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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    fun fact: as an experiment, after my 4 hours shift(in which I had 3 portions) I didn't put one in as soon as I got home. Then I waited till I absolutely needed one, it was 3 hours, which was beyond my expectations. Had one that evening and went to bed satisfied.

    There's a few ways to budget portions or pinches like that. I got used to just putting one in like clockwork, which is fine, but if you find yourself low in snus/money then I suggest trying the as-needed basis just to see what your minimum intake can be. For me it seems to be 4 regular portions


    • hoss
      • Mar 2009
      • 93

      I generally go loose when i get up, a mix of portion and loose during the day depending on whats going on at work, and then loose in the evenings. I mix in a little nasal use (crazy about the toque champagne atm) if I feel a little low or just want a tasty treat. Really no breaks other than eating in there. :wink:

      On the dip topic, I dipped copenhagen for about 20 years and always had some issue or another. Constant severe luekaplakia, sores, pain, gum recessions....its really not easy on the pie hole. The smell was bad as well. It didn't matter how much I brushed/flossed/etc, always had the copenhagen funk breath. Ettan loose tastes so much better and I have none of the issues I had with dip. Long story short, chemicals & fermintation is bad, mkay?


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Originally posted by Raddleman
        I chain-snus pretty much from when I get up to when go to sleep at night. In the beginning I had a bad experience (OD) from doing this, but as the omniscient sage pointed out, I had found my limit and would know not to go there again. True enough, I now know when I've had enough, and will stop/have a mini. Your body lets you know.

        Funny, I never chain-smoked :?
        I'm glad I helped. Historically, I have always chain snused. every once in a while, i will find that I have forgot to put another in, but almost always, it is one after another. Until Thunder came around. Chainsnusing Thunder WILL get you in trouble. Once I experienced that, I learned to wait between portions. Now Thunder and Oden's has dropped into the background, and will never use them as every days snus. instead, I grab one when I just feel the need.

        Regular Sterk, I can still chain snus. but even then, I almost always have a regular with me as well and will at least alternate. I WILL ensure that my bolld nicotine level stays stable.


        • TBD
          • Jul 2008
          • 817

          Thunder and Oden's ES are first thing in the morning snus for me. Then I keep to regular power, 8-9mg unless I feel the need for a bit more then I'll go to a normal stark, like N&J or Skruf. Since starting snuff, I find I need less starks to get through. Seems I use on ES and maybe one stark a day now.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I agree that my snuff habit has taken some of the pressure off my snus. Now, when I feel a need for a strong nicotine hit, I am reaching for the snuff first. So I am much more methodical about keeping my base nicotine level where i want it. Overall, I seem to be using just a bit less snus now that I have added snuff


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Re: Chain-Snussing?

              Originally posted by alex
              No pun intended to ChainSnusser :P haha


              How many of you guys chain snus? one portion right after another?

              I think I am prone to do this since I recently quit smoking. If I don't snus almost constantly, the draw for instantly getting nicotine can be strong. Also, I keep portions in for about 2 hours at a time, so the nicotine delivery has kind of warn off by the time I literally exchange for a new portion. Sometimes I have to actively tell myself to take a break :?

              Does anyone else here use snus back to back most of every day? Does anyone know if swedish use is similar? And if so, any comments on how this could effect health?

              Couldn't hurt any more than chain smoking like I was doing. You sound just like me, as I started using 8mg portions only, and as the day wore on I was putting one in after the other. I too tend to leave one in for around 2 hrs, and this has helped me stay off the smokes. Two weeks ago, I began working in a Gen Ekstra Sterk a few times during the day and keeping it in for a few hours then taking it out and waiting a while before going back to a reg portion. This seemed to help and has lowered my overall portion consumption, and curbed the cravings better too. You'll just need to experiment with the higher nic portions, but like many have already careful. I went one night early on and didn't sleep at all, felt like shit the entire night and next day.


              • ShaulWolf
                • Jan 2009
                • 495

                I chain snused during finals week, but lately I've toned down my usage a lot more. I just find I don't crave it nearly as much as I used to, which suits me just fine. But I'll still throw in a portion or a pris regularly, just not one after the other.


                • amorican
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 106

                  I chain snus, especially at work and at night. In fact, last night I passed out with two portions of General Extra Sterk in. It tasted like shit when I woke up!


                  • Toque Snuff
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 337


                    I think you are the first, outside of Toque, who has discovered they can mix Toque flavours with loose snus and give the snus a real boost.

                    Is it just the Toque Champagne your doing it with?

                    I find when I do it with Toque Chocolate I keep eating it. LOL!



                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      holy hell, mixing toque snuff with loose snus is a capital idea!(and great marketing).

                      I have a 4/5 full tin of toque nasal snuff that I only use when my nose is blocked up. I have no discovered a use for it as well as a reason to get some loose snus.


                      • superdevil
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 158

                        I don't chainsnus at all. I don't want to end up like I was with cigarettes, when I was smoking two packs a day of Camel non-filtered. I purposely space myself out and won't use more than one regular portion within a two hour period.


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