have CatchDry Eucalyptus and Tre Ankare on order. My favorites so far are the Camel, Roda, Ettan, and Mocca. Generals are way too salty for me. I've ordered from Buysnus & Northerner with good results.
Anyway, I'm usually not very long-winded, but I wanted to let you all know about another convert, and thank you for all the great info I've gotten from this forum. I may not post often, but I'll continue to enjoy all you guys and gals.
I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks, this is my 1st post. My wife and I turned 60 not too long ago, and quit smoking 3 weeks ago after about 43 years (at least 1.5 packs-a-day for me). Started with Commit (Kroger) 4mg lozenges. Somehow I came across Stonewall, Snus, etc. on the web (ain't the internet grand?). The Commit was helpful, but I'm getting much more pleasure from my snusing, and haven't wanted a cigarette too badly. And, I can enjoy my tobacco anywhere at any time. I'm a nicotine addict, but if the nanny-state do-gooders will stay out of my business I can get enough nicotine to keep from going Medieval, while reducing my health risks significantly. My wife uses nic patches, and a Stonewall Java every now and then. The Stonewall Javas are delicious, although a bit too sweet, but still good for dessert

Surprisingly, the 8mg snus are a bit much for me - not too much nicotine, just too much juice, etc. The 4mg are just about right, and also less noticeable when that's a concern. And I still like the US Camels, even though, yes, they're too sweet (*runs for cover*).
So far I've tried General mini white, Mocca Pomegranate mini white, Ettan white, Gote Rape #2 white, Roda Lackett white, and the Camels. I have CatchDry Eucalyptus and Tre Ankare on order. My favorites so far are the Camel, Roda, Ettan, and Mocca. Generals are way too salty for me. I've ordered from Buysnus & Northerner with good results.
Anyway, I'm usually not very long-winded, but I wanted to let you all know about another convert, and thank you for all the great info I've gotten from this forum. I may not post often, but I'll continue to enjoy all you guys and gals.