Another positive(?) article

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  • MisterSpaghetti
    • Jul 2009
    • 54

    Another positive(?) article

    Again, dip gets mentioned hand-in-hand with Swedish snuff. I'm not sure what to make of this article, but I enjoyed the uninformed opinion of the doctor in the comments section.
  • MasterGuns
    • Jun 2009
    • 312

    If I'm not mistaken, weren't most Swedish studies conducted by independent groups and the government, not to mention studies conducted by foreign medical journals?
    And what were these methodological issues they cite? Of course they won't bother naming them, that would be too much work. I can think of some with regards to the Lancet study, but those involved findings regarding cardiovascular and pancreatic cancer risks.
    I think both sides like to pick and choose which studies they pay attention to because of their own biases.
    The best thing is to read the studies for yourself, rather than relying on articles about studies and opinions from people who obviously have an agenda.
    I still love reading these little snippets though, really shows how ignorant some people are.


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