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  • ttussok
    New Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 12


    I finally went a week without smoking using General original portion and loose, but negative circumstances led to me relapsing, throwing the tin in the freezer and lighting up.

    I'm back on the wagon today. Has anyone else had a relapse? I read everyone quitting the first time permanently using snus. I bought a tin of general stark portion and skruff stark loose today hoping maybe if I give myself a bigger jolt I won't crave a cigarette again.
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I would recommend ordering General Ekstra Sterk portions or loose, depending on the variety you prefer. The nicotine content is very high and hits you very fast.

    When I quit smoking, I exclusively used strong snus for the first 4 months. Now I can get away with using regular strength snus, except when I'm drinking!


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      I combined smoking and snusing for about 2 months, until snusing finally took over. If you're still smoking, keep alternating with snus, and it will eventually happen.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by RobsanX
        I combined smoking and snusing for about 2 months, until snusing finally took over. If you're still smoking, keep alternating with snus, and it will eventually happen.
        I wouldn't treat snus like a stop smoking drug, where you feel like you have to use 1 or the other, and you've failed if you smoke a cigarette. RobsanX is right on the money. Don't stress it. If you want a cigarette, smoke a cigarette. You'll eventually transition over, so you might as well enjoy the journey :^)

        I had a cigarette tonight. It was my first one in 3 weeks, and it was delicious. It'll probably be the last one I have for another week or 2, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the next one also :^)


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I've relasped pretty bad this past week, but snuson has given me some Sage advice. Don't sweat the smokes. Keep snusing, and smoke when you want one. I go all day without one, but at night I'll smoke. ES will help even further. Eventually you'll be able to smoke one, and not feel the need to smoke another. If you like mint, Thunder Frosted will help you a lot!!


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Welcome to Snuson ttussok

            Yes, stop stressing. Right now, just snus when you want, smoke when you want, doesn't really matter. took me about 6 weeks to completely transition over from smokes to snus. that matches most people's experience here.

            Trust me, your body will just come to prefer the snus. It is just a much better nicotine delivery system, and your body will know that and prefer it. But it's a process. So relax, do what you want. I promise, 2 months from now, you will be largely cigarette free.

            And as I often post. Even now, 2 1/2 years later, I still enjoy that occasional cigarette. Maybe 1 every other month some months, maybe 1 every week other months. But now, I only smoke when I want, never because I need.

            So pull up a chair and join us, we are a real nice bunch here.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              On the contrary to Sage, I quit smoking cold turkey with the aid of snus. I had tried to quit smoking about fifty times and was very motivated to quit, since I was coughing up blood and was diagnosed with asthma.

              In my opinion, you can quit smoking cold turkey with snus; on the contrary, it does take some effort. However, if you're not as motivated to quit as me, it may be a wiser decision to taper down in conjunction with snus.

              Just remember, there is no right or wrong way to quit smoking. It really comes down to motivation and personal reasons for quitting.


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                Re: relapsing

                Originally posted by ttussok
                I finally went a week without smoking using General original portion and loose, but negative circumstances led to me relapsing, throwing the tin in the freezer and lighting up.

                I'm back on the wagon today. Has anyone else had a relapse? I read everyone quitting the first time permanently using snus. I bought a tin of general stark portion and skruff stark loose today hoping maybe if I give myself a bigger jolt I won't crave a cigarette again.
                I smoked for 38 years, I was up to 2-3 packs a day when I made the switch. You don't say how long you have been smoking or how much you were smoking.

                When I made the switch I still allowed myself a weekend pack of cigarettes, that made dealing with cravings a lot easier during the week. That way when you get the urge to smoke you don't deny yourself something you just delay it, and the more I did it, the fewer and fewer cravings I had.

