Interesting new discovery

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  • dupee419
    • Aug 2009
    • 398

    Interesting new discovery

    Once again I'm stuck wondering where to put this one. It's not about snus specifically, but it is about tobacco and health. Mods- feel free to move this if it's in the wrong section.

    Vaccine developed from tobacco

    the anti-tobacco nazi's can put that one in the proverbial pipe and smoke it. The plant officially has legitimate uses other than preventing murder (caused by withdrawal symptoms of course).
  • pris
    • Mar 2025

    Reminds me of when I read about this one


    • paulwall9
      • Nov 2008
      • 743

      Yeah that is a pretty cool fact to know, they engineered a vaccine with the evil :evil: tobacco plant LOL!


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        The tobacco plant, like many other medical remedies, can be beneficial or harmful, depending on the way its used. For example, ibuprofen can be safe and effective for relieving pain when used correctly. However, if you took a whole bottle, you would drop dead within minutes.

        However, cigarettes give nicotine a bad name. Research has concluded that lifelong nicotine users cut their risk of Parkinson's disease in HALF. That's right: if you consume nicotine throughout your life, you're 50% less likely to get Alzheimer's disease, a medical condition that causes the central nervous system to slowly shut down, causing sufferers to lose control of muscular movement. My grandfather suffers from Parkinson's, and it kills me to watch him slowly erode away. The saddest part though, is he realizes it. He becomes very emotional at times when he can't participate in family activities because of his ailment.

        Lets move onto Alzheimer's disease. Nicotine users are also 50% less likely to suffer from it. Parkinson's disease is terrible, and I know first hand. My great grandmother suffers from it and she doesn't even remember who I am anymore.

        As well, my two family members that suffer from these illnesses never smoked or chewed tobacco. Perhaps if they did, they would never have contracted them. On the flip side, they may have died from smoking-related illnesses prematurely.

        Snus is wonderful because you can safely receive the medical benefits of nicotine without the harmful effects of tobacco smoking. I will never quit snus, since I'm genetically predisposed to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          Wow, that post made me feel sad! I really know what you mean about the parkinsons diease I used to help out at the retirement home and it really is TERRIBLE!


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            my great grandfather has alzheimers. somedays he really thinks hes 40,000 feet in the air, still tailgunning in ww2. its sad. but hes ridiculously old.


            • dupee419
              • Aug 2009
              • 398

              dude... that is really sad.

              alzheimers is horrid by any definition. i used to hang out with my grandmother at her job once in a while, she worked in the alzheimers ward of a nursing home. that has got to be the saddest thing i've ever seen. a lot of them showed up fine and normal but it didn't take long before they were batshit crazy. i'll admit I had some cool conversations with a few of the residents there before they really started to slip.

              if nicotine prevents it, sign me up.


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