Originally posted by Kvlt
Anti Camel SNUS website
I've had the Djarum Special clove cigar so far... while very close, it isn't an exact match (is a bit bigger, and the tobacco paper does give a little bit of a different taste). I do give them kudos though for responding to this so quickly and bring a product to the market that clove fans can still purchase.
I've had the new Djarum blacks. Don't like em as much. The tobacco feels harsher, like a regular cigarette. I do like that they aren't as sweet though.
And about these lobbyists... what cracks me up is they think they are actually changing peoples minds.
I talked to one of my professors who went on a rant about how he hates tobacco because both his parents died of lung cancer.
I felt bad for him, so I didn't respond with my usual "that's like hating cars because your parents died in a car wreck".
Silly silly people. I got in a car wreck with a drunk driver... I don't hate booze, to do that would just be silly, no matter what anyone tells you. People just can't stand taking responsibility for themselves...
rant concluded
Re: Anti-snus website
The market research gathered by the company can also be packaged and sold. Want the 12 to 17 demographic opinion of snus packaging? Here it is.
The main reason I am skeptical is that Philip Morris pioneered the model of the deceptive tobacco company youth smoking prevention program.
Is this different?[/quote]
Andrew always has good insight into these things but all the anti snus quotes read like they were written by the same person and not someone under 18. Maybe they were hired to collect the demographic data and haven't been succesful so they are faking it.
I really love this section:
If everyone knows your product kills, what do you do? Make it safer? Stop selling it?
Or repackage it in a way that sounds safer?
That’s what is being done. And it’s not even being denied—David P. Howard, the Director of Communications for RJ Reynolds, the tobacco company behind many of the new products, said, “We are not making any health claims with these products. The most important thing to remember is these are tobacco products, and every tobacco product carries risk.”
There are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics. But taking up an unchallenged position at the bottom of the credibility heap is the new generation of anti-tobacco propaganda. I'm to the point right now where I hope it DOES encourage kids to start using tobacco, just like viewing the movie"Reefer Madness" in 1970 made us want to smoke dope when we saw it. In our view, anything that generated that kind of hysterical opposition must have had SOMETHING going for it.
I am so sick of the smothering abstraction called "kids" or "the children." What have future generations ever done for me anyway? If I saw a bunch of kids playing on my lawn, I'd be seriously tempted to turn the garden hose on them. Unless the little rug rats were smoking.
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