snus and anxiety/depression
I'm on a couple meds for depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders...i could never use snus to help without my meds! Now, i was a smoker prior to 2 months ago and have alwaya used nicotine as a stress reliever! NOTHING like a smoke to calm me when i'm pissed or nervous! Snus helps me relax a little, but not nearly as well as a couple "benzos" or a nice tranq! Good for you on finding a way to cope though!
You're not alone. There have been many posts here on Sunson about how snus functions as a medication for those of us here with anxiety issues and also with ADD/ADHD.
Prior to discovering the joys of snus, I was an occasional cigar smoker and found that the nicotene seemed to calm my anxiety. Unfortunately, smoking at work wasn't a possibility, which was where I needed its effects most. Dip wasn't an option in my mind, due to the spitting factor, and so I gave snus a try. It's done wonders for me, as it's calming effects are noticable within minutes after popping a portion. Another side effect for me is that for the first time in years, I am sleeping very deeply. I actually started dreaming again for the first time in years. I never got into a deep enough sleep for that to happen. So between the rest and the calmness, it's been fantastic. Snus is the only thing that has changed in my routine lately, so I have to attribute these effects to snus. And hey, at $3 a tin, you can't go wrong!
I returned to nicotine after quitting cigarettes for over 2 years because I came to the realization that my moodiness, inability to concentrate, anxiety, etc., had elevated since I quit smoking. I've been using snus for a very short time, but I feel like I'm suddenly back to my old self. And I'm not the only one. My wife is amazed at my transformation.
In school they said once you're hooked you'll never be yourself without nicotine.
Well I'm hear to tell you that with no prior tendency to use nicotine on a daily basis, snus has made me, at least outwardly 8) , a better, more tolerable person. Controls my Jacka**ness, puts me in a better mood, makes me easier to be around. If that's the new me, and snus is what it takes, well damn the torpedoes!
I am a chef, and if any of you have stepped foot in the culinary world you understand how stressful it can be. As a smoker, in a restuarant with a non-smoking policy... I had to wait quite a while to get my nicotine fix... while getting my ass kicked, and dealing with waitstaff, cooks, and customers... I grew very irritable without my nicotine. I was very high strung, and pissed off during these moments... I have had times where I have had to leave to either gather my thoughts in the office, or step outside to my vehicle for a cigarette.
With snus, I can snus when I please. I am very calm, I am focused, and quite pleasent to be around. When I first starting using snus, I had mentioned it to a coworker, whom also smokes. The first words that came out of her mouth were "so that's why I haven't heard a bunch of cussing and bitching!" We laughed about it, but it made me realise how much it helps, and how convenient it really is. I don't go to work without a can of snus.
Snus good for dieters too!
It's funny I saw this thread as I was just going to start a new one about snus helping me with my diet.
Even as a smoker, with the limited places I could smoke, I found stress and anxiety caused me to eat in between smokes. Since I started snusing and having my steady stream of nicotine I no longer even think of food. As a matter of fact, yesterday I had to force myself to eat lunch finally around 1:30.
Nighttime used to be the worst for me. I don't smoke in my home so at night while watching TV or movies I ended up snacking on things, since snusing I no longer do that, I just pop a portion and enjoy the movie.
So that's two ways snus will help me live longer and healthier.
Another one agreeing here! I thought that quitting would mean I'd gain a bunch of weight. Using snus though and having that in my mouth, I actually lost a few pounds after quitting. :wink:
As far as anxiety/depression goes, the nicotine definitely helps with that too. I'm also on meds for that, but the nicotine adds a little extra peace of mind I guess you could say. So even if I never quit snus/snuff/e-cigs, I'm not going to worry about it anymore like I did with the cigs.
Unfortunately, snus doesn't bring me relief from my anxiety and OCD and depression like cigarettes did. I can concentrate better, I don't feel like I'm poisoned all the time, and I am much healthier than I was when I smoked, but sometimes my symptoms are bad enough where I think I would be happier if I smoked. I wont take medication, but I've come too far to go back to smoking.
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