Nicotine is NOT addictive - Your Thoughts?

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  • snupy
    • Apr 2009
    • 575

    Nicotine is NOT addictive - Your Thoughts?

    When I smoked, there was one thing I HAD to do every morning, IMMEDIATELY after rolling out of bed. That was light a cigarette and smoke it. This was not up for debate, discussion nor compromise and was the case for 28.5 years.

    Yesterday, I was up and about for an hour and a half, before I popped my first mini portion in. This NEVER happened when I smoked, nor could it have EVER happened. How is it when I smoked I HAD to smoke a cig upon first waking, but now that I do not smoke, I can fritter around for an hour and a half before popping the first snus of the day?

    The night before that, I had to spit out a mini portion prior to eating dinner around 6 pm. I meant to pop a mini portion upon finishing dinner, but I forgot. Finally, at 9 PM, I popped another mini portion. This NEVER happened with cigarettes. There is NO WAY I could ever have made it 3 hours without a cigarette, unless I was sleeping.

    Is nicotine really addictive, or is there something else in cigarettes that makes them so addictive?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    A lot of the addiction's psychological. You get into a routine, and after awhile you you *have* to follow it. Additionally cigarettes give a hard, immediate nicotine hit, that snus doesn't provide. With snus you get used to a gentle nic ride, so delaying the nicotine isn't as noticeable as it is with the cigarette roller coaster.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Edit: Wait, that's not what i meant lol

      It's totally different IMO ciggs vs snus. I just wish i found snus sooner

      Nic is totally addictive tho.


      • Lucky Striker
        • May 2009
        • 280

        One other myth that I'd like to dispel is that nicotine is more addictive than heroin. People that go around spreading shit like that obviously have never been addicted to heroin. I believe Dr. Pepper is more addictive than either, cause I would rob little old ladies in the street to afford it. It's soooooo good, I would abandon my family for it and sell my twat to old men in order to afford it.

        Dr. Pepper. Don't ever get started with Dr. Pepper- it will ruin your life.


        • ODurren
          • May 2009
          • 66

          Key quotes are "not up for debate" "NO WAY" etc. its a routine thing. During my work rotations I usually had a verrrrrry set time for both midnight and day shift of when I had a cigarette, and special occasions that merited one as well, such as after food/shower, during coffee/etc. With a nice diet and plenty of water, nicotine is outa your system after what, less than a week I believe? its all a mind set after that. Add the snus and minus the cigarettes your still getting the nicotine however but you're getting it a much different way. so for a while your body is just attapting to a different mind set. Be warned your mind, without realizing it, might work up a snus routine much like you did cigarettes, lol. But thats really not so bad.

          hard, immediate nicotine hit, that snus doesn't provide
          My first can of Strong/Extra Strong gave me the worst nicotine ride ever. Six flags wouldn't dare build a rollercoaster of that magnitude.


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            Originally posted by Lucky Striker
            One other myth that I'd like to dispel is that nicotine is more addictive than heroin. People that go around spreading shit like that obviously have never been addicted to heroin. I believe Dr. Pepper is more addictive than either, cause I would rob little old ladies in the street to afford it. It's soooooo good, I would abandon my family for it and sell my twat to old men in order to afford it.

            Dr. Pepper. Don't ever get started with Dr. Pepper- it will ruin your life.
            Ever tried Dublin Dr. Pepper; that is so freakin good.


            • Lucky Striker
              • May 2009
              • 280

              Originally posted by jamesstew

              Ever tried Dublin Dr. Pepper; that is so freakin good.
              Yessir, the majority of Dr. Pepper I consume is the glass bottle, pure cane Dublin Dr. Pepper. A chain grocery store near me started carrying it a few years back and I stock up once or twice a month. The difference between it and regular Dr. Pepper is astounding.


              • Kvlt
                • Apr 2009
                • 197

                Nicotine probably isn't addictive per se, its just that its so easily available, and why would you want to go without it. Just like AC.


                • desirexe
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 1170

                  I will say with 100% certainty that nicotine is addictive. I may be able to go days without it but then BAM, it hits, 'something' tells me that I need it! In order to get my fix, I'll even use snus that I HATE! An example is of the SWEDISH Camel, I may be the only one who dislikes this! To me it tastes like a frickin' salt block. I find myself sucking on it just to quickly get nicotine and then spitting the portion out in disgust. The taste may disgust me, but it rejuvenates me and gets rid of that feeling of 'something' just not right with my body. I've also heard of many people becoming addicted to Nicorette gum which, correct me if I am wrong, contains NO tobacco, just pharmaceutical nicotine.


                  • Multinic
                    • May 2008
                    • 111

                    I don't know. I used to wake up in the morning, wait about 20 mins before I actually got out of bed, and then smoke a cigarette. Now I wake up, and I reach for snus before getting out of bed, which makes the transition easier than it used to be (I never smoked in my bedroom). The only real difference is that I don't get any lows anymore, since you can snus absolutely anywhere, including in the shower. But my nicotine addiction is the same as always. A couple of weeks back I ran out of snus and relapsed as a one-day smoker. Result: I smoked 24 cigarettes, which is within the 20-30 range that I reached virtually every day as a full-time smoker.


                    • rscott222
                      • May 2009
                      • 346

                      I agree if I don't snus regularly I start to get the nicotine withdrawls. I believe if it wasn't addicitve we would see many people quit and only smoke occasionally which many cannot.


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        I don't think there is any question that nicotine is addictive. Otherwise, people would not walk miles to buy tobacco, or smoke in the rain/freezing cold/burning sun, or do it when the doctor tells them it WILL KILL THEM if they don't stop when they are ill...


                        • CM
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 329

                          Im not addict to nicotine. I just like vitamins, good for your body. :lol:


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            With all due respect, go a week without tobacco and then re-post. Seriously, I dare you. If you have no problems or unbearable symptoms of withdrawel, I suggest you sell your stash and consider yourself as lucky as a man who escapes a Burmese prison.


                            • rollinred
                              Banned Users
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 115

                              Why is it that no one has mentioned the single most important fact in the OP's dilema....

                              Snus contains a LOT more nicotine that cig's do. You can go longer without withdrawls simply because you already have enough in your body to hold you over for longer peroids of time.

                              I am terribly sorry to tell you that you are addicted to nicotine and that your new found ability to forget about morning or after meal cravings is simply becuase the snus has induced more nicotine into your body than smoking did.

                              You are addicted and if there was such a thing as "low nicotine snus" you would be waking up and grabbing your can first thing in the morning.


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