My God, the Dreams!

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  • sofarsogood
    New Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 14

    My God, the Dreams!

    So I was looking at the thread on here related to snus and dreams and decided to try using a portion before going to bed. Half of the wild dreams have been forgotten. But one has stuck with me. It was something about Jesus. I remember that the 'story' was related to Jesus and for some reason, a colored egg with 'hairs' growing out of it(they looked more like vines but I can only think of them as hairs for some reason) was somehow important to the story. From there, it gets hazy again. When I woke up, Jesus was by the bed for a split second and then he was gone. I have never had such a vivid dream in my life. And I'm not even very religious so that one came from left field. Maybe that's why I was able to remember bits and pieces of it. *shrugs shoulders*

    Hope you had a good laugh. I did not make this up. Please don't think me too wierd. Thank you and good evening.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    I used to get those all the time as I always used to go to bed with snus in me lip.


    • HK11
      • May 2009
      • 631

      Here is my snus dream. I very rarely remember dreams, but I remember a lot about this one over a week later. I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted:

      My wife and I had hired a female prostitute. We met her at a roadside shack made of wood. Something happened and the whore needed to leave so another took her place. Not sure but I don't think anything happened. We were in the care with the whore's driver who was driving a fast car similar to a lexus and I remember thinking I am gonna die cause he was going so fast.

      The car overheated and shortly after an elderly gentleman that I work with showed up and helped me park the car in a shed nearby. In the shed there were a lot of monkeys. I remember saying what the **** are these monkeys doing here. My wife, the prostitues and the old guy were all gone from the dream by this time.

      The driver had me go to a party nearby and there were a ton of people there. There were some people in colorful "bug" suits that were on Xtasy as far as I could tell. The driver took off his shoes and he was missing half of one of his feet. I saw a guy I used to hang out with in high school. He came over and starting hugging me and tried to put his hand in my pants. I stopped him and he started crying.

      The original prostitute showed up and took me to her room in this house to service me for free. I woke up shortly afterwards. There were a million other details but they are hard to describe.

      This dream lasted all night as far as I can tell. Sorry you had to read all that.


      • Nicobuzz
        Banned Users
        • Apr 2009
        • 144

        I wonder whether nicotine triggers a small release of DMT in the brain seeing that nicotine is essentially a poison.

        Google DMT and Dr. Strassman.


        • Maxpower05080
          • Mar 2009
          • 185

          Originally posted by Nicobuzz
          I wonder whether nicotine triggers a small release of DMT in the brain seeing that nicotine is essentially a poison.

          Google DMT and Dr. Strassman.
          It is a possibility but I doubt it. It may slightly, but I think any sort of stimulant or depressant that is still active in the body while sleeping will affect dreams. Anything including loud sounds, cold or heat, or pain will affect dreams too.


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            I don't know about you, but I'd be wondering where my wife, the prostitutes and that old dude were!!! LOL

            Since I started snusing, my dreams are insane and I'm cool with it, except when they're nightmarish...I do wake up somewhat panicked about them. That hasn't happened since I was a child. Guess it's an okay trade off for not killing my lungs with cigs.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by rickcharles606

              Since I started snusing, my dreams are insane and I'm cool with it, except when they're nightmarish...
              I enjoy a good nightmare. It keeps life interesting :^)


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                is this the acid trip page, or the snus dream page?


                • auggie
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 84

                  Nightmares are like immersive virtual-reality horror movies - all the thrill of unbelievable and impossible danger without any actual danger. Sometimes I have really weird/scary dreams, then wake up and think "whoa, if that were a movie, millions of people would pay money to see that..."


                  • rscott222
                    • May 2009
                    • 346

                    I remember some very vivid dreams while on the patch.


                    • Snusages
                      • May 2009
                      • 32

                      My recent dreams, since starting to use snus, have become quite scary. One was quite haunting. I was losing my mind and couldn't remember anything. i was desperately struggling to get people to remind me of the past so I wouldn't forget. There was something so extraordinary about it. I woke up and couldn't get to sleep for a good 2 or 3 hours. And then just recently I had one about being shot, but it wasn't the usual at all. When I got shot, I swear I felt it go through my head and I heard this obnoxious high-pitched screeching for a few seconds. I woke up in a panic, something that I've barely ever experienced.

