Any bit of truth in this?
Now researchers have found that popular moist snuff products on sale in the US contain at least 22 PAHs, probably because the tobacco is exposed to wood smoke during its curing process.
Moist snuff, also called snus, is mostly used in North America and Scandinavia, but is banned from sale in all European Union countries except Sweden.
Moist snuff, also called snus, is mostly used in North America and Scandinavia, but is banned from sale in all European Union countries except Sweden.
A typical dose of moist snuff has the same PAH content as five cigarettes, said Irina Stepanov of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis as she presented the findings at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society on 16 August in Washington DC.
Moist snuff consumption, which doubled in the US between 1986 and 2005, has been linked with increased risks of mouth and pancreatic cancers. The PAHs add to 28 cancer-causing chemicals including nicotine and nitrosamines previously identified in the snuff.
Moist snuff consumption, which doubled in the US between 1986 and 2005, has been linked with increased risks of mouth and pancreatic cancers. The PAHs add to 28 cancer-causing chemicals including nicotine and nitrosamines previously identified in the snuff.