My God, the Dreams!

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  • teeotee
    • Jul 2009
    • 251

    I know I'm reviving an old thread here but last night's dream was a real crazy one.
    A little bit of info first though. Yesterday i got my most recent order from getsnus which was the ES face off deal, 2 cans of Odens 2 cans of Thunder. Well of course i was hitting things pretty hard. I stopped snussing around 10:30 ish. Went to bed at 11:00pm. I woke up at 2:00am after having a particular lucid and erratic dream. I'm not going to bother trying to pass on some of the details because it was jus ta lot of random events loosely strung together. It took me quite a while to get mythoughts back in line after waking up and at least another 30 minutes before i could settle back to sleep.
    I do remember having similar dreams when i first tried sleeping overnight with a nicorette patch on. Also i would forget on more than one occasion that i was wearing one on a Sunday afternoon and laid down for nap only to have another real lucid dream. It would take a while to figure out if i was awake or was it still the dream. Crazy stuff ....
    Anyways, i waslooking for a thread to see if this was a common occurence with other snussers. I guess i found my answer. Tonight i quit snussing at 9:00 and that was just a regular portion. Hopefully tonight won't be quite as crazy :shock:


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      dude the last two nic dreams of mine were insane

      first in my general area just at the fams house, knock knock, military guy knocks on the door..older man looked like a mix between clooney and eastwood..cut its showing outerspace more specifically the sun, and its throwing a damn fit..huge ass solar flare..cutscene the room talking away about some nonsense then the ground starts shaking, somebody said whats that, the military guy said "probably the damn koreans" then i look out the window...dark sky, cloudy and there's a huge ass beam shooting from the sky into the ground(its a orangeish purple color) everything is shaking and the ground starts to explode moving closer and closer to the house...i start saying some shit in a foreign language then boom i wake up...

      a week later i have this dream

      in my fams house,same exact location except its different(interior wise) no basement just a bottom floor and a winding looking out the window and its sorming pretty bad, i see a plane flying across the sky...then a huge ass lighting bolt strikes it it starts falling and hits the ground(note outside my fams house is a dip, the house is up on a hill, there are lots of trees and other houses thats all you see in real life, in the dream its a flatland and about a half mile away is a lake and some jagged rocks) the plane hits thos rocks zooms in to the plane then back out to normal vision a helicopter is flying overhead and it loses control then starts spiraling torwards the ground...i go up stairs and into the room to get some binoculars...go back downstairs and look out the window its a mess outside car wrecks and crashed burning planes stretched for miles..people trying to swim away from the plane crash to the land across the lake next thing i know BANG gunshots...just one and people in the lake start getting picked off one by one..then the sun comes out it goes to a scene above the town and its just chaos...fires and wrecks everywhere...then i wake up

      is it bad that i want to keep having these dreams and see wtf happens next


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        I enjoy the wacky dreams but limit myself to one night a week sleeping with a pris in. I don't feel that I am getting a quality sleep and wake up groggy and physically tired.



        • Choice
          • Oct 2009
          • 32

          Originally posted by Nicobuzz
          I wonder whether nicotine triggers a small release of DMT in the brain seeing that nicotine is essentially a poison.

          Google DMT and Dr. Strassman.
          Nicotine releases Endorphins-- That is one of the the opiates the body makes, for reward, or pain relief.

          That is sorta why the hardest drugs to quit are Nicotine followed by Heroin!

          Opiates are known for having odd dreams as a effect.

          Where DMT takes you though... opiates have no impact at all.


          • auggie
            • Jul 2008
            • 84

            Originally posted by texasmade
            in my fams house,same exact location except its different(interior wise) no basement just a bottom floor and a winding looking out the window and its sorming pretty bad, i see a plane flying across the sky...then a huge ass lighting bolt strikes it it starts falling and hits the ground(note outside my fams house is a dip, the house is up on a hill, there are lots of trees and other houses thats all you see in real life, in the dream its a flatland and about a half mile away is a lake and some jagged rocks) the plane hits thos rocks zooms in to the plane then back out to normal vision a helicopter is flying overhead and it loses control then starts spiraling torwards the ground...i go up stairs and into the room to get some binoculars...go back downstairs and look out the window its a mess outside car wrecks and crashed burning planes stretched for miles..people trying to swim away from the plane crash to the land across the lake next thing i know BANG gunshots...just one and people in the lake start getting picked off one by one..then the sun comes out it goes to a scene above the town and its just chaos...fires and wrecks everywhere...then i wake up

            is it bad that i want to keep having these dreams and see wtf happens next
            Dude, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at this. Truly epic and awesome! (Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I just have two portions in and am trying to decide if I should go to sleep with them in or pop them out first. I'm always a bit scared I'll choke on them in my sleep...


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              Strange that this topic got bumped. I rarely remember dreams, but I had a nightmare last night that woke me up.

              I dreamed that I was driving in NASCAR, but it was on a really strange track. It was more like a highway interchange where you had to take a cloverleaf exit to get to pit road. I had just finished my pit stop, and was going back onto the track, but I realized I was going the wrong direction. To make things worse my car stalled out so I couldn't get out of the way.

