Snus Helps Smokers Quit?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I think US Camel snus is great for those that like it, and it has led many to Swedish snus. What I don't like about it, apart from my personal tastes, that I don't it, too sweet, etc, I think it can give an incorrect assumption of snus to an ignorant public. Being the popular snus in the US, those not knowing may think that it is the standard for snus. I think, maybe, some may feel it is hurting the image of snus, and hurting the possibilty for snus, swedish snus, to become accepted and sold in the US. But maybe not. My buddy likes it, and that's all fine and good. But I do think it appeals to the candy tooth in American, whereas I'd rather have a damp cigar in a tea bag.


    • Nicobuzz
      Banned Users
      • Apr 2009
      • 144

      Smoked for 25 years - snus knocked it on the head immediately. It was so easy to go from cigs to snus - it's hard to get across to people how easy it was. It's actually more satisfying.

      All the scientific surveys that have been completed so far have found it extremely difficult to find a correlation between snus and cancer. Even the pancreatic cancer claim is a bit dodgy. I'm happy with that when you compare it to cigarette smoking and the obviously devastating consequences that belongs to that game.


      • spirit72
        • Apr 2008
        • 1013

        Re: Snus Helps Smokers Quit?

        Originally posted by wa3zrm
        Some smokers say they just can’t quit cigarettes. But previous studies of smokers in Sweden have suggested that many have done just that, by switching to smokeless tobacco. While not without health risks, smokeless tobacco is less harmful than cigarettes.

        Check out this link for more info:
        It most certainly does work, like a charm. I've got almost 2 years in now.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by TropicalBob
          But the most troubling thing I find here is the Camel bashing.
          TropicalBob, I don't think it's a Camel bashing. It's more about to tell people who aren't happy with Camel snus (because of the taste or the low nicotine or whatever), that Swedish snus is a different animal and worth a try. I don't think anyone here wants anyone to feel bad for liking Camel snus.

          Actually I never tried Camel snus, so I very rarely participate in the related discussions here on the board, but on German smokeless-forums I recommend to everyone, who isn't totally happy with nasal snuff or domestic chewing tobacco to just "take the risk" to order a few cans of snus from one of the trusted foreign vendors, just because Swedish snus is in a different league, taste wise, nicotine-wise and IMHO simply allday-usability- and cigarette-"kickability"-wise.

          There's certainly nothing wrong at all with Camel snus, but if someone joins this forum with the idea to find something stronger or less intrusive-tasting than Camel snus than what other hint should be given than to try our beloved (traditional) Swedish snus?



          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Snus Helps Smokers Quit?

            Just to be clear the question was about using snus to quit smoking.

            Face it most people that want to quit smoking aren't in love with tobacco. I'll venture to say most don't want to become tobacco connoisseurs. If they are already using multiple forms of tobacco they don't need snus.

            If the goal is to quit smoking Camel poses 3 problems. It delivers less nicotine, it's more expensive then Swedish snus and it gives people who try it a false impression of what snus is.

            People are ignorant about snus, once they've tried it, if it doesn't work how many of those people will search out Swedish snus (or even know it exists), in their minds they've already tried it, it didn't work, so why bother trying it again.

            I've got nothing against Camel if people what to buy it for the taste but if the goal is to quit smoking, then the best chance at reaching that goal is using Swedish snus, not Camel.


            • mlkramer
              • Jul 2009
              • 393

              I'll agree...but I have to say I might not have discovered Swedish Snus without Camel snus. For that I'm eternally grateful. They could have certainly named it something like spitless dip and I wouldn't be here now LOL.
              I will concur however that a large percentage of people may never even attempt the next step and do some research as I did.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Me too, the best thing about US Camel snus, is it opened the door for inquistive people to find Swedish snus. But, I suspect many are not so inquisitive, and bought it, buy it, but maybe not so inclined to learn about the traditional snus.


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Originally posted by mlkramer
                  I'll agree...but I have to say I might not have discovered Swedish Snus without Camel snus.
                  If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                  • dupee419
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 398

                    I quit smoking using swedish snus 2 weeks ago tomorrow, after having dabbled in snus for a couple months (camel mellow included). I had to find a flavor I could enjoy long term before I could kick the habit. For me Camel was just too damn sweet for daily use (though it does the trick while you wait for your order). All I can say is thank god for Goteborgs.


                    • sm0ke42o
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 105

                      For me the problem with quitting smoking using SNUS was that I still craved cigarettes. I still held smokes above snus in my mind and thought I was settling for snus. When I got my first can of general I never smoked again. I was so pleased with everything about it that I put snus above cigarettes in my mind and wouldn't want to have a smoke instead.

                      Obviously the biggest thing was nicotine delivery. I didn't crave any more nicotine than I was already getting with Swedish snus. I know camel has 8mg but something about it doesn't allow for as much free nicotine because I never got where I wanted to be with Camel no matter what. I venture to say that if I had kept going with SNUS I would have eventually went back to smoking.

                      Another thing that bothers me is the refusal on the part of most American tobacco companies to release the ingredient list for their products. One thing Swedish snus did for me is make me care about what is in my tobacco products and a refusal to disclose that information raises red flags for me. For those reasons I have a distaste for SNUS and most American snus in general. However if some people like it, more power to you. 8)


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        Before using snus, I couldn't quit smoking for more than three months. The initial withdrawals were something I grew accustomed to, but the long-term cravings made me cave-in for that one cigarette, subsequently making me purchase a pack, continuing my current consumption of cigarettes before I had quit.

                        Since using snus, I don't have the long-term craving for cigarettes (nicotine). The decent does of nicotine throughout my days satisfies my drug addiction. It also helps that snus is far less harmful than cigarettes.


                        • paulwall9
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 743

                          Originally posted by snusjus
                          . It also helps that snus is far less harmful than cigarettes.
                          Amen, it is a habit that at least I do not feel as bad as smoking while I am doing it!


                          • CM
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 329

                            It helped, but now that I've röda with lower vitamin N I've started smoking again ALOT. But my swedish friend will send 5x Skruf lös and 5x Claq qui next monday. 8)


                            • paulwall9
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 743

                              Awesome CJ, good luck on quitting smoking again!


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