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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    when i went from smoking (camel turkish silver, kool) to dip (skoal, cope) i felt no change in nicotine.
    from dip to snus, however, i felt the nicotine rather well (well, at least with a large pris of loose in)

    from snus to smoking again (kool), i noticed the nicotine incredibly...that is, with smoking. I mean my body was numb all over, felt I was a little dizzy. NEVER had that before since I first started using tobacco several years ago.

    where as when i was originally smoking, i barely noticed the nicotine. except if i abstained for a few days.
    but since i had no break between dip to snus, and felt the nicotine, and no break from snus to smoking, and felt the nicotine again...

    i dunno..strange pattern like i posted once before...but since having gone back to snus from smoking, i don't recognize the nicotine at all which kind of disappoints me.

    perhaps if i had the discipline to quit for a week then pick up snus again i'd have a fresh slate to judge the nicotine with.

    or perhaps these few cans i got recently are just weak...been using kronan (loose and portion), knox mini portion, offroad cranberry and strong (both portion), granit maxi portion....the only one i've noticed so far with the nicotine is offroad strong.

    maybe the other factor is my change in exercise habits. i haven't worked out in months (except having a few days of hecticly moving from one residence to another a couple times)...where as before when i started snus I was exercising and staying in good shape (since I was in the military back in out at the end of May)


    • CthulhuDawn
      • Sep 2007
      • 16

      As far as health effects go, I'm sure most here have seen the hilarious video form The Northerner where the guy says something along the lines of, "To get a dangerous level of carcinogenic nitrosamines, you'd have to use the equivalent of the weight of a small car... per day!" Haha, who knows if that is factually accurate, but that always sticks out in my mind.

      I've never tried dip, but it sounds pretty rough. If you head over to any dipper's forum half of what they talk about is their strange sores on their lips and how much their gums have eroded away lol.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        The health questions area of the SMPOST dipper's forum is truly freaky. Gum recession, cancer concerns, tooth pain, spitting blood...

        I'm so, so glad I found snus.


        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          hell i didn't even have those problems at all...i had major headaches and a mysterious patch of bloated, white-ish tastebuds in the middle of my tongue.
          that i could scrape off with my teeth and i would see a pit in my tongue where the buds used to be. it ached too.

          the whole reason i quit dip is because of that shit.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
            i dunno..strange pattern like i posted once before...but since having gone back to snus from smoking, i don't recognize the nicotine at all which kind of disappoints me.
            It isn't strange. Smoking surely gives you the most instant nicotine-kick and, exspecially after some hours of abstinence, it makes you feel very dizzy. I know that from many former attempts to stop smoking, which, before I knew snus, usually ended after a few hours :lol: .
            It's just my personal preference to use snus and the massive, long-lasting intoxication, I get from a big prilla of lössnus, can't be reached with cigarettes. Take also my tarred lung into account. I don't think, I still can get the same amount of nicotine from a cigarette, that others can.

            Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
            The health questions area of the SMPOST dipper's forum is truly freaky. Gum recession, cancer concerns, tooth pain, spitting blood...
            Many of these posts come from very young users, often indoctrinated and frightened by anti-tobacco-propaganda. I can't believe, that dip is really that bad. But, to be honest, I'm absolutely not tempted to try that stuff, though I, otherwise, have no problems, to occasionally use chewing tobacco (Oliver Twist, Kruse, Piccanell), that's often made of fire cured, fermented tobacco, but surely more subtle flavored, than dip.



            • Snusin11
              New Member
              • Oct 2007
              • 5

              Chain Snusin

              I chain snus, typically in the evenings or when I'm playing baseball or when I'm drinking. One method I use to make sure I'm not too hard on myself is trying to postpone the first snus of the day till after lunch. The first snus of the day is always the best and right after lunch is the perfect time to indulge.


              • violins
                • Oct 2007
                • 29

                Re: Chain-Snussing?

                Originally posted by alex
                Does anyone know if swedish use is similar?
                I'll keep a snus for either 1 hour or 2 depending on which type of snus I use. And I won't go without snus for a maximum of 20 minutes.
                And I started out of the blue with snus 4 years ago when I was 15, so I didn't have any cigarette problems to deal with, just started cause it's tasty pretty much.

                I'd say that probably 95% of the people in Sweden who use snus uses it constantly, meaning always taking new one after new one (some even while sleeping, I used to, but it's horrible when you wake up and your chin is all brown from the drawling:P ).

                Hope this helped some, ask me if you want to know more about it

                And if you haven't already figured it out, I'm from Sweden


                • rsuelzer
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 135

                  I HAVE BEEN CHAIN SNUSING ALL NIUGHT@############!(*#&@$(!*Y24981y29 im ok?au-dfu-98adu-9fadf


                  • OPKIS
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 30

                    Originally posted by alex
                    One thing we do have here in KC is a really cool cigar and tabac that has a huge selection of pipes and tabaccos (and cigars, which I have never really been into)
                    Alex! Hey, I'm in Overland Park; which shop is this, the one down on the Plaza?

                    Probably one of the places I called looking for snus locally; most people were stumped, their blank expressions audible over the phone.



                    Edit to stay on-topic:

                    Chain-snusing like mad at work this week, bringing two varieties per day (new order arrived). Stress level is driving it, but I tend to just park it and focus on work; I'm not really getting a chance to enjoy the flavors. :?


                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      I chain snus at work. As an experiment to cut down usage I went without once, that was... awful. made tons of mistake and felt like my head was caving in. Then I popped in the emergency portion and all was well... for a while.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        i sleep with a portion in,wake up and put a new one in,(i use los and portions but this coming order is only los), as soon as i finish with one(maybe an hour or 2) i put another one in i take it out for the 5-10 minutes i eat, then put another one in 8)


                        • slartie
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 94

                          I don't exactly chain-snus yet. I still alternate with Camel unfiltered.

                          However, snus is quickly taking over, so I'm wondering if I will ever get through the remaining 8 packs of smokes I have.

                          I'm used to buying a carton every other week, but since I picked up snus again, I'm down to smoking 3-5 cigs at work and even less at home.

                          If my lös experiments go as well as I hope, I will probably be smoke free before the end of this month. I like portions, but in the long run, lös seems to be less costly.

                          Typing this with yet another Ettan portion stuck under my lip. Good stuff.


                          • Raddleman

                            I chain-snus pretty much from when I get up to when go to sleep at night. In the beginning I had a bad experience (OD) from doing this, but as the omniscient sage pointed out, I had found my limit and would know not to go there again. True enough, I now know when I've had enough, and will stop/have a mini. Your body lets you know.

                            Funny, I never chain-smoked :?


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              I chain snus, but the links are really long. Usually between 1.5-2 hours... I dig the taste, and usually switch when the flavor runs out.


                              • Jason
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 1370

                                I have a pris in almost every waking moment, aside from eating. Even then, I'll keep it in depending on what I'm eating. I feel that I could easily taper my usage down, but I honestly don't feel the need to right now.


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