Do you think Tobacco will ever be made illegal?

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  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    Do you think Tobacco will ever be made illegal?

    In my opinion, smoking in first world countries will be made illegal in the next 20-30 years. Everyone can say " Tobacco will never be illegal because of the amount of taxes they give to the government " While true, they do pay massive of taxes, their profits on cigarettes are steadily dropping quarter after quarter. Smokers are slowy being isolated and phased out by government regulations that it is likely, that in our lifetimes we will see Tobacco become illegal.
  • cyrax777
    • Jun 2009
    • 290

    even with all the taxes they would easly mitigate it to something else ie soda or fatty foods pisses me off to think of it.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      I do think alot of our basic freedoms will be gone soon. One of my favorite lines from an old movie with Sly and Denis Leary in it:

      Edgar Friendly: You see, according to Cocteau's plan I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder - "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".


      • bigbuyer
        • Jul 2009
        • 119

        If they can make Alcohol illegal then they can make anything illegal. One will all move underground.


        • Redbeard
          • Sep 2009
          • 390

          I would hope that we have learned the lesson that prohibition doesn't work. However, this is government we're talking about. :roll:


          • shikitohno
            • Jul 2009
            • 1156

            They could try, but I think it would fail pretty hard. It would just deregulate quality and drive things underground, like prohibition always does.


            • dEFinitionofEPIC
              • Apr 2009
              • 146


              What do you think??? Our country (and the world) is on a crash course with "1984 meets Brave New World".

              In 20-30 years pretty much everything will be illegal with the following exceptions - We WILL be able to:

              1) Have children (though they'll set a limit)
              2) Eat GMO food.
              3) Take the poison vaccines produced by Big Pharma
              4) Work
              5) Get taxed excessively (includes the wonderful carbon tax)
              6) Lastly and most importantly, DIE --- (Check out the current administration's Science Czar, John P. Holdren. He wrote a book titled "Ecoscience" which is the blueprint on how to significantly reduce world population via genetic tampering with foods, medicines, vaccines, and the water supply. BTW ---I'm not kidding. check it out.)

              The elite want the masses controlled and reduced. In 20-30 years we will all be perfect little slaves. Reject the program and you're going to the joint.

              Nothing surprises me anymore. Just sit back and watch.


              • MrSnusNSnuff
                • Jun 2009
                • 280

                Originally posted by Redbeard
                I would hope that we have learned the lesson that prohibition doesn't work. However, this is government we're talking about. :roll:
                Not even necessarily the government, it's the busybody utopian ultra-liberals running the government we're talking about.


                • MasterGuns
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 312

                  some days the only prayer I pray is one for anarchy, when conscience is the government and people can choose to do whatever for themselves. Sure life would be pretty gritty/depressing, what with having to look out for yourself at all times. But what more ultimate form of freedom is there?
                  Anyways, that's only some days. About tobacco becoming illegal, well as long as lawmakers like cigars and pipes, tobacco is here to stay. If it were made illegal then an underground industry would undoubtedly come up, creating more crime and costing piles of money and countless lives of law enforcement officers and newborn criminals, just like prohibition.
                  We now live in a society that feels it can tell us that since something is bad for us, it has the right to strip it from us. This is the change you can believe in.


                  • Redbeard
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 390

                    Originally posted by MrSnusNSnuff
                    Originally posted by Redbeard
                    I would hope that we have learned the lesson that prohibition doesn't work. However, this is government we're talking about. :roll:
                    Not even necessarily the government, it's the busybody utopian ultra-liberals running the government we're talking about.
                    Perhaps liberals may be pushing tobacco restrictions, but it wasn't liberals who prohibited alcohol or marijuana. Granted, this a gross oversimplification, but historically, liberals tend to favor greater personal freedom and less economic freedom, while conservatives tend favor greater economic freedom and less personal freedom.