                      Whether I'm just going crazy and the dreams are a side effect or it is my body dealing with its first month of consistent nicotine use, I am a bit intrigued before going to sleep.


                      • DarrylR
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 29

                        Remember, tobacco has been used for thousand of years as a shamanic inebriant:

                        I'm pretty sure its the nicotene rather than any other tobacco component causing the wild dreams, as they're also reported by users of transdermal patches.

                        Nicotene can have lots of unexpected effects on brain chemistry. For example, its a natural antidepressant:

                        Several studies have documented a strong association between smoking and depression. Because cigarette smoke has been reported to inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) A in vitro and in animals and because MAO A inhibitors are effective antidepressants, we tested the hypothesis that MAO A would be reduced in the brain of cigarette smokers. We compared brain MAO A in 15 nonsmokers and 16 current smokers with [11C]clorgyline and positron emission tomography (PET). Four of the nonsmokers were also treated with the antidepressant MAO inhibitor drug, tranylcypromine (10 mgyday for 3 days) after the baseline PET scan and then rescanned to assess the sensitivity of [11C]clorgyline binding to MAO inhibition. MAO A levels were quantified by using the model term lk3which is a function of brain MAO A concentration. Smokers had significantly lower brain MAO A than nonsmokers in all brain regions examined (average reduction, 28%). The mean lk3 values for the whole brain were 0.18 6 0.04 and 0.13 6 0.03 ccbrain (mlplasma)21 min21 for nonsmokers and smokers, respectively; P < 0.0003). Tranylcypromine treatment reduced lk3 by an average of 58% for the different brain regions. Our results show that tobacco smoke exposure is associated with a marked reduction in brainMAO A, and this reduction is about half of that produced by a brief treatment with tranylcypromine. This suggests that MAO A inhibition needs to be considered as a potential contributing variable in the high rate of smoking in depression and in the development of more effective strategies for smoking cessation.


                        • yummi4tunekookie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 277

                          I almost always have pleasant, wildly fantastic dreams that I hate waking up from. Very rarely do I get nightmares, but even those I tend to enjoy. However, I fell asleep a couple of times with a portion in and had distinctly nasty nightmares that left me feeling shaky and ill-at-ease. I loves me some snus, but I won't be sleeping with one in again any time soon!


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                            I almost always have pleasant, wildly fantastic dreams that I hate waking up from. Very rarely do I get nightmares, but even those I tend to enjoy. However, I fell asleep a couple of times with a portion in and had distinctly nasty nightmares that left me feeling shaky and ill-at-ease. I loves me some snus, but I won't be sleeping with one in again any time soon!
                            I never remember my dreams unless I sleep with snus. That's one reason I like doing it. The added bonus is the dreams are especially surreal :^)


                            • Link
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 404

                              Originally posted by Snusages
                              My recent dreams, since starting to use snus, have become quite scary. One was quite haunting. I was losing my mind and couldn't remember anything. i was desperately struggling to get people to remind me of the past so I wouldn't forget. There was something so extraordinary about it. I woke up and couldn't get to sleep for a good 2 or 3 hours. And then just recently I had one about being shot, but it wasn't the usual at all. When I got shot, I swear I felt it go through my head and I heard this obnoxious high-pitched screeching for a few seconds. I woke up in a panic, something that I've barely ever experienced.

                              Whether I'm just going crazy and the dreams are a side effect or it is my body dealing with its first month of consistent nicotine use, I am a bit intrigued before going to sleep.

                              At least I'm not the only one getting shot, but I didn't wake up right away. I was getting chased up, down and across one of those multi-level-see-through-metal-grate floors like you might see in an industrial area. So the guy corners me and pulls out a gun and shoots me right through my forehead. Things go black for a second and then I'm looking down on this guy with a bullet hole in the same place I was shot. It took me a minute and then, oh shit, my ghost realizes that it was me down there. So my ghost then hovers down to my old body to check out the hole in the forehead for a while. Then I wake up. For some reason I remeber the guy wanting the money I owed him, but I can't make a real life connection cause I don't owe anyone or the IRS.


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