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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947


    I had my 3rd -6mo.- check up / cleaning since I started snus this morning.

    My visit was short. My check up went great.

    The hygienist spent very little time picking and prodding. I had some x-rays for the year since I turned them down last time. She polished my teeth and then left the room.

    The dentist came in with her when she came back. The hygienist told her how great my mouth was and that everything looked BETTER than when I was in 6mos. ago. The dentist, who usually is a condescending oral hygiene nazi, poked around. She, my dentist is a woman, looked at my x-rays and smiled.

    She said, "Whatever you're doing keep doing it. Your mouth is in great shape."

    Now bear in mind I made no mention of snus. Neither did they. The only difference between now and my last visit is that I completely switched to snus from cigarettes about three months ago.

    I use MORE snus now than I used to. My oral hygiene routine hasn't changed.

    I'm not trying to say snus is going to turn your cess pool into a well of Evian water. I'm not telling you snus has no ill effects on your health or on your mouth and teeth.

    I am telling you that since I started snusing almost two years ago my mouth is in good shape. Since I stopped smoking cigarettes it's gotten even better.

    I honestly believe the non-acidic nature of snus makes my mouth harbor less bad stuff. I know the distinct lack of sugar, a la dip, makes snus far less of a worry for me than American chew of any kind.

    So I wonder, had I told her I used snus, would she have been so agreeable? I don't know. I'm not finding out either.

    I will also add that my whole brush and floss routine has been better since I started using snus. Especially loose. So maybe my positive experience is all due to me stepping up my game?

    Soft bristle toothbrush and floss picks FTW!
  • MojoQuestor
    • Sep 2009
    • 2344

    That is awesome, baker. I dropped several grand :shock: on my teeth a couple of months ago. I want them to last a little while.

    As many years as it had been since I'd been to a dentist or hygenist, my gums (not so much my teeth) were surprisingly good shape. I can't give snus much credit for that, since this was about the time I started. But your post really cheers me up.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Great report. My dentist said I had a bit of recession, but it isn't too bad. Otherwise, everything is normal. I don't have the bad stains I used to get on my teeth though :^)


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        I went to the dentist about a month ago and he said my mouth was in great shape, still no cavities, no discoloration, everything straight.

        I had a slight inflamation o fthe gums (gingivitis) but he said it was so small to the point where it may just be natural and suggested I just keep doing what i'm doing.

        I agree with you that I think something in the snus kills of bacteria in the mouth, my mouth has been in great shape. Then again, I switched from dipping so that was probably a big contributor in the past.


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          I love reading these stories. Good stuff. My mouth seems good as well. Sometimes I burn out my gums to the point where it's so painful I have to move the snus to a new place. But I'm way overdoing it so...


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Similiar story. But I told them.

            Checkup. "Great!" First checkup since last year when I was a smoker. They praised my smile, asked if I had changed brush habits.

            "Well....I quit smoking..."

            "That's it! That will make a difference."

            "I use snus."

            "Really? dip?"

            Then I explained it to the doctor, and he said he was going to suggest it to people who couldn't quit smoking, because he saw that it doesn't hurt oral hygeine. I was impressed! A DOCTOR with an OPEN MIND!


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Originally posted by chadizzy1
              Then I explained it to the doctor, and he said he was going to suggest it to people who couldn't quit smoking, because he saw that it doesn't hurt oral hygeine. I was impressed! A DOCTOR with an OPEN MIND!
              Wow. Go, dentist


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                ha my dentists almost orgasmed over my teeth today...she couldnt stop telling me how beautiful my teeth were and blah blah blah...the only thing she noticed was that i clenched my teeth and needed to use a flouride based mouth wash but nothin stains or gum recession


                • Choice
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 32

                  You really do not need fluoride..

                  I know it sounds strange, BUT brush your teeth with natural vegetable soap.

