My God, the Dreams!

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  • elothen
    • Apr 2010
    • 40

    Last night I went to bed sick, mild fever, aches, etc. and it was my first day of being on Swedish SNUS vs. cigs. I don't remember the details, I couldn't even tell for sure if I was having a waking dream or was dreaming that I was awake but it was all VERY intense! I got up to pee about midnight and when I laid back down my head was just racing uncontrollably. Maybe it was the SNUS, maybe it was the sickness, but it certainly seemed coincidental.

    I'm feeling fine today and I've been sucking on General White since I woke at 9am (not even one cig today! w00t!). I feel a little wonkey, having trouble focusing, but that happens from time to time anyway and my body is quite busy ridding itself of all the cig toxins. Plus I think the General White's might be a little weak on the nic for me. Anyway, guess we'll see tonight if the dreams are back...


    • Jonnymh1
      • Apr 2010
      • 86

      I had to find this thread after the crazy dream I had last night. I snused a lot yesterday, kinda stressful day... I used a Thunder Frosted ES and an Oden's Kanel ES just before going to sleep. Took the last snus out around midnight. I think this is what caused the crazy and very vivid dream.

      I dreamt I found a giant snail in my apartment, the shell when the snail was inside was about as big as my fist. I picked up the shell and set it back down on the table and then a giant pink head with the eyes came out and it started to move. I kept scaring it to make it go back into its shell and the more I did that, the more agitated it got. It ended up eating every item on the table, paper, a large piece of broccoli, and ash tray... It got to the point that I couldn't scare it back into its shell and I panicked and then woke up...

      I've thought about it all day because it was so vivid and freaky! Better keep the starks for mid-day use only!

      Or maybe I just need to go see my shrink...


      • rdunnion
        New Member
        • May 2010
        • 11

        I went to sleep with snus in but woke up later and took it out. That night I had the most vivd dream. Also I woke up and random things had been rearranged in my bedroom. Overall it was a wonderful experience. Not like the nightmares I had on some sleep medications.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
          WTF am I doing wrong? Why can't I experience any of these lucid wet dreams? I've tried double-barreling Frosted mini's in my sleep, Various Sterk and ES portions and even woke up chewing on them. Are you telling me I have to fall asleep with lรถs snus in order to bust a nut?

          So confused..... :?

          You're doing it wrong have to take your Icetool and shoot a prilla of Skruf Xtra Stark up your arse, THEN go to bed! The Sandman won't be able to resist you then bro!!


          • AtreyuKun
            • Aug 2009
            • 1223

            I'd love to try and sleep with a portion in, but no. I fell asleep on the couch watching a movie with a portion in for maybe an hour. That was one of the worst tastes I've ever had in my mouth. What a horrible rancid taste. I can only imagine what 8 hours would be like.
            By the way, I enjoy nothing more than a good nightmare. I just love the shit my own mind can come up with when left to its own devices.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              I've been having some weird ass dreams again. The most recent was a few days ago and one a few months ago about tunnels under the crust where alien ships travel through wormholes, zombies started taking over and an earthquake that cause a huge tsunami. 200 foot waves. It involved Jena, Louisiana and Silver City, Mississippi. The latter which I didn't even know was an actual place until I looked it up. The tunnels under the crust were A mile in diameter according to CNN reports on the television and the ships were a silver/grey color, somewhat eliptical shaped and a bit like a flattened egg.


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                Originally posted by texasmade View Post
                I've been having some weird ass dreams again. The most recent was a few days ago and one a few months ago about tunnels under the crust where alien ships travel through wormholes, zombies started taking over and an earthquake that cause a huge tsunami. 200 foot waves. It involved Jena, Louisiana and Silver City, Mississippi. The latter which I didn't even know was an actual place until I looked it up. The tunnels under the crust were A mile in diameter according to CNN reports on the television and the ships were a silver/grey color, somewhat eliptical shaped and a bit like a flattened egg.
                I'd ****ing love to dream that kind of stuff

                I can't enjoy something more than dreaming of being on an alien planet ...where everything seems to differ from Earth, lmao


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  Stop chatting with Tom right before bed - you'll be fine.
                  LOL. This was during my hiatus from snuson. Could have been from the excessive amounts of dip I was using right before bed.


