Loose Teeth?

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  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    Loose Teeth?

    So in doing regular self check-ups, this morning I noticed that my front right incisor is slightly moveable upon applying significant pressure with my fingers. This is compared to my other incisor and canines which are barely moveable upon significant pressure, and my molars which are not moveable upon significant pressure.

    *No apparent/significant gum recession
    *No remarkable history of tooth/gum disease
    *Snus 6-8 portions per day regular strength
    *Alternate snus on either side of upper lip (though right side used more)
    *Los used once every two or three days and usually placed on right side.

    *Begin snusing farther back in mouth by my premolars, which have a larger surface area in contact with gums. So if recession is experienced, the integrity of the tooth should be maintained for longer than with the incisors.

    *I know there has been no/few reported episodes of tooth loss from snus use.
    *I know some people experience mild gum recession.
    *Has anyone noticed that their teeth are slightly looser where they snus?
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    I had this problem, and it turned out I grind my teeth at night. I use a night guard and the tooth is now rock solid. I am suffering from some gum recession, I had some before snus, 43 years of smoking did that. The teeth that were moving suffered gum recession, which I am watching closely, but are as strong as possible now. Check for grinding!!! It is quite common.

    I also have an interesting take on snus since I had a quintuple heart bypass 10 weeks ago, I quit smoking with snus, no problem, but find moderating blood pressure a problem due to the salt and nicotine. I try to avoid the ultra salty snus, and use less portions, or just wash the portions for a second or two to lessen the salt, I know it has to be there to work, but less still works for me. I only mention all of this due to your Medical studies, and unique ability to use a harm reduction product too. I would have had a hard time without snus, and I am quite healthy now and still using tobacco.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • Lucky Striker
      • May 2009
      • 280

      Pangloss, are you sure you're not being overly paranoid and just attributing every health problem that may arise to snus? I remember reading your "In your experience does snus lead to tooth decay" thread and I was like "Yep, this guy is going to be back in a month or two complaining of loose teeth." :P

      If you look hard enough for a problem, you'll eventually find it. But to answer a question, no. My teeth are in better shape since I've began snusing than they have been in years.


      • pangloss
        • May 2009
        • 183

        Originally posted by Lucky Striker
        Pangloss, are you sure you're not being overly paranoid and just attributing every health problem that may arise to snus? I remember reading your "In your experience does snus lead to tooth decay" thread and I was like "Yep, this guy is going to be back in a month or two complaining of loose teeth." :P

        If you look hard enough for a problem, you'll eventually find it. But to answer a question, no. My teeth are in better shape since I've began snusing than they have been in years.
        You are right, but that's what i'm trained to do. Every change means something otherwise it would just stay the same. Every little thing counts. A small mark on CT scan, a barely audible "click" heard with a stethescope... Can make all the difference in the world.

        But you're right, I'm probably just paranoid. :wink:


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Pangloss, my teeth became slightly moveable sometimes when I've eaten to many onions and even from rather small amounts of chives. Strangely this didn't happen anymore since I began to use snus. Snus with it's alkalinity makes the teeth even more stable, I think.

          Nonetheless, better visit a dentist, if the problem stays for longer than one or two days.



          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            Re: Loose Teeth?

            Originally posted by pangloss
            So in doing regular self check-ups, this morning I noticed that my front right incisor is slightly moveable upon applying significant pressure with my fingers.
            Dude, you are so screwed. I'd quit now or you will look like this:



            • HK11
              • May 2009
              • 631

              Hey man where you been?

              Teeth are easier to replace than lungs.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                My mouth issues I had before I ever tried snus. Which greatfully arn't bad. I know people who have/had terrible teeth and they never used snus. I agree some people have a tendancy(unconscious) even to try and blame something on something. If I fell over and died right now, my wife would probably say if was the snus, even though whatever health issues I have I had before I ever did snus, and are related to my poor eating habits.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I had teeth that felt loose back when I still smoked. After switching to snus I haven't noticed it.


                  • dugup46
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 20

                    I havn't had the best teeth since permanent teeth came in; medical history probably to blame but whatever. I can't say I have any gum recession but a lot of crowding, which is the cause for some of my minimal gum recession. That's all before I even started to use snus, for me it's all medical or hereditary.

                    Everything you do has risks, and I don't blame you for saying "My teeth are loose, is it because of this tobacco product that has had minimal research completed?"

                    If you think it is, then stop or change up the habit. I personally, from what I have read, don't think it is. But I have no personal insight to this.


                    • hummer
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 27

                      Hey Doc. .
                      Why not practice good medicine?
                      If you find yourself in a situation
                      that is outside your area of expertise,
                      you refer your patient to a specialist.

                      Go to your denist for an expert opinion
                      and then return frequently until the problem,
                      if any, is compentently addressed.

                      Please however, do not take your marbles
                      and go home because we need your inquiring

                      Just my 2 cents.


                      • artsnus
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 71

                        It would be nice if someone from sweden with some years of experience chimed in on this, though I understand that most of them would simply not be interested in joining a snus forum just like I wouldn't be interested in cigarettes forum or a beer forum.
                        Here are a couple of things from I found with the swedes sharing their first-hand experience on the dental aspects of snus usage:



                        These descriptions are actually more specific than anything else I was able to find up till this point


                        • dugup46
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 20

                          Originally posted by artsnus


                          These descriptions are actually more specific than anything else I was able to find up till this point
                          Nice reads there. Seem that receeding gums actually is actually not an uncommon thing, but this is coming from users who use a can a day (wow). Seems it's pretty universal to place the snus on the upper sides instead of the middle of the upper gums.

                          Regardless, if you are a previous smoker, it seems to be (by far) the better choice.


                          • plardo
                            New Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 1

                            Originally posted by whalen
                            I had this problem, and it turned out I grind my teeth at night. I use a night guard and the tooth is now rock solid. I am suffering from some gum recession, I had some before snus, 43 years of smoking did that. The teeth that were moving suffered gum recession, which I am watching closely, but are as strong as possible now. Check for grinding!!! It is quite common.

                            I also have an interesting take on snus since I had a quintuple heart bypass 10 weeks ago, I quit smoking with snus, no problem, but find moderating blood pressure a problem due to the salt and nicotine. I try to avoid the ultra salty snus, and use less portions, or just wash the portions for a second or two to lessen the salt, I know it has to be there to work, but less still works for me. I only mention all of this due to your Medical studies, and unique ability to use a harm reduction product too. I would have had a hard time without snus, and I am quite healthy now and still using tobacco.
                            If you are grinding your teeth .. I would recommend checking out a night guard. It does sound like the original poster is grinding their teeth. I've had luck with http://www.totalgard.com .. their night guards are affordable. I had a serious teeth grinding issue as well. I had to put a stop to it, because I feared serious TMJ. I hope this helps.

                            - Dave


                            • MojoQuestor
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 2344

                              I just got a splint (night guard) from the dentist yesterday. I had to have a bunch of work done anyway, so just went ahead and got this. Another dentist told me I needed one years ago, but I put it off. I grind my teeth in my sleep; sometimes I wake up with them clenched. I even catch myself clenching them during the day once in a while.

                              After putting a bunch of money into a root canal and three crowns, I decided I didn't want to just grind it all away, thus the splint. It took him three tries to get the fit just right, but this one snaps in with a click. It only goes from canine to canine. After all that, I didn't even use it last night, but I probably will start tonight.


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