                  There is free-colloidal calcium in your saliva... if your teeth are "CLEAN" meaning there is no silicone coating on them the calcium can re-bind to your tooth enamel. If you brush with silica based toothpastes it leaves a coating on your teeth that is slick- hence they feel clean- this layer of silicone blocks the calcium from binding to your enamel.

                  Fluoride does harden your teeth sure... however it is also a neurotoxin. As long as you take care of your teeth you do not need fluoride at all. Your teeth will fix themselves to a point

                  Think about it for a second.

                  Oh and before you toss that out regarding the soap tasting nasty-

                  I said a natural vegetable soap, peppermint, almond, etc..

                  The only place you do not want the soap to touch is the middle of your tongue... as long as the soap does not hit on that spot you cannot taste it in any significant way ...

                  Even if you do if you get the right kind of bar soap on your tongue it really does not taste that bad.

                  I have brushed with soap for 5 years and have had weak spots that I used to have on my teeth firm up... my dentist could not believe it looking at my dental records.

                  My mom had really tempurature sensitive teeth and used that tarded nerve deadening toothpaste I told her to try soap.. her teeth do not hurt anymore.

                  Plus a bar of decent soap lasts for years.

                  After 5 years of brushing with it I am only on my second bar --and that's because my kids put the soap in the toilet so that first bar was done.


                  • desirexe
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 1170

                    I've been using snus for about 2 years now and I hate to admit it, but I have not seen a dentist since. I have no issues and take superb care of my teeth so I just haven't bothered going in, even for a cleaning. This thread has made me curious as to what a dentist would say about my teeth and mouth though after 2 years of snus. I'm going to schedule an appt. on Monday!! Thank you for giving me the courage to do this because I really hate dentists, but now I see this as a 'research' appointment! I am hoping I can be one of those snus users who can come out with a clean and cheap bill of oral health!


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      No matter what the best thing to do if you can afford to is get checked once a year to see if anything needs work.

                      I know a few folks who have put off the dentist for whatever reason and not gone in until things had gotten bad.

                      Preventative work is cheaper and less painful than restoration.

                      Snus really has changed my life though.

                      I just turned the heat on in my car for the first time this season and smelled cigarette stale yuck.

                      Hope everyone's taking care of their choppers.


                      • jackbency
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 3

                        First of all , find a good and well settled in your area for that You can start by asking your relatives, friends and co-workers about the dentist they regularly visit. You can ask some common questions. Is he good or not, how much he charges and how to get appointments. A dentist should be friendly to the children and most importantly ask whether he accepts insurance. This is one of the easiest and best methods to find out a good dentist in your area.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Originally posted by jackbency
                          First of all , find a good and well settled in your area for that You can start by asking your relatives, friends and co-workers about the dentist they regularly visit. You can ask some common questions. Is he good or not, how much he charges and how to get appointments. A dentist should be friendly to the children and most importantly ask whether he accepts insurance. This is one of the easiest and best methods to find out a good dentist in your area.
                          ....i'm glad for someone clearing up the confusion on that.


                          • LaZeR
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 3994

                            Originally posted by jackbency
                            First of all , find a good and well settled in your area for that You can start by asking your relatives, friends and co-workers about the dentist they regularly visit. You can ask some common questions. Is he good or not, how much he charges and how to get appointments. A dentist should be friendly to the children and most importantly ask whether he accepts insurance. This is one of the easiest and best methods to find out a good dentist in your area.
                            I'll be damned! I never thought of that. :idea:



                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              Originally posted by chadizzy1
                              Originally posted by jackbency
                              First of all , find a good and well settled in your area for that You can start by asking your relatives, friends and co-workers about the dentist they regularly visit. You can ask some common questions. Is he good or not, how much he charges and how to get appointments. A dentist should be friendly to the children and most importantly ask whether he accepts insurance. This is one of the easiest and best methods to find out a good dentist in your area.
                              ....i'm glad for someone clearing up the confusion on that.

                              haha chad your reply made me almost fall out of my chair.


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