So in doing regular self check-ups, this morning I noticed that my front right incisor is slightly moveable upon applying significant pressure with my fingers. This is compared to my other incisor and canines which are barely moveable upon significant pressure, and my molars which are not moveable upon significant pressure.
*No apparent/significant gum recession
*No remarkable history of tooth/gum disease
*Snus 6-8 portions per day regular strength
*Alternate snus on either side of upper lip (though right side used more)
*Los used once every two or three days and usually placed on right side.
*Begin snusing farther back in mouth by my premolars, which have a larger surface area in contact with gums. So if recession is experienced, the integrity of the tooth should be maintained for longer than with the incisors.
*I know there has been no/few reported episodes of tooth loss from snus use.
*I know some people experience mild gum recession.
*Has anyone noticed that their teeth are slightly looser where they snus?
*No apparent/significant gum recession
*No remarkable history of tooth/gum disease
*Snus 6-8 portions per day regular strength
*Alternate snus on either side of upper lip (though right side used more)
*Los used once every two or three days and usually placed on right side.
*Begin snusing farther back in mouth by my premolars, which have a larger surface area in contact with gums. So if recession is experienced, the integrity of the tooth should be maintained for longer than with the incisors.
*I know there has been no/few reported episodes of tooth loss from snus use.
*I know some people experience mild gum recession.
*Has anyone noticed that their teeth are slightly looser where they snus?