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      Originally posted by Redbeard
                      Originally posted by MrSnusNSnuff
                      Originally posted by Redbeard
                      I would hope that we have learned the lesson that prohibition doesn't work. However, this is government we're talking about. :roll:
                      Not even necessarily the government, it's the busybody utopian ultra-liberals running the government we're talking about.
                      Perhaps liberals may be pushing tobacco restrictions, but it wasn't liberals who prohibited alcohol or marijuana. Granted, this a gross oversimplification, but historically, liberals tend to favor greater personal freedom and less economic freedom, while conservatives tend favor greater economic freedom and less personal freedom.
                      Minnesota is one of the most if not the most liberal blue states in the USA and I have experienced nothing but less personal freedom as the years go on. From taxes, tobacco laws, alcohol laws, marijuana laws, park and recreation laws, homeowner laws and basically a clampdown on anything fun.

                      When I travel to Nevada it is like I am in a completely different country with all the personal freedoms and they are a Red state.


                      • Veganpunk
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 5381

                        Originally posted by Redbeard
                        Originally posted by MrSnusNSnuff
                        Originally posted by Redbeard
                        I would hope that we have learned the lesson that prohibition doesn't work. However, this is government we're talking about. :roll:
                        Not even necessarily the government, it's the busybody utopian ultra-liberals running the government we're talking about.
                        Perhaps liberals may be pushing tobacco restrictions, but it wasn't liberals who prohibited alcohol or marijuana. Granted, this a gross oversimplification, but historically, liberals tend to favor greater personal freedom and less economic freedom, while conservatives tend favor greater economic freedom and less personal freedom.
                        It wasn't liberals who came up with the Patriot Act either. I don't think tobacco will be illegal, but I do think cigarettes will be zero tolerated.


                        • Maron
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 49

                          Originally posted by Veganpunk

                          It wasn't liberals who came up with the Patriot Act either. I don't think tobacco will be illegal, but I do think cigarettes will be zero tolerated.

                          LMAO ....... And how has the Patriot Act affected you directly ? And isn't this the snus/health forum ?


                          • Redbeard
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 390

                            Originally posted by truthwolf1
                            Minnesota is one of the most if not the most liberal blue states in the USA and I have experienced nothing but less personal freedom as the years go on. From taxes, tobacco laws, alcohol laws, marijuana laws, park and recreation laws, homeowner laws and basically a clampdown on anything fun.

                            When I travel to Nevada it is like I am in a completely different country with all the personal freedoms and they are a Red state.
                            While I cannot argue your anecdotal evidence (as I've never visited either), I will reiterate that what I said was a generalization. When taken as such, it remains true.

                            Also, to say Nevada is a red state is a bit misleading. Consider the following:

                            1.) When computing average margin of victory over the last five presidential elections, one finds that Nevada leans slightly Democratic (D +2.004, compared to the "bluest" state, Massachusetts, D +26.032, and the "reddest" state, Utah, R +30.768)

                            2.)Nevada's US Senate delegation is split. Their US House delegation is divided (2 R, 1 D). Governor and Lt. Governor are R, while Treasurer, Controller, and AG are D. Both the Assembly (28 D - 14 R) and the Senate (12 D - 9 R) are controlled by Democrats.

                            Based on this evidence, I would consider Nevada to be a swing state or "purple" state.

                            Still, the fact remains, liberals did not cause the prohibition of alcohol or marijuana.

                            Originally posted by Veganpunk
                            It wasn't liberals who came up with the Patriot Act either. I don't think tobacco will be illegal, but I do think cigarettes will be zero tolerated.
                            Liberals did allow themselves to be blinded by fear, though, and give up liberty for security.

                            I think Big Tobacco's lobby is too powerful for cigs to be outlawed.

                            EDITED: to clean up quotes and respond to vegan.


                            • RRK
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 926

                              Originally posted by Redbeard
                              Granted, this a gross oversimplification, but historically, liberals tend to favor greater personal freedom and less economic freedom, while conservatives tend favor greater economic freedom and less personal freedom.
                              IMO, all politicians act in basically the same way. They just take one side or the other so that we feel like our voting system influences government. The two party system is unfortunately just another way of dividing and conquering. If it was really about choice there would be 10, 20 parties to choose from.


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