Tips for my son

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by tom502
    Everyone says Thunder Frosted, but for a great pure tobacco, I say Thunder original. These are great.
    This is it right here. Thunder frosted is my favorite because it is strong and it is one of the few flavored one that I can stomach. Smokers want something strong, everyone is afraid snus will not give them the kick they need. Probably thunder orriginal like Tom said, it will be strong and more tobacooey


    • sth
      • Jan 2009
      • 118

      I always found Skruf Stark White portions to be really nice when I had a craving for nicotine fast like a cigarette-- Something about those makes them have a nic hit that comes on really fast. Could just be me though


      • JPono
        • Sep 2009
        • 415

        Originally posted by sth
        I always found Skruf Stark White portions to be really nice when I had a craving for nicotine fast like a cigarette-- Something about those makes them have a nic hit that comes on really fast. Could just be me though
        Not just you. I had the same experience. Same with Skruf Cranberry.


        • RRK
          • Sep 2009
          • 926

          ACL makes me cringe I have a partial tear and loose ligaments in my right knee from football but have never wanted to get the surgery.

          As far as quitting cigarettes, I may not be a good example since I quit on the last day of a vacation and never used any substitute. My driving force was that I just made myself hate them. The physical problems only lasted about a week then its all about controlling your mind because in my opinion the habit is much harder to break then the addiction.


          • pedro
            New Member
            • Sep 2009
            • 14

            For me the first week was tough. I've smoked for over 30 years. Started with Marlboro reds, then went to Marlb lights and finally my last year was a pack a day on Marlb ultra lights. I think the camels worked beautifully for me cause of the lower nic content of the cigs I was smoking.

            The mornings weren't rough,but I did use to smoke up to 4 cigs before heading out. However right before dinner was the toughest. Maybe because I didn't smoke at work and I mainly did my smoking after working hours in my garage. For a week, right at the dinner table, I would scream, "I want a *&^%$ cigarette!".

            Things that I did that really helped me out was I made sure I had a portion in at the same activities or times when I smoked. Like when I drank coffee or when driving home from work. Now, I just a portion almost all the time. It also helps that I don't hang out with anyone who smokes and I used to mainly smoke in my garage

            I'm on my 5th week of no smoking. It's been amazing considering I smoked for so long and my last successful attempt was for 8 days back in the mid 80's.

            Best of luck


            • somebodysomeone88
              • Apr 2009
              • 43

              In this Marine's oppinion for a heavy nicotine solution it's Thunder Frosted for the win. It put the final nail in the coffin for kicking my cigarette habit, and definately put the car in drive away from my filthy skoal habit.


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