Snus and Asthma:)

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  • CivilizedRedneck
    • Jul 2009
    • 95

    Snus and Asthma:)

    I am fairly new to this site(newbie poster couple month reader) and have been using snus exclusively for about 2 months now. I was smoking a pack a day and a few extra before i discovered this amazing stuff.

    Now on to more on topic stuff.. One of my main considerations in all of this is the fact that i have had fairly severe asthma since the age of 2 and yes i was one of those ridiculous people that smoked with asthma. (and i work in a pharmacy no less!!) So you can see the obvious benefits of my choice to switch for me among the many others people have mentioned on this forum time and again.

    Considering all of this i was surprised(and maybe didnt look hard enough) to not see a whole lot of people talking about asthma. I think there are alot of us that are embarrassed to say we smoked with asthma because yes, it sounds absolutely brainless, but i think a thread talking about our experiences may help out some fellow sufferer find a much safer way to get that nic fix.

    So please, if you can relate to any of this share your story on here or any story regarding how snus has helped you out in a health situation.

  • MasterGuns
    • Jun 2009
    • 312

    Good to see you're really utilizing the wealth of knowledge on this forum
    I had a friend who smoked with asthma, he switched to snus for that very reason. He hasn't suffered any ill effects.
    Some studies have linked snus to respiratory issues via cardiovascular disease, but just as many (if not more) refute these claims, so I wouldn't worry 8)


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      I also have asthma, but only smoked one cig and a few cigars.

      I like nicotine, but was scared of exacerbating asthma which had kept me awake for entire nights before. When I got over some stigma I tried dip and loved it- all except for the spitting.

      You can imagine where it led me. Without snus I'd be dipping and without that I'd be smoking- and asthma is something very horrible that people that don't have it can't quite understand.

      As a side note, they've found that smoking cigarettes actually decreases the occurence of attacks, but worsens the symptoms.


      • Gizmer
        • Jun 2009
        • 103

        I've had asthma since I was little. My parents always smoked in the house. Now I can't even smell the smoke without feeling symptoms, whether they are actually real or not.

        I started snusing a few months ago as a last ditch effor to help control my anxiety. I had heard some people say nicotine helps a lot and some people say it makes it worse. Since cigarettes are obviously not an option for me and I hate chain popping anxiety drugs, I figured snus was worth a shot.

        It has greatly helped. My blood pressure is still normal, I don't have asthma symptoms related to snus, and the best thing is I've lost 5 pounds! I just don't get the urge to snack anymore. It may affect other people differently but it has been great to me so far.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Smokeless tobacco won't affect your lungs, since there is no combustion involved.

          I used to have asthma but outgrew it. However, when I used to smoke cigarettes, I would have trouble breathing at night when I laid down. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night to catch my breath. Even though I technically don't have asthma anymore, my lungs are pretty weak against foreign matter like smoke and dust particles.


          • asnider123
            • Jun 2009
            • 41

            Originally posted by snusjus
            Smokeless tobacco won't affect your lungs, since there is no combustion involved.

            I used to have asthma but outgrew it. However, when I used to smoke cigarettes, I would have trouble breathing at night when I laid down. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night to catch my breath. Even though I technically don't have asthma anymore, my lungs are pretty weak against foreign matter like smoke and dust particles.
            Yah, I used to have asthma too (as a child/teen) and outgrew it. Guess what: my Dr says you never outgrow it, it just goes into remission for 40-50 years, so here I am using Advair twice a day :cry:

            More to the point: I am trying to completely kick that demon ciggie, my pulmonary Dr is all for me switching to smokeless.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Originally posted by asnider123
              Guess what: my Dr says you never outgrow it, it just goes into remission for 40-50 years...
              That makes sense actually. I remember reading a study that showed childhood asthma usually reoccurs at ~26 years old. No wonder why I was so motivated to quit; I could hardly breathe! As well, I had a chronic burning sensation in my lungs.


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