Gums are starting to hurt..

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  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    Gums are starting to hurt..

    I've been using General mainly for the past few weeks and now my gums have been hurting. I mainly snus on my left side, since the snus seems to stay there nicely. Now when I pop a portion in, within a few minutes my gum where the snus is starts to hurt and almost throb in a way..

    I thought it mightve been because of the General, so I've been switching up brands and I still have the pain while using the snus. Within a minute of me spitting the portion out, the pain stops.

    It's a noticible pain, almost like the snus is sharp edged and abrasive and digging in to my gum.

    What the hell should I do? I feel like the guys who use dip and complain about how their gums hurt.

    On top of the gum pain, I also noticed over the past month or so that snus is irritating my throat more and more while im using it.
  • Liandri
    • Jul 2009
    • 604

    Perhaps you should stop.

    Or switch to the right side, bear with the comfort problem. You're using an oral product and despite what the product is, you're putting something foreign in your mouth and expecting it to be happy. If you need nicotine that badly get a box of nicotine gum and allow your gums to heal up or get tougher.


    • shikitohno
      • Jul 2009
      • 1156

      If you're using portions, I'd say try mixing some lös in every so often. If you're using lös, try a softer brand, like Röda Lackett. Either way, you should definitely switch up sides. As for the throat thing, it could be a bunch of things. If you're sucking on the portion for flavour, stop. Have a drink with your snus. Try opening your lips and breathing in fast through your teeth (it should make a hissing sound) to dry out the portion a little. I would say try whites, but this would probably aggravate your first problem.


      • TheOneandOnly
        • Jun 2009
        • 616

        Originally posted by shikitohno
        If you're using portions, I'd say try mixing some lös in every so often. I would say try whites, but this would probably aggravate your first problem.

        I have a can of Offroad Cranberry lös I use a few times a week, and while the gum pain is less noticible, it's still there.. As for the whites, the pain pretty much started when I popped in a General white. Maybe the General white was too abrasive for my gum and irritated it (Gen white is very dry). Maybe it just needs some time to heal.


        • pris
          • Mar 2025

          I would recommend trying some different brands/types to see if they are more comfortable in your mouth and don't irritate your throat as much and also regulary switching where you place your snus.

          To me brown portions are kinder to my gums than whites or loose but others will find otherwise.

          I think it's a case of experimentation to see what works best for you as far as the different brands/types of snus go.


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290

            White portions irritate my gums pretty badly. Inow use mostly los and all of my gum irritation was gone after a day.

            I only use regular portions a 2-3 times a week (meetings at work, the occasional energy portion) and haven't had any problems since. I never use whites anymore.



            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I had some gum discomfort, not real bad, on my left side, not from snus per se, just some "thing" being on my gum, but in time, it has stopped. I also equally switch sides, and 99% use portions, white and original.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                it happens then passes just switch up sides or stop for a couple hours if you chainsnus


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  My gums burned for the first few months of using snus. The membrane mucosa will eventually adjust to the pH and nicotine in snus. I would recommend trying Gotlandssnus or General Silver, since they both have a lower pH than leading brands.


                  • Asquar
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 256

                    Everyone is different. Tolerances and sensitivities vary greatly from person to person. I can pretty much chain snus without discomfort, but if the practice is causing you pain, you should listen to what the pain is saying to you.

                    Perhaps some of the advice given above (switching to los, giving your gums time to toughen up etc.) will work for you, and you'll be able to enjoy snus sooner or later. It is also possible that snus just isn't your thing. Good luck.


                    • TheOneandOnly
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 616

                      I'm a veteran snuser, this just happened out of the blue... anyways, I stopped with the generals and the gum pain went away. Im currently enjoying a portion of 01


                      • keyguard123
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 3

                        Due to temperature change as with season change I feel pain in the left jaw. Can any body suggest me any medicine or tip.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Re: Gums are starting to hurt..

                          Originally posted by TheOneandOnly
                          I've been using General mainly for the past few weeks and now my gums have been hurting. I mainly snus on my left side, since the snus seems to stay there nicely. Now when I pop a portion in, within a few minutes my gum where the snus is starts to hurt and almost throb in a way..

                          I thought it mightve been because of the General, so I've been switching up brands and I still have the pain while using the snus. Within a minute of me spitting the portion out, the pain stops.

                          It's a noticible pain, almost like the snus is sharp edged and abrasive and digging in to my gum.

                          What the hell should I do? I feel like the guys who use dip and complain about how their gums hurt.

                          On top of the gum pain, I also noticed over the past month or so that snus is irritating my throat more and more while im using it.
                          I've been using General White primarily for the past month or two, maybe less...but I noticed the pain the first few months after switching (I was doing Thunder Frosted Original Portion regularly before that), and I think it's just my gums adjusting to the white portion. It passes though. Just bear through it, your gums will toughen up if they go the same route as mine did.


                          • jackolantern
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 198

                            This happens to me from time to time. It is the salt in the snus, and it can irritate your gums if you use it over and over in the same spot. Try to use other locations in your mouth, and it usually takes about 1 - 2 days for an irritated spot to heal up for me.


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              Originally posted by keyguard123
                              Due to temperature change as with season change I feel pain in the left jaw. Can any body suggest me any medicine or tip.
                              If it(the pain) is directly influenced by a change in weather, You may want to ask if it hurts in other places at the same time. There may be an underlying issue (Arthritis) Seeing how your jaw is predominantly a joint not entirely unlike your hip or knee. Of course I am not a doctor so take from my prognosis what you will.....


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