Anti Camel SNUS website

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    • Aug 2009
    • 528

    Originally posted by texasmade
    Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY
    I love reading the comments on this website and seeing a bunch of mispelled nonsense followed by clear articulate responses in defense of snus.
    snus makes you more articulate?
    Yes based on the posts on the comments section lack of nicotine makes you spell like you are writing for a Nuff Z Nuff fanzine and snus makes you able to post coherent thoughts.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      haha i swear that the anonymous comments were people from that site posting because they all said THIS SITE IS AWESOME or something else like that


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I actually think most young under 18 smokers I have seen actually have their parents buy their cigs for them.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY
          ... snus makes you able to post coherent thoughts.
          The pro-snus comments are mostly from snuson-members. The meltdown-site has briefly been discussed before.



          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Originally posted by tom502
            I actually think most young under 18 smokers I have seen actually have their parents buy their cigs for them.
            i know plenty of people like personally id let my kids smoke weed before i let em buy cigs i think 15 or 16 is an appropriate age if they ever brought it up


            • Ainkor
              • Sep 2008
              • 1144

              Here is my message:

              Dear editor:

              Please advertise more smokeless tobacco products. It has been proven through scientific studies that using smokeless tobacco to quit smoking is effective and MUCH safer than smoking.

              -Project Meltdown


              • shikitohno
                • Jul 2009
                • 1156

                It irritated me enough went on a nice rant for them.
                The argument about them looking like candy or mints is somewhat silly. When was the last time your kid was in the store and the candy was behind the counter, in a refrigerator? Just like with beer, if a company is marketing them at kids, they should be punished. But if the kids are actually buying them, something in the store is going wrong. Aside from that, kids make friends with older kids, who aren't usually that scrupulous about who they buy cigarettes for.

                @John, clearly you've been living under a rock. All tobacco products are required to have a health warning on them. If it's oral tobacco, it has to have one concerning oral cancer as well a other cancers. Doesn't necessarily mean that it's true for every particular products, although I doubt I'd trust Camel Snus.

                Finally, you can't equate Camel Snus to Swedish snus. It's like comparing a Philly Blunt to a hand-rolled Cuban cigar, or Poland Springs vodka to Grey Goose. They are processed quite differently, flavoured differently, and there has been quite a bit of research on snus. It increases your risk of pancreatic cancer slightly, and it's possible it has an impact on cardiovascular health. It's regulated as a food product as well.

                As for the difference in their analysis for health impact (looking at you Jake), the European Union has more stringent health standards than we do, and for those of you who think we're top of everything when it comes to health and safety, there's still tons of products that are banned in the E.U. for safety reason, that are still fine in the US.

                Snus is currently illegal to sell in the E.U. as they didn't want to have to deal with a different form of nicotine addiction if it became popular outside its traditional lands. And you know what? They're considering making it legal again to help people quite, as it's shown to be much less dangerous than smoking. For the mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers out there about to pounce, less dangerous doesn't mean totally safe. Nobodies saying snus is totally safe. But you don't see too many snusers dying from lung cancer in Sweden. In fact, it has one of the lowest cancer rates in the E.U. amongst men, who statistically snus more than smoke. With the women, who smoke more often than snus, the cancer rate is just around the average.

                To finish up, yes it's not good for you. But if your kid's still so bloody thick he hasn't figured out tobacco is unhealthy yet, you'd best hope he closes his mouth if he looks up when it's raining out. Honestly, just because you can't be bothered to parent doesn't mean I should have to do it for you. Pay attention to what your kids read, what they see online or on TV, and speak to them. You didn't have to have the irritating little things, so I shouldn't have to suffer just because you wanted little snowflake, and now you wished there'd been a condom involved when it comes time to do your job as a parent.
                Waiting to see the seething hatred ooze out of my laptop from them.


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  haha thats great


                  • GENERAL BILLY
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 528

                    Snus is even more nefarious than we thought. Look they market it to look like shoe polish! unsuspecting kids won't know the difference:


                    • RobsanX
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 2030

                      Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY
                      Snus is even more nefarious than we thought. Look they market it to look like shoe polish! unsuspecting kids won't know the difference:



                      • badlands
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 297

                        they remove most posts not agreeing with the site. especially ones citing provable facts.


                        • Kvlt
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 197

                          This is why I fear Camel coming into the market raises the viability of snus in a negative light. No matter how safe snus is, people will want to ban it because it contains tobacco and nicotine.



                          • shikitohno
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 1156

                            I love how they keep saying it's packaged like mints, so kids are going to be confused and not get carded. Despite the fact that it's kept in a fridge, surrounded by tobacco products, and happens to have the name of one of the best known cigarette companies in the US on it. Seriously, if kids are that stupid now, people should just give up and stop having them. And the cashiers aren't going to know it's tobacco either? Really? They harp on this hypothetical string of events like it happens all the time.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              I think this anti-tobacco lobby is part of the PRO tobacco lobby.

                              Hear me out:

                              Cigarettes will never go away, and people will always smoke them.
                              But many people are trying different ways of getting nic instead of smoking, so they switch to snus etc.

                              So the tobacco lobby starts a new lobby aimed at making any cigarette alternative look like its evil and must be banned, thereby freeing up all the marketshare for those who manufacture cigs. If they can demonize any alternate form of nic by claiming it targets kids, than they will be free to continue selling nasty cigs into the forseable future.


                              • Kvlt
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 197

                                Originally posted by sgreger1
                                I think this anti-tobacco lobby is part of the PRO tobacco lobby.

                                Hear me out:

                                Cigarettes will never go away, and people will always smoke them.
                                But many people are trying different ways of getting nic instead of smoking, so they switch to snus etc.

                                So the tobacco lobby starts a new lobby aimed at making any cigarette alternative look like its evil and must be banned, thereby freeing up all the marketshare for those who manufacture cigs. If they can demonize any alternate form of nic by claiming it targets kids, than they will be free to continue selling nasty cigs into the forseable future.
                                Hence why Phillip Morris supports the PACT act.

                                Aren't clove cigs illegal now?


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