                I made the switch 10 months ago. The last weekend pack I bought was back in June sometime. I'm sure at some point I'll buy another pack but it'll be because it is a choice, not because it is an addiction. 8)


                • mlkramer
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 393

                  Just adding my story for reinforcement. I had the exact same stress as you and had multiple relapsed for quite some time. Based on the same advise you are seeing here. I quit worrying about it and lo and behold it just kind happened. I quit buying packs at some point and didn't really care so much. There were those moment of craving based more on the act of smoking then the nic jonesing that I dealt with sing starks/sterks/stongs. I even found a 1/2 pack left in the car which just sat there for 2 weeks. I then decided to reward myself with 1 smoke after lunch every day until they were gone. Even that didn't make me want to go out and buy another. I'm at the point now that if I decided to buy a pack, I wouldn't have any guilt about it. But, honestly, I haven't had the desire to.

                  Just go with the flow and let the snus take over man


                  • ttussok
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 12

                    Very interesting, thanks so much for the advice. I've been smoking for about 5 years now, never really got up to a pack a day, I think the most I've smoked is 10 cigs a day.

                    I know that's nothing compared to 30 years+ with pack(s) a day. Over the past year I've been snussing at work smoking at home. It's wierd when I got home I felt like I had to make up for the day of not smoking, but I started with general original portion that they sold in a smoke shop by me. I didn't know I could buy them online, and I'm glad I found the stronger variety because the general original or loose just didn't do it for me.

                    Anyway we'll see what happens. I'm not trying to quit for health reasons, mainly because I feel it's made me lazy. Maybe I just need to do what you say and only smoke when I want to, not when I need to. Thanks for all the helpful advice!


                    • MN_Snuser
                      • May 2008
                      • 354

                      Re: relapsing

                      Originally posted by ttussok
                      I finally went a week without smoking using General original portion and loose, but negative circumstances led to me relapsing, throwing the tin in the freezer and lighting up.

                      I'm back on the wagon today. Has anyone else had a relapse? I read everyone quitting the first time permanently using snus. I bought a tin of general stark portion and skruff stark loose today hoping maybe if I give myself a bigger jolt I won't crave a cigarette again.
                      Hang in there, many of us know how you are feeling. I am pulling for you!!!


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by ttussok
                        Very interesting, thanks so much for the advice. I've been smoking for about 5 years now, never really got up to a pack a day, I think the most I've smoked is 10 cigs a day.

                        I know that's nothing compared to 30 years+ with pack(s) a day. Over the past year I've been snussing at work smoking at home. It's wierd when I got home I felt like I had to make up for the day of not smoking, but I started with general original portion that they sold in a smoke shop by me. I didn't know I could buy them online, and I'm glad I found the stronger variety because the general original or loose just didn't do it for me.

                        Anyway we'll see what happens. I'm not trying to quit for health reasons, mainly because I feel it's made me lazy. Maybe I just need to do what you say and only smoke when I want to, not when I need to. Thanks for all the helpful advice!
                        And definitely, early on, make use of strongs. it will just make the process easier and faster. I started using them exclusively in month 2 of using snus, and did that for maybe 4 months. After, i just slipped back to using mostly regular with no issues.


                        • Tin Man
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 210

                          I'm down to about half a pack a day now, from a pack and a half a month ago. And yeah, sterks help a lot. Whenever one of those extra strong cig cravings hit, I pop a Thunder frosted, or even an Onyx. The only problem with Onyx is that it feels like someone sprayed furniture polish in my mouth. But I'll deal with it if it means not lighting up.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Whole bunch of other sterks out there too. I find with sterks, a good variety helps a lot. Although I use a lot of Odens Kanel ES, I use about 6 other sterks mixed in with that


                            • Tin Man
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 210

                              I'm relatively new to snus, and still trying things out. I've got some N&J and Claq Qui on order. Should be here friday along with the roll of Oden's classic Kanel (Grov white is on backorder...GRRR) . Sometimes the Thunder is a little too strong, so I figured I'd try some sterk that's a little less...sterk.


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