Postive effects of snus on life&health.

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Postive effects of snus on life&health.

    The following message is the effects on how going from smoking to snusing has affected my life. This is just my story, and not an attempt to get non tobacco users to do it so you can work out faster/do more, but just to show smokers how it changed after i started using snus, or to relate stories with others who use snus and how it did the same for them.

    I have been using snus and off cigarettes for about 6 months now. About 6 months ago, when I was cutting down on smoking, I was in peak health as a smoker (as good as I could get while I smoked) and could swim a mile a day, run a mile in 14 minutes - now I'm down to about to about 10 minutes to run a mile and can swim 2 miles a day. Before, I could bike may about 2 or 3 miles, now I can bike at least 10. I used to be able to do maybe 5 sit ups a minute, now i'm up to 30ish per minute.


    well, it's not just quitting smoking. quitting smoking helps, but also, snus takes away the distraction i need for a cigarette, and I'll be honest, having an elixyr energy portion in during peak work out doesn't hurt too bad either. i can tell a massive improvement in my exercise now, also with my general health. snus has had a very positive effect on my life.
  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743

    I am really proud of you for quitting smoking man! I am sure for you the health benefits are 150% worth it. Keep up the good work and don't relapse!


    • spirit72
      • Apr 2008
      • 1013

      Yeah, I can definitely validate this, as I'm sure most of the ex-smokers here can.

      It takes a good 6 months before the effects really become noticeable, but....they really become noticeable. I saw huge drops in blood pressure(which had been borderline high), resting heart rate, and even improved levels of both good and bad cholesterol. My productivity at work has gone through the roof, mostly because I'm not going out for a smoke nearly every hour, and jonesing for one when I'm not out there.

      Instead, I can sit and work in my office, using snus and snuff all the damn live-long day.

      But besides that, there's just a much greater feeling of general health that I hadn't felt since about my mid-20's.


      • mlkramer
        • Jul 2009
        • 393

        Damn Chad, I just quit smoking and now ur saying I have to exersize too?!?

        Seriously though, I'm coming up on a month and already can't believe the difference. Around 25 years of smoking and the cough alone vanished within 2 weeks. Snus of course gets it due in this, but stories like Chads and so many others here made as much of a difference to me anyway. I had found snus before snuson and had already been on the right road. The people here just provided some of the validation, encouragment and well placed advise. So if I haven't said it...thanks guys! I'm not going into a list of names(that's been done). Some are recent and some I never had the pleasure to meet as I lurked for quite some time before diving in.

        Figured I better get the thanks is as the reaper will be here in the next day or two and I may not have the opportunity after that.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          Yeah, using snus beats smoking by a long shot! Switching to snus for me was easy. I like snus rather than cigs because with a cig it last like 4 mins tops and than you are done with snus I can enjoy it for like 2 hrs!


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Although minor and insignificant, Snus has made my video game playing a lot more constant. My Rock Band mates, and others on Xbox Live don't have to wait for me to finish a cig. anymore. (Now I get to tell them to hurry up!)


            • daruckis
              • Jul 2009
              • 2277

              haha yes! i find it makes me more alert to shooting people in online multiplayer shooters. which is always a good thing.


              • CM
                • Apr 2009
                • 329

                Well, because of snus I dont move at all, now that I do not need to go downstairs and smoke a cigarette, instead I sit at my computer chair and use snus.


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