              Just then I realized I wasn't actually driving, but it was more like a first person movie scene. The view zoomed back, and I realized it was Elliot Sadler driving the car. Somehow he ended up outside his car, and another car came around at full speed and seeing a stalled car on the track started to wipe out. The other car skidded into Elliot sadler and splattered him into the wall. Thankfully I closed my dream eyes right that second because I knew I didn't want to see that. Then I somehow ended up in a car again, driving slow under the caution flag, and I looked over at the wall. Through the flames engulfing the wall at this point, I could see a giant blood splatter on the wall. That's when I gasped and woke up.

              Weird huh?


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                as long as ive been sleeping with a portion or pris in ive never choked on any or swallowed any..i say leave em in and snooze


                • Matija
                  New Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1

                  Originally posted by HK11
                  Here is my snus dream. I very rarely remember dreams, but I remember a lot about this one over a week later. I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted:

                  My wife and I had hired a female prostitute. We met her at a roadside shack made of wood. Something happened and the whore needed to leave so another took her place. Not sure but I don't think anything happened. We were in the care with the whore's driver who was driving a fast car similar to a lexus and I remember thinking I am gonna die cause he was going so fast.

                  The car overheated and shortly after an elderly gentleman that I work with showed up and helped me park the car in a shed nearby. In the shed there were a lot of monkeys. I remember saying what the **** are these monkeys doing here. My wife, the prostitues and the old guy were all gone from the dream by this time.

                  The driver had me go to a party nearby and there were a ton of people there. There were some people in colorful "bug" suits that were on Xtasy as far as I could tell. The driver took off his shoes and he was missing half of one of his feet. I saw a guy I used to hang out with in high school. He came over and starting hugging me and tried to put his hand in my pants. I stopped him and he started crying.

                  The original prostitute showed up and took me to her room in this house to service me for free. I woke up shortly afterwards. There were a million other details but they are hard to describe.

                  This dream lasted all night as far as I can tell. Sorry you had to read all that.
                  OMG I laughed so hard when I read this I nearly peed the couch and barely made it to the bathroom, this was so funny! The bug suits and guy with half a foot were hilarious. I just started snus a couple weeks ago and my dreams are more vivid but I havent had one as good as this yet lol.


                  • midnight
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 175

                    All this talk of snus-induced dreaming makes me want to double barrel some thunder at 12 am right before i go to bed and see what my brain produces. It's like a haruki murakami novel in your head. I've had certain weird lucid dreams after forgetting about a portion and falling asleep, but never that strong.


                    • Owens187
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 1547

                      For what its worth, I sleep with snus quite often, and I agree that the stuff gives you intense, lucid dreams. Quite cool actually.....except for Thunder. Every time I have fallen asleep with Thunder in, I have intense, lucid nightmares. I dont know why. And I have perposely tried it a few times out of curiosity. Nightmares with Thunder, everytime.



                      • visiON
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 308

                        Originally posted by Owens187
                        For what its worth, I sleep with snus quite often, and I agree that the stuff gives you intense, lucid dreams. Quite cool actually.....except for Thunder. Every time I have fallen asleep with Thunder in, I have intense, lucid nightmares. I dont know why. And I have perposely tried it a few times out of curiosity. Nightmares with Thunder, everytime.

                        Woah, what Thunder you using? My experience, Thunder Berry gave me nice lucid dreams.. Thunder Frost(slept with it under my lip today's night) and I don't even remember the dream

                        1 more thing, snus + bed + sleep = yellow drool stain on your pillow


                        • /dev/null
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 38

                          Originally posted by auggie
                          (Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I just have two portions in and am trying to decide if I should go to sleep with them in or pop them out first. I'm always a bit scared I'll choke on them in my sleep...
                          A fresh pris before bed has become a nightly ritual for me. I find the nicotine comforting, and the flavor as something to focus on helps me knock out sooner. The dreams are awesomely vivid, too. I'm hoping I can be lucid in them at some point.

                          I'd stay away from the long, slender portions though. I fell asleep with a 01 about a week ago; woke up an hour before sunrise with nausea and a disgusting fishy flavor overwhelming my mouth, and the portion was nowhere to be found. I'm going to assume it wiggled its way down my throat since I vomited a mouth full of acid soon after.

                          I can't stand the taste of 01 since then, but I haven't had any problems with traditionally shaped portions, and that experience wasn't bad enough to keep me from snusing overnight.


                          • LaZeR
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 3994

                            WTF am I doing wrong? Why can't I experience any of these lucid wet dreams? I've tried double-barreling Frosted mini's in my sleep, Various Sterk and ES portions and even woke up chewing on them. Are you telling me I have to fall asleep with lös snus in order to bust a nut?

                            So confused..... :?


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              try damiana/passion flower tea.


                              • sofarsogood
                                New Member
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 14


                                this thread is still alive. I am still having wild dreams if I snus before sleep.


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