snus and anxiety/depression

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  • thatguyjeff
    • Jun 2008
    • 103

    I read somewhere that there is therapeutic evidence that nicotine helps with GAD/Depression. I can't cite anything (and too lazy to go looking now), but I read somewhere that the incidence of folks being treated for GAD/Depression who smoke is way higher than the "normal" population.

    Nicotine is now being looked into as a possible treatment tool for GAD/depression since there seems to be a correlary with some who are self-medicating.

    There's definitely some therapeutic benefits to nicotine - some are already known (digestive disorders, alzheimers, parkinsons), and others are just starting to see the light of day as it were.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Originally posted by thatguyjeff
      Nicotine is now being looked into as a possible treatment tool for GAD/depression since there seems to be a correlary with some who are self-medicating.
      That would make sense. And opponents could not argue the addiction factor; I'm sure anyone who has been hooked on benzos and SSRI's would be glad to tell them to shut the hell up.


      • Gizmer
        • Jun 2009
        • 103

        I can vouch for the addiction to benzos and SSRIs. I currently take both. I feel shitty with them and even shittier without them. If I skip a dose it's hell on earth. Snus has allowed me to take less of the anxiety drugs (although I do still take them) and feel more like myself again without feeling like I'm going to have a breakdown at any moment.


        • sundog
          • Jun 2009
          • 311

          I've lost 10 pounds since starting snus, and several lucky people are alive because I'm still getting my nicotine. :twisted: :lol:

          I used to tell people that breathing a little second-hand smoke was a small price to pay to keep me off a tall tower with a high-powered rifle.


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            i definitely feel like snus helps my depression and anxiety. i honestly dont know how i made it so far without. well, i guess i was pretty ****ed up (read: suicidal/homicidal) so now im feeling a lot better with nicotine more in my life. god help the bastards that pass legislation preventing me from ordering my fix.


            • Cy
              • Jun 2009
              • 101

              Ive oftened linked beginning smoking with the start of my depression but I got on meds for it and still needed that cig for the stress calming and the habit of it. I remember constantly spacing things around smoking since I cant work with a cig even where smoking is allowed. I just hated the smoke getting in my face or having to lose a hand to hold the cig or wasting it because I got caught up in work. Id think ok, work 4 hours then cram down 2 smokes, work 4 more cram 2 more afterwards, do I have time to sneak one? Or Id use it as an excuse to put something off I had to do but didnt want to which just made me feel crappier cause I knew I was bs'ing around cause I wasnt sure if I could do whatever the job or challenge was without it.

              Now just popping in the ol snus I have no more excuses to make to myself for a nic fix and can just force myself to do something and focus on it rather then the nic kick. Plus I kinda find it like a hobby with so many flavors and varations to try and its a good conversation piece or even an ice breaker.


              • BoondockSaint
                New Member
                • Jul 2009
                • 7

                about 3 weeks ago i quit snus because i was starting school up and me and my GF go to the same school, and i still havent told her. so whenever im sitting in my dorm, i crave it so bad.

                my depression has come back slightly, and my anxiety has come back SO much. im actually extremely anxious as i type this, thats what made me want to make a post.

                i want to tell my girlfriend about it, but she is one of those kinds of people that is extremely against it, and wont change her mind about it. she probably wont talk to me for a while if i tell her about it, but i dont know what to do

                i may tell her about the truths and how its not really as bad as she thinks. We occasionally share a black and mild together (no inhaling for her, a little bit for me :lol: ), i may tell her how snusing is almost the same thing, but i still get the benefit of the nicotine helping my anxiety/depression.

                what do you think i should do? its actually bothering me so much that i just had to go re-read what i typed to remember what this post was about, haha.


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  just keep snusing. she doesnt even have to know. just keep it on the dl. or tell her who gives a sh t. its just snus. its what you do, youre one of us, its the way of your people.


                  • BoondockSaint
                    New Member
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 7

                    haha, i may. itll be tough to hide but i might. i mean, its me not her. i can make decisions for myself. honestly thats all this relationship is. she makes decisions for me. but i love everything else about her so i could never leave her. we've been together for over 4 years now.


                    • mlkramer
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 393

                      I'm gonna go with honesty is the best policy. Be prepared. Gather some of the health information and links from here, show her this forum and even your post so she knows how you feel. Even if the short term road is bumpy, believe me, the future will be much smoother. Hell, have her join up and talk to all of us here. Get her involved and help her understand. I guaruntee the people here will be more then willing to answer hers and your questions and the you two could make the right decision together.
                      I've been down the hide shit road before an it never works out in the end.


                      • BoondockSaint
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 7

                        i was planning on buying an e-cigar online and im going to, and ease her into the nicotine addiction stuff. ill just say "oops" or something and take it from there i guess

                        i really dont know what im going to do. i want to tell her, but i dont want her to overreact.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I wouldn't get an ecigar. Those are dead ends, and I don't think they'll be around much longer.

                          As I see it you have 2 choices; hide it, or tell her. You say you dig her, and have been together for 4 years, but she's a dictator. When will you get tired of having a second brain? next year, 5 years from now? It'll happen, it's just a matter of when. I guess what I'm getting at, is you can't live under the thumb forever. It WILL chafe eventually if it doesn't now, and the situation will be more difficult to handle later. I guess you know what's coming now :^D I'd tell her, and see what happens. She'll be cool with it, pissed off but understanding, or she'll break up with you. Every one of those options is positive, though it may not seem that way immediately. Truth is always the best way in the end :^)


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