Why won't governments face the facts

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Why won't governments face the facts

    Snus is an excellent harm reduction tool and will probably save the government a ton of money


    I really hope the Swedish initiative to overturn the ban on snus in the EU succeeds....
  • Lucky Striker
    • May 2009
    • 280

    Q: Why won't governments face the facts?

    A: Because they're governments. The LAST thing they want to face is facts. :P


    • snupy
      • Apr 2009
      • 575

      Re: Why won't governments face the facts

      Originally posted by KarlvB
      Snus is an excellent harm reduction tool and will probably save the government a ton of money
      It would actually cost them money. How much cigarette tax revenue would they lose, if enough smokers switched to snus?


      • tical00
        • Jun 2009
        • 83

        Re: Why won't governments face the facts

        Originally posted by snupy
        Originally posted by KarlvB
        Snus is an excellent harm reduction tool and will probably save the government a ton of money
        It would actually cost them money. How much cigarette tax revenue would they lose, if enough smokers switched to snus?
        good point, but you know they will just start taxing snus.


        • EsotericPC
          • Mar 2009
          • 166

          I was about to say the loss of tax revenue would probably end up being minimal because they would just start to tax the living crap out of snus.


          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743



            • rscott222
              • May 2009
              • 346

              They can only tax an unpopular thing heavily so what else besides tobacco can they tax?

              Beer? Nope, been there done that.

              Cheap products from overseas? Nope Walmart is too big.

              Cable TV? Nope too many people would vote for someone else.

              I know, they can tax politicians with private jets, make them pay for the secret service because God knows if we lost a Speaker or something, trips to Washington and charge a fee everytime they meet a lobbyist.


              • rollinred
                Banned Users
                • Aug 2008
                • 115

                This all use to mean nothing in the US, there was no such thing as saving the government money because they didn't pay for illegal aliens medical bills, nor would they have ever even considered paying for citizens health care. The European countries have always had this issue since the government thought they were "God" and could regulate and control everything including health care.

                Unfortunatly since the US has had incompitent people elect and even more incompitent president we will likely soon see this become an issue. It is terribly unfortunate that the most succesful country in the whole world is facing its destructive force in the current administration. The quickest building country has now become the quickest delining country.


                • TripEMT
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 100

                  With all due respect Rollinred... I understand your point, but in the essence of fairness... Obama got a crappy deal. It would be the same as if i had a toyota, wrecked it three times, and set fire to it, gave it to you, and then bashed you because your car looks like shit...

                  I'm not an obama supporter or hater, i stand neutral, but it's only been a few months, the least we can do is give him a year or two before we go ballistic...

                  Democrat or Republican... it doesn't matter, as long as POLITICIANS are in office, somebody will suffer....

                  and if you are gonna bash, spell Incompetent correctly.

                  *end rant*


                  • african redbush
                    • May 2009
                    • 80

                    why does the government do half of the dumb shit they do? no reason at all, other than because they can.


                    • Mazur
                      • May 2007
                      • 159

                      In 5-10 years politicians will tax visiting websites. Visiting tobacco related websites like Snuson will cost about 0,05 Euro per visit.

                      Posting anti-government comment on internet will cost 0,9 Euro.

                      Visiting .gov sites will be tax free



                      • uk.user
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 31

                        Cuz the governments ....are getting backhanders from the Nicotine gum and patch companys .....thats why ! :evil:


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