                  • CreteCoater
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 304

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    I enjoy a good nightmare. It keeps life interesting :^)
                    I agree! I wanted to start taking Chantix just to have some kick ass dreams.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by CreteCoater View Post
                      I agree! I wanted to start taking Chantix just to have some kick ass dreams.
                      if you want to experience vivid dreams (I get them now without my "OLD" technique) loool

                      But be careful with it. Take xanax for a whole week...
                      2mg/day or 3/mg day ... it's a bit too much but won't
                      kill you ... lol ...........and go after your first week cold
                      turkey. You'll surely get a few vivid dreams and they're
                      simply awesome. (I get on average now one per month)

                      I'm not sure what Chantix does but I've heart a few stories.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Lol, I wouldn't take xanax just to have trippy dreams, much safer ways of doing that. You guys who want to have EPIC inception style dreams need to go find one of those websiters that sells legal herbs and order something commonly refered to as "dream herb" or something like that. The product description will say that indians used it or some shit.

                        Take that and prepare to have your mind blown. I was having dreams within dreams within dream, I was straight lost in my head and kept having the most lucid and vivid dreams where aliens were invading, then I would wake up and be like "oh thank god!", just to look out the window and realize that ufo's were flying around and that I was infact still in a dream! This continued for some time and I kept thinking I had woken up from my dream just to realize that I have awoken to yet another dream. It was kind of scary because I was completely aware and lucid to what was happening, and after experiencing the whole "waking up and realizing your still in a dream" thing several times it started really scaring me because I felt like I was in a dream that I couldn't wake up from and it felt like it lasted for days before I was finally able to wake up. And I remembered the whole thing vividly once I woke up, it was like I was lucid from start to finish and aware of what was going on, and when I woke up everything was just as vivid and not like a normal dream which you forget.

                        Really, if you want to have a dream experience more vivid and real than anything you've ever experienced, you need to try it. I gave some to a drunk friend one time and he had a VERY BAD experience, so I would not recommend taking this while drunk or under the influence of anything else, it is not a joke.


                        • CreteCoater
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 304

                          I must find this elusive dream herb! The best dream is when you know you are dreaming and there is no consequences to your actions Especially when hot women are involved!

                          *edit found it


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by CreteCoater View Post
                            I must find this elusive dream herb! The best dream is when you know you are dreaming and there is no consequences to your actions Especially when hot women are involved!

                            *edit found it

                            The leaf of God baby! That's the one!

                            I took it I think an hour before bed or somewhere therabout, I ate about a gram. Be careful man, the only other person I gave that to reported some pretty freaky shit (he was drunk though so having a bad trip), so try and go to bed with good things on your mind I guess. I only took it once and I didn't have any nightmares, but were I to be having nightmares I would not want to be under the influence of this drug, because again, it is a very lucid experience (at least the 1 time that I tried it, but the effect was very pronounced).

                            Attention all psychonauts: It is worth the $3 or whatever they charge for it, it works. Worst thing that happens is it doesn't work, right? There are no psychoactive effects while awake as far as I am aware, so take it about an hour before bed and hold on tight.


                            • CreteCoater
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 304

                              Now if we can convince GN to put this herb in a los snus! Imagine the possibilities! Dream Snus! lol


                              • texasmade
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 4159

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                The leaf of God baby! That's the one!

                                I took it I think an hour before bed or somewhere therabout, I ate about a gram. Be careful man, the only other person I gave that to reported some pretty freaky shit (he was drunk though so having a bad trip), so try and go to bed with good things on your mind I guess. I only took it once and I didn't have any nightmares, but were I to be having nightmares I would not want to be under the influence of this drug, because again, it is a very lucid experience (at least the 1 time that I tried it, but the effect was very pronounced).

                                Attention all psychonauts: It is worth the $3 or whatever they charge for it, it works. Worst thing that happens is it doesn't work, right? There are no psychoactive effects while awake as far as I am aware, so take it about an hour before bed and hold on tight.
                                Calea zacatechichi. This shit is no joke. The taste is so ****ing bitter. You'll want to rip out you tongue and bash in your lungs whilst stabbing a javelin through your stomach!!I drank it every night for about a week or two. By itself I did not really have any crazy dreams, but with tobacco I had a small success. I recently had a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream.

                                I realized it was false awakening when I was in the car with my mom and it started to go to the left, right off the overpass and I had this heavy feeling in my chest. I woke up when the car hit the pavement. I was in bed and noticed the blanket was red and the bed I was in wasnโ€™t mine so I went outside and saw miles of housing units. Then I woke up again to find myself back in the same bed as before. There was a woman. Black hair, matted, stringy with a white shirt and shorts. She just sort of stood in the corner of the room watching me. Emily. Then woke up when I heard loud shouting and cursing. This time I was in my room and my bed, but the cursing and screaming was coming from all around. I walked out into the hallway and went upstairs. The front door opened up and I woke up. In my room. In my bed. When I got up and tried to walk my coordination was that of a severely drunken person with no depth perception.

                                There has to be more that went on, but I can't recall all of it at the moment.


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