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  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    So which American dips have the lowest TSNA content?


    • ares703
      New Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 7

      The ones made by Swedish Match(Pinkerton)--Longhorn, Timberwolf and Redman


      • Liandri
        • Jul 2009
        • 604

        Who cares if it's healthy or not, all the cool kids are doing it and thats all that matters.


        • LHB
          • Oct 2009
          • 115

          If I had the time, I'd do more research on this, but if you try to find out what the precise link is between Smokeless Tobacco Use and increased risk of oral cancer, you get stuck immediately in a loop of self-citation. The American Cancer Institutes makes the statement and cites some other organization as it's source, which in turn cites as ITS source The American Cancer Institute. In academics, that would get your paper rejected. I think the link is more urban myth than anything else. I want to see a peer reviewed study referenced that shows a strong causal link between oral tobacco use and cancer that is of some practical significance.

          1) Many people do get oral cancer who have never used tobacco.

          2) There is a differerence between statistical significance and practical significance. If your chance of getting oral cancer are .0001 percent, and oral tobacco use increases it to .00015 percent at a high level of statistical significance, is the increased risk--even if it does exist--of any practical significance?


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            There are tons of studies out there. The study that you posted with that link seems to be very well written and in line with all of the other studies out there. I keep seeing articles that reference a 2007 study by the American Cancer Society that supposedly shows that smokers who switch to smokeless tobacco have higher rates of cancer but I cannot find that study anywhere on-line and I am not sure if the used snus in that study or not. I would really like to see it if anyone knows where it is at. If you want some good studies on snus just google Dr. Brad Radu. He has some excellent stuff online and I have even seen him post some comments on this forum. For some reason, harm reduction does not bode will with the medical community and it seems like a lot of doctors take the all or nothing approach.


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